
As Tarik left Lenori's room, he felt guilty for not telling Olvan about his dream earlier. Anxiety began to grow in his belly as he moved further away from the room. How did Lenori know that something was up? None of this made sense to him. Tarik stopped, summoned Lumeo and began patting him for comfort. The otter looked up at his summoner with the same anxiety in his eyes as Tarik had. Could he feel it too?

Suddenly, Lumeo jumped away from Tarik.

"Lumeo? What's wrong?" Tarik whispered to the otter.

Lumeo looked behind him. Someone was coming, and fast. Tarik unbuttoned the top of his shirt and in a flash of light Lumeo became a tattoo on his chest. As he buttoned his shirt up again, he could see a man standing in front of him. Oh Tellun! Why do I have the feeling that this is going to turn into hell?

"Tarik, it's good to see you," Lynk said in a dark voice. "Where have you been? Surely to Tellun your head wasn't that bad."
"I'm sorry," Tarik didn't look at the man, instead he looked straight ahead.
"Something bothering you?"
Tarik waited a few moments before he could reply, "no Lynk."
"Good, why don't you head back to the training area? I want to test your skills," Lynk turned and walked a few steps ahead before he stopped again and looked at Tarik.
"I don't think L-Lenori wants me to train again today..."
"Why not? Practise makes perfect..." Lynk motioned with his hand to follow him. Tarik followed, feeling uneasy. He was beginning to turn pale and walk slower. He did not know exactly what Lynk wanted him to practise when he had only just trained a few hours ago, which did not end up with a pretty ending. However, the direction Lynk was walking did not lead to the training room.

"Lynk, the training room is that way," Tarik pointed behind him.
"We are going to a more advanced training room," Lynk frowned over his shoulder at Tarik.

As the Greencloaks approached a wooden door, Lynk opened it but did not walk in.

"You first," he said.

Tarik stepped inside the room and looked around. Chills ran up his spine as he saw real weapons on the racks. They were dangerous for him to use though. Tarik felt even more uncomfortable around Lynk.

"Why are you scared? Do you really think we're going to use those weapons?" Lynk chuckled.
"Then what are we going to use?" Tarik's eyes turned dull.

Suddenly, Lynk grabbed him and pushed him against the floor. Tarik squirmed and struggled under his grip, his heart pounding.

"Tell me what Olvan said to you," he hissed. "Now!"
"Why? What did I do?" Tarik cried, he could feel the hairs on his neck rising.
"I will make sure this doesn't happen... I will make sure to get rid of you before the time comes," Lynk pulled out a small knife and held it on Tarik's neck.
"What's going to happen? I don't understand!" Tarik could feel the sharp edge of the knife almost piercing his soft skin. He tried to push Lynk off but he was too weak for him.
"Lenori can't be serious about you leading them," Lynk pressed the knife slowly into Tarik's neck.

This is it. I'm going to die.
