CHAPTER 59- Hannah: Conflicting Questions

I wasn't counting days but I knew it had been around a week since Fallan had twisted her ankle. She wasn't healing very quickly because she hadn't been given the chance to rest much, to which I was conflicted about.

I knew that we needed to travel as much as we could, but deep down Spirit should've realized what she was putting us all through.

And the thing was, she didn't even know all of it.

In the days since the big argument had erupted about Spirit leading us farther into an ice-storm, poor Diamond had developed a cold. Constantly worrying about the outcome of her sickness and where her next meal was coming from, I'd forced myself to go out hunting on the nights where Blaze did not.

I kept telling myself that he wasn't being lazy; he just wanted to stay close to me and Diamond and keep us safe. Whenever Storm, Spirit, Midnight and Aspen went out to hunt together they no longer asked us if we wanted to come along.

Instead, Spirit would remind us not to go off on our own and to let her know if we'd found something for Diamond among our return.

I never responded or regarded her words. Me and Blaze took turns hunting on the less frigid nights and while Diamond awoke mewling for food my heart twisted in pity for her.

Obeying Spirit's rules were the least of my worries.

Of course, it was scary going off on my own at night but I saw no other option. Fallan couldn't be trusted to watch Diamond after loosing her that day when we'd been led to the pig watering-hole.

"Do you just want me to go?" Blaze would offer at the last second when I was about to head out, causing a small twinge of confusion to prick my paws. What was the point of asking when I'd already gotten my up and about?

"No, it's okay. I won't stay out long because I have to be here before Spirit gets back."

At that Blaze would looked annoyed at the mention of my sister and then swish his tail as if uncertain.

"Be safe, Mommy." Diamond pattered up to me on her slightly too-large-for-her-body paws, still not much bigger than a young squirrel. I'd leaned down to give her a quick nuzzle and turned to step into the fresh snow.

Upon hunting I often never found anything. Maybe I had just lost my natural instinct for tracking or maybe I just had no luck at all. All I knew was that each time I'd returned all frozen paws and whiskers with my jaws almost always empty of prey.

Only once had I gotten lucky enough to find a small squirrel clinging to a dead tree, and then almost lost it.

Spirit and Storm, no doubt, were actually becoming closer. I wondered why they hadn't became friends long ago because after all he always went with her, Midnight and Aspen to hunt.

They'd occasionally begun sitting closer than usual and sharing prey with their human-cat friends together. I'd even seen them share a conversation and walk the same path like they finally weren't afraid of touching each other.

Midnight and Aspen had formally begun sleeping together at night.

My fur tingled when I looked at their proximity- Midnight was simply too young to be sharing a bond like that with another cat.

This was, of course, the least of my worries but still annoyed me.

When I looked at Storm I thought back to the days when we'd started to become friends. If Blaze had never come up to me that day in the forest would we be something more by now?

A rush of regret had hit me and I'd turned my eyes quickly back to my mate. Not long ago had he asked me if I'd like to be his for life, to which I very happily agreed. Seemingly it was a thing that was just bound to happen.

Blaze was kind-hearted, gentle and loyal. He might not have liked my sister for the things she did but then again I didn't either.

Still the tom played with Diamond whenever she asked and held us both close at night. He just ignored Fallan when she wasn't asking us something.

It felt like Blaze didn't like to pay any attention to anyone but me and Diamond. I remembered when jealousy used to singe my paws when I'd caught the blotchy cheetah looking at Spirit in the way he'd looked at me soon afterward.

I'd been the one to find him, so wasn't I within my right? Back then it'd felt like Spirit was trying to steal everything from me. First not only Storm's attention but then Blaze's as well.

I'll never have to worry about that anymore, though.

Blaze obviously disliked Spirit for her ruthless ways of traveling. I resented her for it as well and couldn't even bring myself to look at the cheetah half the time. She had done so many things to put Diamond in danger and I didn't know whether I could ever forgive that.

Thinking about the situation now made my chest hurt, though. How could I just forget how Spirit had used to take care of me like I truly was her family?

"You know we're not real kin sisters, right?" I'd said when me and Blaze had quietly discussed Spirit after the stream of outbursts from every cat, starting with Blaze.

"Then why do you call her that?" Looking away had been my only response, because there was no answer for it. Calling Spirit and Fallan something else was simply going back on what we'd all once shared.

Of course, I still understood why he'd refused to let Spirit's methods continue any longer. I myself felt that putting Diamond in such a state was just too far.

Explaining that Spirit, Fallan and I had all practically grown up together I'd shifted my paws in regret, feeling remorse course throughout my body.

