
After dropping Bereet off and apologising for the rough start of the trip, Peter and Eleanor headed towards the shop that the Broker owned. Unknowingly to them, Yondu had placed a bounty onto them both and now two bounty hunters were watching them.

The door opened and the Broker looked up to see the father-daughter duo walk in.

"Mr. Quill," he greeted them, "Ms. Quill."

"Broker." they replied at the same time.

Peter pulled the Orb out of his pocket, "The Orb," he placed it onto the table, "As commissioned."

"Where's Yondu?" Broker asked.

"Wanted to be here. Sends his love," replied Peter, and Eleanor turned around so the Broker couldn't see her smirk. She pretended to be interested in the objects inside the glass cases, "And told me to tell you, that you got the best eyebrows in the business."

Broker scoffed, looking down at the Orb. Peter eyed him, "What is it?"

"It's my policy never to discuss my clients, or their needs."

"Yeah, well, I almost died getting it for you." Peter replied, starting to sound angry.

"An occupational hazard, I'm sure, in your line of work." said Broker, and Eleanor turned back around to eye him angrily. Her father almost dying was not something to joke light heartedly about. "Some machine-headed freak, working for a dude named Ronan." Peter replied.

The look on the Broker's face changed immediately, "Ronan? I'm sorry, Mr. Quill," he started to head around the table, "I truly am. But I want no part of this transaction if Ronan is involved." he picked up the Orb and shoved it into Peter's arms before pushing him towards the shop's exit. Eleanor followed after them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Peter replied, "Who's Ronan?"

"A Kree fanatic, outraged by the peace treaty," the Broker's voice shook as he spoke, "who will not rest until Xandarian culture, my culture, is wiped from existence."

He started to push Peter again, "He's someone whose bad side I'd rather not be on."

He opened the door, and pushed Peter out. As the door shut, he turned to face Eleanor. She smiled awkwardly and headed towards the door. Before she left, she turned to the Broker, "I'm from here as well. So was my mom.". She gave a satisfied nod and headed out of the door to see her dad talking to some green woman.

"Peter Quill. People call me Star-Lord." he said. Eleanor snorted.

"Nobody calls you that."

Peter rolled his eyes, "And this is my daughter, Eleanor."

The green woman finished sucking on the fruit in her hand, "You have the bearing of a man of honour."

"Well, you know, I wouldn't say that," Peter looked down, throwing the Orb up in his hand and catching it, "People say it about me, all the time," he threw it up again, "but it's not something I would ever say about myself."

The green woman snatched the Orb from Peter's hand and kicked him right into his stomach. He groaned out in pain, becoming paralysed for a moment allowing the green woman to run. Eleanor sped over to her dad, checking that he was okay before turning to glare at the woman. Peter brought a device out of his pocket and chucked it at her. An orange rope wrapped around the woman's legs causing her to fall and drop the Orb. Peter and Eleanor sprinted towards her. Peter jumped into the air and ended up being kicked in the stomach again by the green woman. Eleanor picked up the Orb and started to run. She didn't have a proper destination in mind, she just needed to get to somewhere safe.

However, her path was blocked by a massive tree, who chucked a sack over her head and scooped her up. The accompanying raccoon launched himself at the green woman, who was about to kill Peter.

"Put him in the other bag. Put him in the other bag!" the raccoon yelled at the tree. It started to grow branches from its arms as it headed for the green woman, "No! Not her, him!" the raccoon yelled, "Learn genders, man."

As the tree and the raccoon were too focused on the green woman, Eleanor managed to kick her bag off the tree's shoulder. She landed on the ground on her side but she didn't have long to react to the pain. Once the initial shock was over, she kicked open the bag and started to make a run for it towards Peter.

"Orb?" he asked, and Eleanor smiled, chucking it into the air and catching it.

Peter smiled and the two started to run, "Proud of you, bean."

A knife hit into Eleanor's hand. She hissed and dropped the Orb. "Dad, I dropped it. Green lady hit me with a knife."

Peter's eyes widened, "A knife? Are you okay, Els?"

"Yeah, it just hit my hand," she replied, "Sorry I don't have the Orb anymore."

"That's okay, kiddo," he said, "Watch this." he winked.

He jumped off the side, landing on top of the green woman. Eleanor looked over the side and cheered her father on.

"For God's sake, not them," she muttered, watching as the tree smothered her dad with the bag. The raccoon was looking for her, "Yondu put a bounty on us?"

She watched as the green woman fought the tree with a sword, causing it to drop the bag that held Peter. He got out of the bag and started to run away. Eleanor wanted to make sure he had gotten far enough away before she started to run too. She was correct to, as the raccoon launched something at her dad and he started to writhe around on the floor crying out in pain.

"Oh, now what?" she said, spotting two Nova Corp guards walking towards her. She started to run away, darting between the crowd, looking back at the guards until she bumped into someone and the guards caught up with her.

"Eleanor Rory Quill. You're under arrest for endangerment to life, destruction of property and for resisting arrest." One of the guards said, as they held her wrists behind her back.

"Technically, I wasn't resisting arrest because you weren't trying to arrest me."

"Technically, the more you talk, the more can be used against you." the guard smiled.

Eleanor scowled at him, "I want a lawyer."
