Saw Gerrera, Tarkin, Jedha City

3rd POV

In the hanger Rebel soldiers are talking to one another moving as Jyn and Cassian are entering the hanger carrying bags walking out of the temple suddenly Jyn bumps into a soldier that looks like a stormtrooper with different armour he turns said "Sorry about that" He turns and walks away while Jyn stares before heading to the U-Wing ship Cassian climbs in and Jyn slow her walk down then Cassian holds a crate a Voice call "Captain Andor".

Cassian looks to see Davits in the distance walking over Cassian looks to Jyn and walks over to Davits as Jyn turns her head slowly looking in the ship to see K-2SO working he turns his head to Jyn who puts her bag down K-2SO said "I'm K-2SO" Jyn looks to him and lower her gaze "I'm a reprogrammed Imperial droid" Jyn raise her head she said "I remember you" She looks down at her bag.

K-2SO said "I see the Council is sending you with us to Jedha" Jyn raise her head nodding she said "Apparently so" Jyn close her bag K-2SO said "That is a bad idea" He turns "I think so, and so does Cassian" Jyn looks back to K-2SO staring at him before turning towards Cassian and Davits talking then she notice a group of those white soldiers helping Rebel soldiers.

Jyn ask "Why are stormtroopers here" K-2SO turns he said "Those are not stormtroopers" Jyn looks to K-2SO who turns back "They are Rebel soldiers" Jyn turns back looking seeing more helping "What do I know" Jyn turns back "My specialty is just strategic analysis" He taps on the keyboard while Davits said "Galen Erso is vital to the Empire's weapons program".

Cassian stares "Forget what you heard in there" Davits shake his head "There will be no extraction" He nods his head "You find him..." Cassian listens " kill him" Cassian turn his head lowering his gaze "Then and there" Cassian nods looking back at Davits and turns walking to the ship while Rebel Dispatcher said "Shuttle number LMTR-20".

Jyn puts her bags away "Prepare for take-off while we check your authorisation" She holds a pistol as Cassian climbs on he ask "You met K-2" K-2SO walks to the pilot seats Jyn said "Charming" She gets up holding her bag while Cassian puts on a jacket he said "He tends to say whatever comes into his circuits" Jyn puts her bag down and sits on a seat.

Cassian flips a couple of switches "It's a by-product of the reprogram" K-2SO turns his head he ask "Why does she get a blaster and I don't" Cassian looks to K-2SO who turns back, and Cassian looks to Jyn he ask "What" Jyn holds the blaster she said "I know how to use it" Cassian turns said "That's what I'm afraid of" He walks forward hold his hand out "Give it to me".

K-2SO turns to watch Jyn stare at Cassian for a moment she said "We're going to Jedha" Cassian lowers his hand "It's a war zone" But Cassian said "That's not the point" He looks around walking to Jyn "Where'd you get it" Jyn just said "I found it" K-2SO turn his head he said "I found that answer vague and unconvincing" Jyn stares she said "Trust goes both ways".

Cassian looks at her for a moment before turning around and heads to the cockpit and climbs into the pilot seat K-2SO looks to him he ask "You're letting her keep it" Cassian straps in "Would you like to know the probability of her using it against you" Cassian flips a switch looking at K-2SO who slowly turns "It's high" Cassian looks at him again he said "Let's get going".

Cassian puts on a headphone and flips a switch above him as K-2SO said "It's very high" He raise clicking some buttons Cassian moving the mic while the door closes and Jyn leaning back looking towards them as the ship hovers into the air with Davits watching the wings open and the ship flies away Davits turn around and walks away on a tower a Rebel aims a device at the U-Wing following it as it leaves Yavin 4 the wings close and went into hyperspace.

Meanwhile a person is walking on robotic feet using a cane to balance on a metal path he said "Lies" In front of him is Bodhi still with the bag on his head looking around "Deceptions" The man walks forward and stops raise his arm "Let's see it" Benthic gives the man an identity looking at it "'Bodhi Rook, Cargo pilot'" Benthic looks down "Local boy, huh"?

Bodhi nods said "Uh-huh" Benthic said "This was fond in his boot when he was captured" He holds a rectangular device for the man to take Bodhi chuckles and raise his hands said "Okay, I can hear you" He turns as the man looks at the device "He didn't capture me" Staring at the device "I came here myself" Feeling the circuits "I defected".

The Man said "Every day, more lies" Bodhi grunts lowering his hands looking around Bodhi said "Lies" He turns his head "Would I risk everything for a lie" He shake his head "No, we don't have time for this" He raise his head "I have to speak to Saw Gerrera before it's too late" A soldier takes off the bag for Bodhi to see Saw Gerrera standing in front of him.

