Tower gray pt 2

( sorry to leave you on a little cliff hanger last week, but I was just a little tiered from school and work, also I would appreciate it if you left a vote just to make sure that you guys are actually enjoying this that would mean the world to :) and would like more chapters?,i sorry if that sounded a little stubborn x)

"Just as I feared, its going after jotaros stands tongue!" Avdol said. "Its him!, the tower card tarot, it symbolises destruction and calamity, and the interruption of a journey. Its called the tower of gray!, this insect has cause mass murder including that plane crash last year in England killing hundreds of its passengers making it seem like an incident!"

At this point in time I has starting to feel extremely nauseous, maybe due to the high levels of fumes in the bug can, or the fact that jotaros life seemed to tauntingly hanging from a thread.

Jotaro instantaneously sent multiple punches towards the deadly bug, before it dodged every individual blow.

"you've got to be kidding me, it dodged every attack!" I cried.

"Even if you had ten guns at me, you wouldn't be able to shoot from one centimetre away!" the sinister bug said letting out a few cackles." Not that you would kill a stand anyway with a gun! yet you're all gonna die with the rest of these weaklings!"

"why am I not surprised that thing can talk! Besides I'm not gonna die because of a fly!" I said rolling my eyes at its remarks.

"it has to be on this plane with us?" joseph said looking round at the sleepy passengers. "who is it! who is the one controlling this stand."

"wh- it's gone again!" jotaro said

"heads up" kayoin said now pointing at the bug on the opposite side of the plane.

Just like the speed of light,  the stand shredded through a row of passengers ripping out their tongues.

"what. the . fuck" I said, my mouth slowly gaping open, which probably wasn't the best idea.

"Bingo!" the strange stand shrieked in excitement. "Got their tongues! And now for the best part!"

The stand hovered its way over to the nearest wall spelling out the word massacre with each bloody tongue.

"it actually did it." kakyoin said holding the same shocked expression.

"Fine I'll incinerate that dam bug alive- MAGICIANS RED-" Avdol called out his stand, which majestically materialised from his tall figure.

Before any more ciaos could occur, Kakyoin interrupted Avdols intuition.

"Avdol! Just hold on a second!" kakyoin said hinting towards a old passenger who had finally woken up somehow.  

"what's with all this ruckus?,  ugh might as well go to the bathroom." He said, rubbing his temples in frustration, before standing up towards the blood stained walls.

"oh god" I whispered under my breath.

"what's with this wet stuff?" he said placing his hand on the wall supposedly for balance. "M....A.s AHHHH. This is b- blood! blood!"

"Atemi" Kakyoin said calmly hitting the mans neck, knocking him out on the floor." we have to defeat him, before the other passengers begin to panic."

" I'm sorry what just happened." I said looking puzzled at the man laying stiff on the ground.

"Mr Avdol summoning an active stand like magicians red could cause the plane to explode killing all of us, and Jojo we can't have star platinum tearing any holes in the plane, it would be a catastrophe so this calls for a quite and discreet stand." kakyoin said, which made me shoot my head up at the ready. "Hierophant green."

"oh" I mumbled, contemplating weather to call phenomena or just sit and watch this scene unfold.

"Ahh Noriaki Kakyoin eyhh?  I've heard all about you from lord Dio!" It said, flapping its large insect wings, which made me gag for some reason, maybe I just hated bugs?. "Don't bother, you really think you have silence on you're side, but you're stand can't keep up with my speed!"

"Are you sure about that? EMERLAD SPLASH" Kakyoins stand materialised behind him letting out a surge of green emeralds, but yet again no matter how hard Kakyoin tried the stupid bug dodged every attack.

(a/n mann i couldn't stop thinking about the john cena meme,bruhh)

"HAHAHA, you really think you can hit me if you fire enough shots huh?!?, yet you haven't hit me at all!" the stand said letting out more stupid cackles.

"this isn't so good, that dam thing is dodging every thing it throws at it!" Avdol sighed

At this point my patience was killing me,  one point or another we are gonna get ourselves killed! And just like that the stand striked towards kakyoins stands mouth .

"I'm just to fast for you!, You're way to slow to get a bingo!" the stand shrieked again. "And my next attack I might even rip you're stands tongue out!"

"good grief, I don't think I can listen to this stand any longer." I said rubbing my temples in frustration, somehow catching a side glance from Jotaro.