How had we once called each other sisters and now had come to this? Fallan had changed so much that I didn't even know how to approach her anymore; I only hoped she understood that Diamond's safety was my top priority now. Hurting the poor cheetah's feelings was the last thing on my mind.

Sure I was glad to still have my best friend close and approachable, but this wasn't what it had been back then.

Back then we all made each other happy. We didn't have nearly as many worries.

Full of remorse, I knew I had to tell myself that it was just these Howler-cursed mountains and the weather making everyone's moods turn sour. Otherwise I'd never be strong enough for my kit or whatever dangers we faced ahead.

Still couldn't help but be concerned, though.

Everytime I looked at Diamond my heart grew tight with affection for the kit. She was so beautiful and agile, her pelt soft as a rabbit's belly... And the way her fur patterns were fit lovely around her white paws and muzzle, with a white splotch stretching down her chest to her belly.

"I'm so proud of you," I whispered to her now as she trudged around shaking snow-sludge off her paws. The kitten's pelt stuck out in numerous places that I felt the urge to smooth down.

"Why?" She squeaked, tumbling over her own feet and causing me to lean forward quickly and pluck her from the snow.

"Because," I spoke softly while smoothing down her calico fur. It was so fluffy and soft, a texture of the softest sheep wool ever made.

"You've made it through the whole Coldpaws' with us and still come out braver than before."

My heart swelled with pride. Even when looking into the faces of wolves she'd not blinked an eye in fear. The kitten was so brave and strong-willed that I could feel her determination would grow with age.

My little kitten smiled up at me contently now, clearly enjoying the few soft rays of sunlight shining down. The wind brought a chill with it that I knew would still be piercing her fur like ice, but seeing that light touching the ground for once brought new optimism. So thankful was I that some of the snow had finally started to form little puddles atop itself.

It was finally coming to an end and I felt more relieved than I ever had in my life. Now that we knew the mountain range was drawing to an end some of my anger had lifted. The Cold-Paws' storms had scared the life out of me, prolonging the worry that I'd had about Diamond's health and safety.

Now that I knew things would be just a smaller bit easier I could relax a little.

"It's been a long time since we've hunted together," Blaze said quietly as we neared a bluff. He scooped Diamond closer to the cliff-face with his tail.

I tried to hide the purr that tickled my throat and rubbed my tail along Blaze's flank, trying to act reassuring.

"When Spirit says for us to go hunting later I'll try to figure something out," I whispered quietly enough for only him to hear. Blaze nodded and pressed his muzzle briefly into mine.

"Diamond," he said above the pattering of careful paw-steps.

"Can't you smell the scent of clean grass and trees?"

Excitedly her tail tingled, first at its tip until her whole body was shaking excitedly within a matter of seconds.

"I remember grass!" She yowled, running up and around Fallan's legs with joy. Looking around for something to play with, the kitten jumped on a slick rock too close to the cliff's edge.

I also felt a surge of joy at the thought of being able to run through grass while forest smells filled my nose, and as I moved Diamond away from the edge Blaze glanced at me kindly.

His gaze brought warmth to my limbs, and already I wished I could stretch them out and hunt like a cheetah was really mean to.

Even more happily did I visualize running through long grasses with Blaze all day, enjoying the feeling of warmth from both his pelt and the Great Paw. Guilty as I felt for thinking it, it did sound nice to go hunting with just him for once.

However, I couldn't think of who or how to ask in a way that wouldn't twine my whiskers. Deeply did I not want to ask Spirit because I had the urge of not speaking to her at the moment.

Like I said, I couldn't very well trust Fallan. And asking Midnight or Aspen for a favor seemed far-fetched considering that I'd never done one for them.

Storm was probably going to hunt, as he did almost every night- and that left me out if options.

I know. I realized with a jolt that there was a solution much easier and beneficial.

All we had to do was sneak away at night and come back before Blaze's watch. Aspen would be on the first half of the night shift and I assumed that he wouldn't say anything if he knew what was best for him. The cat couldn't have wanted to create another rift in the Pride's relationships.

I whispered my idea in his ear now with a low-toned purr.

"That's a perfect plan!" he exclaimed, rubbing his jaw along mine. My heart bursted with content that I'd been able to make my tom happy. Just thinking about being with him under the moonlight made me wish the day would go by faster.

Luckily for us, it had not rained or snowed in a few days now and I was happy the ground was being given some time to warm up. The air was chilly but not icy cold like it once had been and it was a fact that no cat could've wanted warmer weather more than I did.

Scooping Diamond up to ride on my shoulders, I inspected the mountains before us. Right now we were about halfway up the side of one and following a naturally marked trail that would lead to a steeper way down before nightfall. Before we stopped for the night we ought to be a little ways up the next mountain and hopefully all the way away from them in two or three days.

