Chapter 2: Deciding My OWN Fate

I don't get to decide my own fate. My father does. He wanted to keep me from the rest of Hyrule. "Link! Get up here! Now!" His voice was stern, so I didn't listen. "Link!!! Now!!!" I still didn't listen. He came down in a fit of rage. I had a worried look on my face. What was I going to do? He walked up to me and grabbed my yellow tunic by the collar which was choking me. It looked as if he was going to kill me. That was until Zelda yelled, "Put him down!!" She was in tears seeing me struggling. Ghirahim just stood there and watched with a smirk on his face. Zelda was held back by him as well. I broke free ran and grabbed Zelda by the hand and took her to the oasis in the desert. She looked at me and asked, "How do you live like this, Link?" I responded, "It's not his fault. It's mine, I never listen because I want to live my own life." Zelda bowed her head and looked back up and asked, "What do you want to be, Link?" It was not a hard choice. Without missing a beat I said, "A Hylian Knight." She just got up and walked back to the town.