However, Kakyoin had a trick or two up his sleeve, and I could just about see that look of determination. "EMERLAD SPLASH!"

"Don't you get it?!" it shrieked for the millionth time. "You'll go mad from the pain once my stand rips you're stands tongue out!!"

"so when its tongues ripped out I'll go mad from the pain? Yeah my hierophant green will go mad alright." As I predicted, Kakyoins stand sent multiple spikes all coming from different directions towards their target, tower of grey impaling it mid air.

"w-what?!" the stand muttered, trying to get the words out.

"If it rips you apart, it'll go mad... from pure joy!" Kakyoin called out smugly. "I had already sent hierophant green extremities, into and under the seats. And you didn't even realise I was using my Emerald splash to keep you in one spot!"

Kakyoins stands grip tightened on the stand causing it to explode, and as for the man who got knocked out, his tongue and head did the same.

"well that old bastard was the one controlling it all along?" getting a closer look.

"seems repulsive stands have repulsive users." Kakyoin replied.

"too right." I said clutching to the straps of my back pack.

---few moments later---

"well that's strange, he doesn't seem to have a flesh bud?" kakyoin said peering at the mans head.

"tower of grey would kill innocent travellers and make it look like and incident" Avdol said draping a sheet over the man. "And was payed for it. He was bought and blinded by greed just as Dios pawn."

"somethings wrong?" Joseph said clutching to a nearby seat. "It could be my imagination but I get the felling we're flying crooked."

A few cups soon stated rolling along towards the nose of the plane down the isle.

"It must be crooked no doubt about it!" without hesitation  joseph ran towards the cockpit "it cant be!"

"were the hell is he going?" I said whilst everyone soon followed in unison.

As we hurried down the isle I heard jotaro say something to the two stewardess, which probably  wasn't something nice due to Kakyoins reply.

"sorry ladies, his disrespectful behaviour towards you two but we have an emergency on are hands." Kakyoin said rather sweetly towards the two women."Please forgive him for me."

'Damm I wish men spoke to me like that more often, although what kakyoin said to me earlier was pretty sweet' I thought to myself folding my arms proudly.

Avdol on the over hand looked god smacked at kakyoin.

"dammit, he got all the pilots!" joseph cried.

"shit, shit this is bad" I said squeezing past Jotaro, my nausea was coming back to me quicker then I liked it to be.

"Their tongues have been ripped out. That beetle bastard ." jotaro huffed "he killed the pilots before we even new he was here."

"we're losing altitude fast!" joseph said, peering at a dial that was in fact moving a little to fast for my liking. "Auto pilots been Knocked out too!. we're going to crash!!"

Suddenly the elderly man from earlier shot up from the ground behind me shouting some sappy speech about Dio going to kill us.

"my stand is the tower card" he said almost levitating off the ground.

"yes we already know that" I sighed to myself

"the symbol of accidents and the end of a Journey, you will never make it to lord Dio! Even if you still manage to survive the crash you'll still be 10,000 kilometers from Egypt! Those loyal to lord Dio will follow you every hour of every day! There are stands in this world, with powers that defy the very limits of imagination. Lord Dio is the power that rules over all of them!" His 'master speech' was now pissing me off, as he made it very clear that Dio is from the depths of hell.

"you'll never make it to Egypt alive!" he said, suddenly dramatically collapsing back onto the floor.

"thank god that was over, I was starting to lose patience." I said rolling my eyes

"you're definitely professionals." Jotaro said towards the two stewardesses " good thing you didn't scream that annoys me all the freaking time. I've got a request, this heaps gonna hit water, and this old mans gonna land her there, so go put life jackets on the other passengers."

And just like that the two women scurried of down the dark isle.

"well old man, you got this?" Jotaro said.

"hmm I have some experience with prop planes before but this-" joseph said casually.

"prop planes?!" Me and Kakyoin said in unison.

  "you Know, jotaro this is my third plane crash, I mean have you ever heard of someone surviving a plane crash let alone three!"

"three plane crashes!? shit we really may die" I mumbled to myself.

"well that settles it I'm never riding in a plane with you again."

Luckily the plane landed about 35 kilometers off the Hong Kong coast, Unfortunately that meant we were now still miles away from our destination  leaving us no choice but to head towards the city.