Pricking my ears, I heard a few snatches of conversation from up ahead between the other four cats but flattened them immediately. Whatever they were saying, I didn't care. Let the ones who had agreed to almost lead a kit to her death chatter on about senseless things.

Diamond sneezed loudly from my back, sending a small shower of moisture spraying over my ears.

"Poor kit has the sniffles," Blaze said sympathetically after nudging her upright with his nose.

"I'm hoping it will clear up once we're away from all this stone and snow," I retorted quietly in truth.

If Diamond didn't get better soon I didn't know what I'd do. Would it be possible for me to ever forgive Spirit if she'd led Diamond into a fatal sickness?

Pushing the thought away felt like the best thing to do for now, so that's what I did; but my belly still continued to churn as the day went on.


"What's it look like?" Diamond asked eagerly while she dug into the snow with her soft white paws. The kitten's short fur already had several snowflakes stuck to it.

"Well... They have small ears and long, slender brown bodies. The male ones are about two rabbits bigger than me and have white sticks coming out of their heads," advised Blaze as Diamond's eyes grew wide with amazement.

"Sticks on their head!" she said, bewildered. I laughed aloud and curled my tail tighter around Blaze's as the wind picked up.

"Have you ever caught one?" She asked in a muffled tone, digging her own makeshift tunnel in the hard-packed snow. Diamond loved asking questions and today had been multiple about large prey animals she'd never seen.

"Yes, as a matter of fact. In the woods where I lived before I met your mother."

Surprised, I raised an eyebrow at that but still felt a twinge of love at his reference of me being Diamond's mother. Anyone could have told that I was a cheetah and she was a human-cat, but the bond felt real all the same. Blaze was such a considerate cat for implying such...

"Their hooves are very sharp, though. It was a young female deer and she caught me right in the chin." Blaze laughed as he pointed his muzzle towards the sky and showed us the scar, a light area of hairless pink skin.

"I want to catch a deer one day, Mom!" Said the exited little cat as she dug her tunnel farther into the snow.

Amused but concerned I wondered if she might've been too cold to be down in the snow at this hour. It was after dark, after all.

"I can see she wants to be a rabbit when she grows up, not a hunter!"

Squealing excitedly as Blaze dug her out of the heap, I thought wordlessly of Diamond being grown up and going off on her own. The image almost made my paws tremble because she was so small- what if she actually thought she could hunt a deer and got stomped on by it's rock-like paws?

As much as I hated the word the little kit was born as a runt of the litter just as Fallan appeared to be; what with her smaller size and shorter legs.

Being shown how well Fallan could protect herself, I had optimism for the kitten's learning of the world but didn't want her to be fighting or going off on her own until she was much older. Already she had proven to be a bit reckless and much too brave despite her size.

And rightly I was proud of that, but... I also remembered how I'd used to be the same way and enforced danger one too many times because of it.

Little Diamond reared up on her hind paws and batted at Blaze's muzzle playfully. I stretched my tail out as bait for her to catch and waved it teasingly around in the air with my paws crossed.

"Don't you ever get tired?" I joked lovingly, drawing the kit nearer as she swiped at my tail-tip. She fell on my flank and laid there huffing.

"No!" She screeched suddenly, jumping on top of my head and biting my ear with tiny thorn-like teeth. Wincing, I moved the calico onto my belly and pawed at her.

Playfully the kit nudged them away as if she were being attacked by them, turning and striking out with such good timing that I was taken aback. Quickly I lowered my paws and searched for a stone for her to play with.

Sliding off my belly, Diamond slid on her stomach to chase the stone I'd flicked and kicked up paw-fulls of snow.

"She's already a natural hunter and fighter," I said somberly, resting my head against Blaze and earning a few licks on the ears.

"But that doesn't mean she has to be either." Blaze spoke reassuringly and then I was reminded of the conversation we'd had before about my discomfort with Diamond growing up; her wanting to learn more about using her teeth and claws.

"She is only ready whenever you are ready," he murmured into my ear and laid his head against mine. While keeping a watchful gaze on Diamond I moved to try and share more warmth with his tufty flank.

He was so kind and helpful in everything he said- I couldn't find one thing that I didn't like about the tom. If he ever had any disagreements he'd never voiced them before and had always tried to keep me happy.

Above everything he would always look Diamond's way to make sure she was safe. Soon after playing with the stone she gave a feeble cough and I watched as Blaze reached out his tail to scoot her closer, feeling appreciation blossom inside like a flower.

