
C H A P T E R  T W E L V E -

"Marco!" she cried, her body trembled frantically as she clutched tighter at the hem of my jacket.

I began to feel the wetness from my shirt as I carefully patted her back, in any way to calm her and explain the situation. But she never stopped, she continued to wail loudly as the night became evident.

"Tell me what's going on," I murmured against her ear whilst my heart was racing. I never saw her in this state and I was mortified.

I was clueless about comforting a person. Nobody ever asked nor cried in front of me and here I was, utterly confused how to let the blonde explain why she began tearing up.
And we stood in the same position for almost ten minutes or so I deducted.

By the time that time had reached, she pulled away from me. I got a view of her face, her eyes were red and swollen, same with her nose, her hair messy as she let them flow down her shoulders. She lifted her hands and wiped the dried up tears.

Then she met my gaze and I saw the dreary emotion clouding her blue eyes. "Jade's gone," she squeezed out the words.

"Who's Jade?" I asked.

She closed her eyes for a second and bit her lip, holding herself from crying all over again. Then she flicker them open. "Jade, my dog, ran away."

"I'm not even sure if I'll ever see her again and that scares me," she says hoarsely.

I held her shoulders and squeezed them in comfort. "Jade's really important, isn't she?"

She nodded, clutching at her other arm. "Jade's the only one that understands me, even though I have people who care for me, I never tell them how I really feel."

"It's not like I don't want someone to comfort me but I don't want to be a burden. I don't want people to see me as someone vulnerable. The only thing that keeps me going with this charade is Jade. She doesn't speak nor reply, she simply sits beside me as we stare outside, letting my thoughts ran wild as she let me pats her fur," she smiles dreary.

"She'll never judge me, she accepts me. And she's gone. I don't know what will I do," tears starting forming from her eyes once more.

"I never ask for help, but Jade is important to me that I need you to help me please, Marco," she pleads in desperation and I wiped her tears. "Okay."


"Where was the last time you saw her?" I inquired as we began our search. We started strolling around the park, which I believe is one of the places where dogs like to ran free and roll down around with the lawn.

She eyed me."I-I don't know. I arrived home and realized she wasn't there anymore."

"She's not at the park," I replied, squinting my eyes for any shadow or form lurking around the grassy fields.

"How about we ask your neighbours?" I suggested.

It takes her a second before replying. "Okay."


"Where the hell could Jade be?!" she yelled frantically, her hands clenched around her hair as she walked in circles.

I tried to reach for her but she shook her head. "Don't. Don't comfort me and say everything's alright because it isn't."

We had asked anyone that might've seen the described dog but they all shook their heads and continued to their destination.

We took a rest and sat by the boardwalk, the cold breeze took a hitch on my skin as the weather became twice as cold. I glanced back at Star with her arms crossing, repeatedly rubbing for warmth.

I stood up and took off my jacket, she eyed me."What?"

"Wear this," I pointed at the jacket but she refused.

"Star, I already told you that it's okay to be weak sometimes," I toned down. Then she suddenly snapped."Don't act like you know me! You'll never understand!"

"I do Star! I do!" I yelled back in frustration that she looked startled by the outburst.

I sighed and combed my hair in anger."You think you're the only one weak? I'm weaker than you. I pushed  everyone away because I'm a coward and I run away from my problems!"

"I'm sorry," she said. "--I didn't mean to shout at you. I-I just kinda got frustrated we haven't found Jade."

"Let's just continue finding Jade," I rose up and continued walking.


We continued strolling around the streets and kept asking everyone. Star  would try to bring up the subject but I try to divert it. I didn't need her sympathy, I just couldn't help but let frustration get the best of me too.

It was turning nine o'clock and I almost told her to continue tomorrow when a dog came dashing and lunged towards Star.

She hugged Jade so tightly as she fell on her knees. I watched her by afar.

She then faced me and her eyes flickered with joy. "We found Jade!"

I couldn't help but let a smile. Star as a woman? At first I never understood, but I think I knew exactly what they meant now. "We did."

I walked closer to her and ruffled her hair. She looked at me in confusion. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing really. How about we go home and bring Jade home?"

As we passed the silent but lighted boardwalk, Star speaks up. "Thank you Marco."

"It was nothing."

"I'd like to return the favor," she looks at me with a sheepish smile.

"How?" I look at her clueless and she comes close to me and she points to the other side. "Look! There's a firework!"

My eyes went to the other side to try and see a firework but it was only the dark and chilly fields when I felt something warm damp on my cheeks.

When I turn my head to look at her and tell there wasn't  anything, she starts to dash away with Jade, running away from me as I stood there realizing what she had just done.

I couldn't help but smile and held up the spot where she kissed me. Sly girl.

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