Bodhi exhales staring "Okay" He raise his brows "Sorry, you're..." He looks up "Um..." He stammer motion the device "That's for you" Saw moves the device around "And I gave it to them" Saw looks at Bodhi who looks to Benthic "They did not find it" He looks back to Saw "I gave it to them" He stares at Bodhi "Uh, Galen Erso" Saw listens "He told me to find you"

Saw grabs a breathing mask moves it to his face inhales deeply as Bodhi watch him then Saw stops move the mask looking at Bodhi again, he grunts and move the mask into position Saw said "Bor Gullet" Bodhi confuse he ask "Uh, Bor Gullet" The soldier puts the bag over his head again "What" Two troopers pick Bodhi up "Wait" They grunt lifting Bodhi and took him away "Galen Erso sent me" They walk "He told me to find you" Benthic follow them.

Meanwhile a Tie fighter is heading for a Star Destroyer that's coming out of a shadow but behind it is a massive weapon and a giant piece is being placed while two Death Troopers walk forward with Krennic behind them he walks forward to see an officer standing there watching he turns said "Most unfortunate about the security breach on Jedha, Director Krennic".

The Officer walks forward watching the final peace of the Death Star being move into position "After so many setbacks and delays, and now this" The Officer sighs and tuns around to reveal to be Tarkin "We've heard word of rumours circulation through the city" Tarkin nods slightly "Apparently, you've lost a rather talkative cargo pilot".

Tarkin walks pass Krennic who stares "If the Senate gets wind of our project, countless systems will flock to the Rebellion" Krennic turns around to Tarkin who turns Krennic said "When the battle station is finished, Governor Tarkin..." Tarkin stares "...the senate will be of little concern" Tarkin walks forward he said "When has become now, Director Krennic".

Krennic stares "The Emperor will tolerate no further delay" Tarkin takes a breath "You have made time an ally of the Rebellion" He walks and stops next to Krennic looking at him "I suggest we solve both problems simultaneously..." Krennic moves a bit "...with an immediate test of the weapon" Tarkin walks forward as Krennic moves his head around then turns.

Tarkin who turns "Failure will find you explaining why to a far less patient audience" Krennic said "I will not fail" With that he turns and leaves with the two Death Troopers out of the bridge while Tarkin turns around and walks to the window to watch the last piece of the Death Star fully in place ready.

Galen, Lyra and Krennic are in a room together Lyra pouring a glass Jyn walks to the door looking as Krennic raise his glass and take a sip Galen notice Jyn he went over and kneel he ask "What's the matter Jyn" Jyn stares "You look frightened" Galen picks Jyn up and carry her "I'll always protect you" Galen puts Jyn on the bed, the door closes and Jyn hides.

Galen staring "Stardust" Lyra watching them "Don't ever change" Krennic moves a bit looking in a direction, Jyn watching Lyra put a necklace on her Lyra said "Trust" Jyn hugs Galen who hugs back "Galen" Galen nods to Lyra while Jyn looks up to hear a noise the door opens to reveal Saw.

Jyn gasp waking up she sighs reaching into her shirt and pulls out her necklace Cassian said "We're coming into orbit" Jyn looks towards him "You have controls" Cassian gets out of his seat as K-2SO flies the ship Cassian flips a switch while Jyn puts her necklace away Cassian walks grabs a holder moving around Jyn wrapping her blanket and puts it down.

She looks at the window to see the planet Jedha noticing Cassian nods said "That's Jedha" He looks to Jyn who looks to him "Or what's left of it" Cassian walks pass Jyn who looks at Jedha again "We find Saw, we find your father" Cassian went back to a panel while Jyn moves closer to the window staring at the planet again.

They reach the surface passing mountains and temples the ship flies over a huge gap and turns under an ark then lands kicking up the dust once the ship is off Cassian, Jyn and K-2SO got out and walk up a hill to stop at the edge to see in the distance on a large, wide mountain is Jedha City and above it is a Star Destroyer an Imperial shuttle with two Tie fighters fly away.

Putting down his bag Cassian lies down on a rock holding a binocular Jyn kneels ask "What's with the Destroyer" Cassian looking turning it on he said "It's because your old friend, Saw Gerrera" Another Shuttle flies with two Tie fighters make a turn "He's been attacking the cargo shipments" Jyn staring ask "What are they bringing in"?

Cassian lowers his binoculars and holds them to Jyn he said "It's what are they taking out" Jyn takes them for Cassian to stand Jyn looks through to see another Imperial Shuttle leave "Kyber crystal" Jyn looks to see another one leaving "All they can get" A third shuttle begins to land "We wondered why they were stripping the temple" Staring at the shuttles "Now we know".