Diamond's fluffy kitten pelt was tucked between our shoulders in the next second, her kitten-fluff chilly from the air. Within a few moments she should warm up, I told myself.

Being stuck and obviously relishing the warmth, the kit let out a large yawn with her tiny pink tongue pointed towards the sky. I licked her cheek just as she began to close her eyes as a gesture of saying goodnight.

Fallan, who was right next to us had fallen to sleep a long time ago and I knew she would've woken as soon as the hunting cats got back.

With any luck they'd have some prey to spare for Fallan- she'd grown skinny and lost her spirit over the long 'Paws of frigid cold.

My stomach felt hollow but the previous weeks without food had become a normal for me and I hardly felt the pains anymore.

In fact I could have went a lot longer giving up my prey for Diamond before actually suffering.

Soon after closing my eyes did the others return. Prey scent hit my nostrils so strong that I rose up on my paws without caring about waking anyone up.

"We got very lucky tonight."

Storm's new was muffled around a strong scent of mountain goat. Shaking out my fur I realized I was probably appearing much too eager about the prey. I sat down.

As the broad-shouldered tomcat neared my hopes dropped just a little. It was only a baby goat, and if Storm himself would have ate it, it would've filled him up. So I knew now that not everyone was going to be satisfied tonight.

Regardless of the thought I couldn't forget that it was more than we'd had for dinner since I could remember.

"I can't believe we just found it
laying there in the den. It's mother must've gotten killed or hurt somehow."

I felt my fur rise a bit at Aspen's words, much too enthusiastic to match what he was saying. Spirit's shadowed eyes matched the same worry that stirred beneath my pelt. If that mother-goat had not been near her baby where else could she have gone?

It didn't make much sense to me. Could there have been another animal that'd killed it?

As Spirit began tearing apart portions of the meal with Storm's help I pushed aside my worries and focused on Diamond instead. The kitten was ruffled with sleep but her eyes lit up as she saw the heap of meat laying atop the snow.

Blaze had not stirred yet so I imagined that he was tired and left him to sleep until our later plans.

Before sliding anyone else something Spirit gave Diamond a piece of meat that was almost as big as her.

"She's sick," Spirit said without looking up. I disregarded the comment and turned away.

She was the one who'd made my kit sick in the first place. Giving her more prey than usual wasn't going to magically make it all better.

Diamond began tearing into the catch immediately and I felt she would fall asleep soon after with a full belly. Fallan had awoke and still waited for her prey while I groomed some of the fur on my backside.

"You should take more," I heard someone say in a low voice and turned my head sideways so no one would notice my pricked ears. Chewing quietly, I listened.

"I'm not that hungry and none of us have eaten a meal like this in days."

That was Spirit, and I realized the cat who had suggested her take more prey was Storm. Unjustly so, because Spirit always acted like no cat had the right to suggest anything.

"He's right," Midnight spoke up with an friendly nod to Storm.

"But good luck getting Spirit to do something she doesn't want to," joked the black cat with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. It almost caused me to snort- how much longer had I known about Spirit's stubbornness than her?

"Please, Spirit."

There was a small plea in Storm's voice that I'd never heard before. It'd taken me aback.

Did he really want her to eat that bad?

The concern in his voice brought me to wonder whether he really cared for Spirit now. With his paw nudging another part of the carcass closer, I felt like I knew the answer.

"I..." The blue eyes darted to Midnight then Storm, while Aspen looked on as if he wasn't involved but still had that expression of opinion on his face.

"I suppose it's fair that way. But I'm only taking as much as everyone else," she muttered as if conflicted.

Blinking in astonishment, I turned away to finish my portion of prey. Rarely had I even seen Midnight convince Spirit to eat her fair share. My paws burned with resentment.

Soon after the cats finished eating they laid down to sleep. Within minutes I could hear their gentle snores filling the air (all except for Aspen's) and woke Blaze up silently to eat.

"I let you sleep longer because I know you're going to be tired after your watch tonight." Sympathy ebbed through me. Poor Blaze was going to be up the entire night.

While he eats his food I gaze Aspen's yellow eyes catch the moonlight. Seeing as he already knew we were still awake I bent down to pick up Diamond as gently as I could.

The kit muttered and jerked her paws but did not wake as I laid her next to Fallan and tucked my sister's paw around her.

Successfully have made sure Diamond was warm and still asleep, Blaze moved with me to step around the sleeping bodies.

Aspen made no sound as he watched us slink away and I felt a rush of excitement as we stepped into the cool night. Lucky for us, the wind from earlier today had settled and left the night crisp but silent.

