
a/n: okay i feel like this should be clear, but obviously Enmu is not exactly cannon. To the people who vote and read thank you so much :) Hope you enjoy!

Enmu, surprisingly enough, is the one to approach first the next time you see him. You jump back in shock, the memory of his inhumanness coming back to you immediately.

"Enmu!" You say, trying not to betray any emotion in your voice.

"It's nice to see you again," Enmu says, smiling down at you, and you force yourself to push down your worry and disgust.

"You too," You reply, trying your best to reciprocate his smile. Wrong. Everything about this just feels wrong now. Maybe, there was a reason he couldn't go out in the sun. Maybe, there was a reason he liked bloody steak.

You didn't know if you could do this, your revulsion making it hard for you to keep your face neutral. Too late. Enmu noticed something was up with you. He touched your hand gently with his gloved one, and your skin crawls. You try your best not to pull your arm away.

"Are you okay?" He asks, and you mumble something dumb in response.

"Oh, I- well, things have been, okay, you know? I don't, anyways, I am so sorry, but I am not feeling too well right now, I have to go back to my room."

Enmu nods at you, his eyebrows scrunched a little in worry. "I will see you around, then." He says slowly, still observing your body language.

You walk off to your room quickly, controlling your speed so it is nearly but not quite a run. You open the door to your roomette, relieved to be finally there. The door slides open with a soft click, but to your alarm you see Enmu sitting in one of the seats near the window, legs crossed, looking directly at you, only the barest hint of a smile on his face.

"I know somethings up," he says softly. "And I know it has to do with me. I have a certain, ah, quality that can tell things like this."

He smiles at you, but it just feels sinister, and you realize just then how dangerous the man sitting down in your room right now is.

"Now, why don't you let me know, and we can solve this little problem?"

"I know you're not human." You say bluntly. Enmu raises his eyebrows in surprise, a rather shrewd look crossing his pale features.

"Ahh, I see." He says, a hint of humor in his silky voice. "And, what exactly would I be, then?"

"I- I don't know." You reply. "But, you are dangerous. If you are going to kill me, do it now."

Enmu lets out a light, tinkling laugh. "Why would I do that?"

"You- you eat humans! Why wouldn't you eat me?!" Hurt flashes quickly across his eyes, but it's gone in an instant.

"Not all humans," He replies. "Only some. The ones who are weak, the ones with no hope left. I give them a sweet dream, and then in return, they give me food. They often aren't long for life anyways."

You gasp in horror. "How could you eat someone?"

Enmus eyes turn cold. "I don't have much of a choice in the matter, dear."

You want to scream at him, yell something, but Enmu listened to you once upon a time, so you decide to humor him.

"Alright. Tell me why you don't have a choice. I'm listening." Enmu motions to the seat across from his, and you take it gingerly, worried about the proximity you have to a vampire or whatever Enmu was. His smell of lavender and chamomile still proves calming to you, though.

You learn about his boss, whom he refused to name, that he was a demon, and other things about his past that had been unclear to you. A lot of people, Demon Slayers, he called them, were battling this boss of his. It was this boss that was controlling him, manipulating him into the things that he was doing. You might have been wary of believing such a story except for the way Enmus' eyes looked terrified, or the way that his body trembled a little bit when he talked about him.

"He has this way of controlling us through blood. And I- my mind, it becomes blurry, and I wake up to see the bloodshed around me."

"I do enjoy pain." He says quietly. "But pain to the extent in which it dulls someone's life force is no fun."

After he finished talking, you sighed into your hand, not knowing what to think.

"I just, I don't know." You mumble, and he lets out a quiet sigh.

"I could make you forget, if you'd like. It's one of my many dreamy powers." Enmu lets out a laugh, as light as ever, but it's tinged with bitterness. You don't even have words to reply to him. He stands up, brushing off his pants lightly with his gloved hands.

"I will be on my way now. My offer still stands though." Enmu pauses near the door, looking back at you with an expression of exquisite sadness.

"If this is- the last time I get to see you-"

"-Please know that you were my most favorite human, out of all of the ones i've spent time with."

The door closes behind him with a soft woosh.

You don't sleep at all that night. As dawn breaks, you realize you don't want him to erase your memory of him. Too bad he isn't here to hear that.

That is the last time you see Enmu for a long time.