Jyn lower the binoculars "It's the fuel for the weapon" K-2SO walks over he said "The weapons your father's building" Jyn looks to him for a moment Jyn said "Maybe we should leave target practice behind" Cassian raise his head and look to K-2SO who ask "Are you taking about me" Cassian said "She's right" He reach into his pocket "We need to blend in".

Cassian pulls an item out putting in his bag "Stay with the ship" K-2SO shake his head he said "I can blend in" He move his head "I'm an Imperial droid" Jyn looks to him closing her bag "They city is under Imperial occupation" Jyn said "Half the people here wanna reprogram you" Cassian putting another item in his bag "The other half wanna put a hole in your head".

K-2SO said "I'm surprised you're so concerned with my safety" Jyn gets up holding her bag Jyn said "I'm not" She walks forward "I'm just worried they might miss you and hit me" Jyn gives K-2SO her bag as Cassian stands up while Jyn walks pass K-2SO who stands there looking at Cassian who walks over to him he pat his chest and walks after Jyn he said "Doesn't sound so bad to me" K-2SO just drops the bag.

Meanwhile inside a temple Bodhi is sitting looking forward breathing heavily to see appearing from the shadows pick tentacle creature call Bor Gullet it grunts as Bodhi scared and Saw said "Bor Gullet can feel your thoughts" The eyes of Bor Gullet are white groaning lifting a tentacle "No lie is safe" Bodhi tries to move back watching the tentacle getting closer he gasp and whimpers a bit.

Bor Gullet groans moving the tentacle on Bodhi "What have you really brought me, cargo pilot" More begins to wrap around Bodhi who shaking as Saw watch "Bor Gullet will know the truth" The tentacles reach Bodhi head who close his eyes "The unfortunate side effect is that one tends..." Two tentacles went to Bodhi's temples " lose one's mind" Bodhi said "No" Whimpering more.

Meanwhile an Imperial shuttle leaves with two Tie fighters and two more fly around the city as two Shuttles one leaves the other lands while the citizens chatter to one another an At-St walks by as a droid moves around, a vendor cooking Jyn and Cassian walking together then Jyn grunts bumping into a man name Cornelious Evazan who turns said "Hey".

He points at Jyn "You just watch yourself" Cassian got between them he said "Wait, no, no" Evazan pal name Baba puts a hand speaking "Sorry, sir" He moves Jyn with him "We don't want any trouble" Cassian raise his hand "Sorry" He turns Jyn "Come on" They walk "Come on" Evazan stares while Baba looks between them.

An Imperial Officer said "Citizens of Jedha" A hologram of Bodhi is seen "You must come forward with information of the location of this missing cargo pilot" Jyn and Cassian looking around walking "A reward of 600 credits for the information shall be awarded" Cassian said "I had a contact" Jyn looks to him and forward "One of Saw's Rebels".

Jyn lowers her hood "But he's just gone missing" Citizens move pass "His sister will be looking for him" Cassian stares in a direction as Jyn looks around "The temple's been destroyed, but she'll be there waiting" They walk forward "We'll give her your name and hope that gets us a meeting with Saw" Jyn ask "Hope" She looks at Cassian who turns said "Yeah".

Jyn stops next to him "Rebellions are built on hope" He looks in a direction making Jyn look to see a Stormtrooper there who said "Hands where I can see them" He grabs a citizen and shove him into the wall "Get over there" More Stormtroopers doing the same to other citizens "Show me some identification" Two more move in the door "Check inside".

Yelling is heard and Jyn catch up to Cassian she ask "Is this all because of your pilot" They walk forward a Voice call "May the Force of others be with you" Jyn stops, and Cassian moves a citizen he said "Wait for me" Jyn watch him walking away the Voice said "May the Force of others be with you" Jyn moves "May the Force of others be with you".

She turns her head "Would you trade that necklace for a glimpse into your future" Jyn turns around looking in a direction "Yes" The man had short black hair name Chirrut who leans back holding a bowl "I'm speaking to you" He motion Jyn to come over and Jyn went over to him looking at him "I'm Chirrut Imwe" Jyn moves her head she ask "How did you know I was wearing a necklace"?

Chirrut moves a bit he said "For that answer you must pay" He smiles as Jyn looks to see leaning against a wall is a tall man with long wavey hair wearing red armour holding a repeating cannon his name is Baze Malbus who looks towards her Jyn looks back to Chirrut "What do you know about kyber crystals" Jyn said "My father, he..."

She stops for a moment taking a breath "He said they powered the Jedi's lightsabers" Cassian calls "Jyn" Jyn turns to see him "Come on" Cassian nods in a direction "Let's go" Jyn looks to Chirrut then to Cassian and moves to him while Chirrut said "The strongest stars have hearts of kyber" Jyn looks at him for a second before turning around to Cassian who said "Let's go" Jyn moves to Cassian.

