Fun fair

1 week later

"There's a fun fair in 2 towns over and I was thinking of asking Oscar to go with me. Is that weird? Like will he be ok with it?"

Cesar stopped walking and looked directly into Ruby's eyes before asking how he felt about his brother.

"Ummm....I don't know yet. Like I don't know what he thinks is me. And staying here isn't a permanent thing."

"Do you think it could be permanent if you really like each other?"

Ruby just kept walking. Thinking. Could he really stay here? Was he allowed? How would he's cousins feel?

"I think he would love to go with you." Throwing his arm over his shoulder he leaned in and whispered "have fun."


"Ok I can do this. Just go in and ask if he says no I'll play it as a joke. Ok. Let's do it?"

"What are whispering about."

Ok I'm gonna do it hopefully I won't get punched. Wait why would I get punched. Stop overthinking ruby it'll be fine.

"I was wondering if maybe you to a fair with me? You can say no. It was just a suggestion but don't feel obligated to."

Spooky smiled. A genuine smile only for ruby now a days. It's funny how he used to never smile. Never be happy. Now thanks to ruby he's happy every time he's around.

"Your silence is no. Got it."

"No no no. I'm happy. Yes I'll go. I'll drive yeah?"


He didn't have time to reply before he was jumped on. Ruby wrapped his legs around he's waist and arms around his shoulders.

Spooky wrapped one arm around his waist and the other under his butt for support.

"Wow happy."

"Yes I was a little worried that you'd say no or hit me or something."

Whispering into Ruby's hair he said seriously "Ruby I would never ever hit you. That's now love. Never accept something like that."

"Humm. I'm tired now that the tension has melted." Ruby said into his neck.

"Ok let's go to bed." He walked over pulled the covers back and laid Ruby down gently. Covering him up he laid down beside him ready for the next day.


Halfway through the night they somehow spooned. Ruby being the little spoon obviously.

It's like a normal thing for them now. They fall asleep not too far away not too close to each other and then they somehow spoon or cuddle.

And they like it. It's nice having someone beside you keeping you safe. Just being there. It's nice not feeling so alone.


Today's the day they both go to the fair.

Ruby's seen the pictures and he's excited. He just hopes that it looks like it did online or he'll be super disappointed.

"I'm gonna get ready."

"I'm done so I'll just pack some food. We'll probably get take out as well."

"Awesome! I'll only be a couple minutes."

(1 hour later)

"Can I change the song?"

"Yeah. Phone's there."

"Thanks. Ok let's do this one."

Summertime is meant to fall in love
I could fall asleep or stare in your eyes
You're right by my side
Summertime is meant to fall in love
I wrote you a poem for your surprise
It's right by your side

"Who's this by?"

"GASP!" He put his hand on his heart to empathize how offended his feels. "You don't know summertimeinparis. Wow. You have no taste."

"I do. Put on easy by the Commodores."

"It's not the right vibe."

"What's a vibe?"

"Don't play dumb." Laughing he pulled over to a drive thru McDonald's.

"What do you want? Pick anything."

"Anything?" All he got was a hum in response.

"Ok. I want a Big Mac. Large. Fries. Mc flurry. Any. Nuggets. 20. Double cheeseburger no pickles. Chicken legend with mayo. That should be ok for now."

Shaking his head he offhandedly commented. "Where does it all go?"

"To my ass. Oh sorry why did I say that. Haha" awkwardly laughing.

"Sure does."

Now it was Ruby's turn to look wide eyes at him before turning to look straight ahead his cheeks turning pink.


They're just girls breaking hearts
Eyes bright, uptight, just girls
But she can't be what you need if she's 17
They're just girls
They're just girls

Looking over he saw ruby laughing and smiling carefree singing off key and loud but he was happy. They both were.

"Join in!"

"I don't know it." Ruby gave him a look. A knowing look.

I told her from the start
Destined to be hard
I told her from the start
I'll break your heart
Destined to be hard
Break your heart

"You may be a tough guy but I know you know this song. I saw it on your playlist." Rolling his eyes playfully he started singing."not a word to anyone."

I said "Yo, I think I better go. I can't take you"
I know you're looking for salvation in the secular age
But girl I'm not your savior"
'Well, shouldn't you be fucking with somebody your age instead of making changes?'
Wrestle to the ground
God help me now


"We're here. Finally." Stretching his arms while getting out.

"Whoa this looks cool. Let's get our wrist bands and see if there's a fast pass. I don't want to wait long. We only have today and I want to go on everything."

Ruby grabbed spookys hand and lead him to the ticket booth unaware of the smile on spookys face.

With both wrist bands and passes they have to wear around their neck they made their way into the fair.

Looking down he sees his hand in spookys. He immediately let go and stepped to the side.

"Ohhh sorry. I didn't...Realize. I'm..."

"Don't say sorry anymore. I like holding your hand."
He pulled him close by his waist and started walking like they did this all the time.

"I like holding your hand too. Can I hold it whenever?" He looked down not because he was afraid of the answer he was just shy. His face was heating up fast.

Spooky looked over at him and smiled for the billionth time that day. "You're cute. My hands are yours now." He ruffled his hair and started picking up the pace for a peculiar looking roller coaster.

"I'm not going on this one. Looks scary. I'll do all the rest of them."

"Come on you'll be fine. You can hold me hand the entire time ok."


This is a little longer than the last chapter so I hope you all enjoy. I'm having a little trouble with Wattpad not counting my reads. I took down a chapter and re- uploaded it but it didn't make it work.

I hope this doesn't seem rushed. Please leave any suggestions they really helped me last time.

Anyway thank you for reading and voting it means the world to me.

Stay safe. -bea. 🥰💞💛
