Mos Eisley

The group rode in Luke's speeder to take him home,but came across a giant vehicle that was broken down along the way,so they took a look at it.

Ezna:I am sorry for loss,Luke.

Says the girl,as they hop into the speeder to a cliff that overlooked Mos Eisley.

Obi-Wan:Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

Xino:Right. Hopefully,we'll find a ship to use.

They ride into the port until they stopped by Stormtroopers.

Stormtrooper:How long have you had these droids?

Luke:About two to four seasons.

Obi-Wan:They're up for sale if you want them.

Stormtrooper:Let me see your identification.

Obi-Wan:You don't need to see his identification.

He says with a hand wave.

The kids recognized it as the Force Mind technique.

And it worked perfectly as they were able to get away from the troopers with no problems.

Xino:Once again you're a life saver,Obi-Wan.

He nods with a smile.

They park the speeder and head inside a cantina to look for a pilot that could get them to Alderaan.

Luckily,a Wookie called Chewbacca knew someone who could help,so they met with them.

Ezna:So...Who might you be exactly?

Asks the glasses girl.

The pilot was this handsome fellow called Han Solo.

Han:Han Solo. I'm captain of Millennium Falcon. Chewy here tells me your looking for passage to the Alderaan system.

Xino:And you'd be right.

Obi-Wan:Yes indeed. If its a fast ship.

Han:Fast ship? You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?

The kids shake their heads.

Obi-Wan:Should I have?

Han tells them that he's managed to escape from Imperial ships.

Ezna:Hm...This is quite the ship you have.

Han:Got that right. What's the cargo?

Obi-Wan:Only passengers. Myself,the boy,the children,two droids and no questions asked.

Han:What is it,some kind of local trouble?

Obi-Wan:Let's just say,we'd like to avoid any Imperial entanglements.

Xino nods in confirmation.

Han:Well that's the real trick,isn't it? It's gonna cost you something extra.

Xino:How much are we talkin' about?

Han:Ten thousand,all in advance.

Xino's eyes widen at that.

Xino:Oh man.

Ezna comforts him as Obi-Wan comes up with the payment and they soon have to leave due to Stormtroopers appearing.

In order to get the money to travel,they had to sell Luke's speeder and once that was done,they went off to meet with Han,not noticing they were being watched.

Luke:What a piece of junk!

Said Luke as he looked at the Millennium Falcon.

  Xino:Got that right.

Han:She may not look like much but she's got it where it counts,kids. I made a lot of special modifications myself. But,we're a little rushed so if you just get onboard,we'll get out of here.

Ezna:Of course. We've been here long enough.

They enter the ship with the kids going to the cockpit with Chewy.

The Wookie recognized the pink girl,so he hugged her tightly.

Ezna:I'm happy to see you as well,old friend. Also,this is my brother.

Xino waves to him.

Xino:Hey. Thanks for helping my sister,back then.

Chewy growls and nods,but they are interrupted when they hear blaster fire.

They look to see Stormtroopers,causing the kids to go and get buckled in with the others.

The Falcon lifts off and heads into space.

Xino:Did we get away?

He asked Han.

Han:Nah,kid. We got a couple of Imperial Cruisers on our tail.