"Just think; we'll be able to share this very moment a few days from now on real land," Blaze said confidently as we stepped over and around snow mounds, bluffs and outcrops of rock in our way. We were taking a made-up trail downwards towards the bottom parts of the mountain. Already I could see the grassy clearing he was probably headed for.

"One where we can feel grass underneath our paws," I said cheerily.

"Or bark if we want to go tree climbing," Blaze said with a chuckle. I almost stopped in my tracks but settled for staring at him instead.

"You like climbing trees?"

"Don't you?"

I laughed, bewildered. Blaze was an odd one... but I still loved him.

"I've never really done it for fun or hunting purposes- only to hide from other animals," I admitted shyly. Might he have thought it odd?

He said nothing as we made our way down the slope.

Without a word the tom whisked any traces of shyness away by stepping close and stopping me in my tracks. I stared up at him, breathless as the cheetah wrapped his tail around me and licked my face delicately.

With my heart bursting Blaze sat down and pressed his spiky fur firmly against mine, his warmth seeming to heat every inch of my pelt.

"I could stay here with you forever, you know." He joked affectionately and I found myself wrapped up in his paws and tail and fur and everything in-between, feeling as if I couldn't possibly be more happy.

How could anyone ever go throughout life not having this? I wondered as I purred with a smile, lazily closing my eyes.

"I know we haven't gone far but we can search for prey on the way back. We don't need to spend all this time hunting," Blaze whispered into my ear as he lapped my cheek and stroked his tail along my back... And without knowing I had just realized that I loved being mooned over like a precious kit.

"Hannah," he murmured, breaking me out of my trance. I moved my head a few inches back to look at the tom's fiery amber eyes, awed by this moment.

Blaze didn't await a response but kept talking instead, tripping over himself as if desperate to make me understand. My heart thudded in my chest.

"We could leave the Pride together and start our own life away from all these struggles."

He took a deep breath as I widened my eyes, horrified and breathless and so astonished I couldn't speak.

"Just me and you and Diamond- and she's already getting older so we could have many more nights like this without having to sneak away. We could hunt together every day and maybe have our own kits when the time comes. You wouldn't have to deal with your sister anymore or worry so much.

You could be happy. You deserve that."

The end of Blaze's mews had come out as a plea, twisting my heart like thorns enclosing around a soft flower. Thoughts rushed through my head quick as a forest fire.

Having kits with Blaze already sounded wonderful, but that was a thing for the future when Diamond was well-grown and knew how to take care of herself. I decided to start with this and spoke gently, pressing my cheek into his soft neck-fur.

"I'm not ready for kits yet, though it sounds lovely. I want to be there for Diamond for many 'Paws yet." Blaze stiffened but did not say anything as each thought threatened to pour from my lips like a waterfall.

Had I upset him by saying this? Regret hit me like a blow to the ears and I pressed harder into the tom's fur, trying to be reassuring. He had to know I wasn't upset with him!

"Spirit has been a pain in the tail but... I don't know if I can leave her and Fallan. Fallan would be so lonely... "

"Then bring her with us," Blaze said briskly. My heart ached at what this cheetah was willing to do, all for me and my freedom from all of these constant worries.

"Well... This Pride is all I've ever known," I began awkwardly. A wail threatened to rise in my throat as Blaze's expression grew hurt and confused.

"I love you!" I blurted, then sunk a paw deep into the snow. How much more difficult would it be to make him understand? Biting back a yowl, I tried to stay calm and speak sensibly again.

"I love you and I do want a future for us but I'm just not sure that's the answer to it. It's very sudden and we haven't even left the mountains yet..." Uncomfortable in my fur, I looked up at Blaze and suddenly felt very worried.

"You're not going the Pride to leave unless I do, too, right?" Panicked, I stared at him and let myself feel relieved only when he answered a few seconds later. It came upon me like a cool rush of water on the hottest grassland day.

"Of course not." He sounded sure so I let some of the tension out of my body with a sigh and curled my tail around my paws. Blaze set his own atop it. The gesture had sparked something in me and before I knew it he was talking again.

"I know this is sudden. All I ask is for you to think about it, because there might be a perfect territory waiting for us beyond these mountains. Still, I'll never want it unless I have it with you."

My mate's last words were barely a whisper, so fragile it felt they might've been snatched away by the night air if I didn't remember them fast enough. My paws were no longer numb, my heart no longer clutched together in my chest like claws around a piece of prey.

Tomorrow and the next few days I knew I would have to think hard about this consideration.

But for now, there was time that could be spent doing something other than worrying.

Moving his shoulder to better provide warmth from the cold, I slid under the tom's foreleg and snuggled into his chest. Blaze sighed contently and groomed my pelt far into the night as we watched the Great Spot slide down the black abyss.