They walk away "We're not here to make friends" They move away as Baze stands above Chirrut looking in the direction as Jyn ask "Who are they" Cassian just said "The Guardians of the Whills" They walk forward passing citizens "Protectors of the Kyber Temple" A Stormtrooper walks pass "But there's nothing left to protect" They keep walking "So now they're just causing trouble for everybody".

Cassian looking as he and Jyn make a turn quickly Jyn notice she said "You seem awfully tense all of a sudden" Cassian looks to Jyn and they stop Cassian said "We have to hurry" He glance around "This town is ready to blow" Cassian walks away leaving Jyn staring while a Imperial TX-225 combat tank goes down a street an Announcer said "Citizens of the Empire..."

Cassian stops making Jyn look "...Imperial forces tirelessly fight Saw Gerrera's reign of terror..." The tank makes a curve "...over the people of this beloved city" On a roof a soldier is holding a sniper "Truth and justice are the tools of the Empire" Jyn looks up to see a person move out of sight Cassian notice looks to his left saw another person on a roof appear looking to them.

The soldier grabs a commlink speaking into it while inside a room is a soldier holding a blaster aiming from a corner a fourth soldier is holding his weapon the tank moves pass but behind a wall is a small alien holding a blaster, he talks into the commlink while one turns nods and walks out with two more Jyn said "Tell me you have a backup plan" She looks to Cassian.

Meanwhile the soldier pulls out a pin and threw a grenade for it to roll in front of the tank and explode the three pull out their weapons and fire killing the Stormtroopers only to get shot down while citizens, Cassian and Jyn to move to safety as the soldiers fire at the Stormtroopers while Jyn leans against the wall pulling out her pistol sliding down.

Jyn looks to Cassian who looks to her holding a blaster "Looks like we found Saw's rebels" Jyn looks around the corner watching a trooper kill two Stormtroopers and the tank turns around a Stormtrooper said "Up there" Standing on the street is a child wailing Jyn notice runs out of her hiding spot Cassian notice said "Jyn, no".

But Jyn runs stop to shoot a Stormtrooper and move to the girl and pick her up as Cassian avoids getting shot then the area behind Jyn explodes making her collapse with the girl and Cassian moves to where Jyn's spot avoiding more shots while a woman runs shouting to Jyn who notice her and gives the mother the girl and the mother runs with her Jyn turns.

Meanwhile a Stormtrooper on the tank points he said "Hit the terrorist" The guns raise up and Cassian yells "Get out of there" The guns fire destroying a building making the rebels move and Cassian aims and fires killing the Stormtrooper while Jyn looks to see more Stormtroopers arriving, so she runs forward and kneels in front of the tank.

Cassian looking and saw a Rebel run across the archway and pulls out a grenade, so Cassian aims and fires killing him Benthic notice and Jyn looks over saw the Rebel fall behind a few making the grenade explode Jyn looks to Cassian who nods slighting but Benthic saw this while Jyn and Cassian run towards each other Jyn fires killing a Stormtrooper.

Meanwhile a Rebel shouting threw a grenade between the Stormtroopers and run as it explodes where the tank is killing them, and more Rebels surround the tank and pull out cylinders Rebel said "Kyber..." They each took all the Kyber Crystals out of the tank and move while Jyn and Cassian crawl a bit Cassian said "Come on".

They get up as more Stormtroopers arrive firing at the Rebels who all move and fire but from around the corner is an At-St as Cassian and Jyn through a pathway the At-St fires killing a rebel turns and fires again while Cassian moves forward, and Jyn stops and hides behind a corner for rebels to run by her spot.

Meanwhile Cassian makes a turn but stops to see a Stormtrooper appear he fires killing him Cassian walks forward a bit but then more Stormtroopers arrive, and they fire at him making Cassian turn and run the way he came as Jyn runs "This way" She comes out and looks to see the Stormtroopers and runs after Cassian she said "Cassian".

Jyn hides in a gap and Cassian hides in a gap across from her avoiding a shot Jyn activates a baton in her hand and made it longer as Stormtroopers run forward then Cassian moves out of his spot and fires while Jyn runs out of her spot use her baton to hit a Stormtrooper face and leg Jyn grunting hitting the face again.

Cassian turns to see Jyn hit another Stormtrooper he watch Jyn use her baton to flip a third Stormtrooper she turns to see more coming around the corner Jyn use a Stormtrooper blaster and fires killing them and use her baton to hit the Stormtrooper next to her while walking is K-2SO with a blaster Jyn turns and fires hitting him shocking her.
