Chapter 5 - Sunghoon

Spring was extremely nervous about today's date. Besides the fact that her date was super famous, she had yet to speak to him in real life. This was mainly why she was surprised he had asked her out in the first place.

Was she so lovable that he bought her a drink and fell in love with her at first sight?

Just then, a new KKT message came:


Kang Sunghoon (KSH): Are you ready for today?


Spring chuckled to herself. I can't believe he uses his own face as emojis.


Springkies (SK): Yup! I can't wait!

KSH: Me neither!

KSH: The café that we'll be going to has the best tangerine and external persimmon smoothie

SK: External persimmon? What's that?

KSH: Idk tbh

SK: Ok.....

KSH: Anyways, afterwards, we should got to Funniworld

KSH: One of their attractions has cardboard displays of me

KSH: I want to check them out

SK: lol sure

KSH: Ok see you later!


Okay, so Sunghoon was a little narcissistic. But Spring figured that she could live with that. And to play devil's advocate, if anyone were as handsome as him, they'd be looking in the mirror all day. She could overlook that tiny flaw of his if it meant being the girlfriend of the best looking man in Korea.


Spring was fuming. She's been waiting at the café for over an hour for her date to show up. What was taking that darn Sunghoon so long?

As she cursed him under her breath, a sunglasses-wearing man approached her.

"Hey Spring-ssi, sorry I'm late. I was watching an episode of my drama, and one episode turned into three." Sunghoon sat down in the seat across from her. "You're not mad, are you?"

Spring was mad, but damn it, his handsomeness was too much for her. All of her anger dissipated when he smiled at her. Spring shook her head. "No, not at all! It's great to finally meet you, the great Kim Sung- I mean Kang Sunghoon."

"Thanks," he replied.

"Anyways, I ordered the tangerine and persimmon smoothie for the both of us, but since you arrived late, I kinda drank them all," Spring said.

Sunghoon shrugged. "It's alright, I can get it another time. We should head to my car. My manager will drive us to Funniworld."

He stood up and motioned her to follow him.

His manager was coming with them? Spring sighed and hoped that they would at least get some alone time together.


When they arrived at Funniworld, Sunghoon rushed ahead, eager to find his cardboard dopplegangers. This left Spring with his manager, who turned out to be Seo Janghoon, the bartender from the party. Sunghoon had just hired him the other day after his old manager quit.

"Sorry that I'm the third wheel for your date," Janghoon said. "But I'm also his bodyguard, and we don't want any crazy fans to ambush him while we're at the park."

"Eh, it's alright. I'm just glad that someone like him asked me out."

Suddenly, Sunghoon ran back to the two of them. "I found one already!" He dragged the two of them to the cardboard displays.

"Okay, Spring-ssi, you should take a picture from this angle, and manager, you should take one from over there," he ordered them.

Spring was annoyed, but she followed his instructions anyways. When they were done taking enough pictures to satisfy him, the three of them continued their search for the cardboard Hoonys.

After forty minutes of non-stop walking and picture taking, Spring was tired and hungry. Somehow, Sunghoon actually noticed her hardship, and they sat down at a restaurant to eat lunch. They ordered one of everything, with Sunghoon promising to pay for everything because they "deserved it for taking such good pics of him."

While they were in the midst of eating their meal, Sunghoon decided to tell Spring and Janghoon his plan for the rest of their amusement park trip. "So, there's still the other half of the park that we haven't been to. I think there's around ten more cardboards that we need to visit."

Spring couldn't take it anymore - Sunghoon's obsession with his cardboards was too much. "Sorry Sunghoon-ssi, but I forgot I had an interview scheduled today," she lied. "I have to go."

Sunghoon looked disappointed. She couldn't tell if it was because he didn't want their date to be over, or if he was lamenting the fact that he had one less photographer. "That's too bad," he finally said. "Let's meet up again another time."

Spring waved goodbye to the two of them and headed to the exit.

What a crappy date, she thought. We barely got to talk to each other, and his narcissism was way too much.Oh well, at least I still have two more dates this week.

-End Chapter 5- 

[note: sorry i can't get the emojis to be in the right place lol] 
