Chapter 11: Secrets Revealed

It was finally time. Sylva had texted you a date. She was going on a mission that day, so before she got back she would give you her uniform and then help you with your wings.

Currently you were waiting for her to come over when your phone buzzes. It was from Sylva.

Right as you finished reading the message she bursted in through the window.

"Sorry... I tried to warn you..." she says out of breath.

"Okay we've gotta do this fast. He knows I'm done with my mission, so he'll be expecting me to be there soon." she says in a very fast pace.

You quickly get everything done and make final adjustments. You turn to the mirror and it feels like your looking at Sylva.

"It looks perfect." she says.

"Okay, I'm ready." you say, stretching out your wings a bit.

"Alright, remember the plan. If you need me, I'm right here." she says, while tapping her ear.

You had made new ear radios just in case something goes horribly wrong.

"Yeah... yeah. I got this." you say while letting out a sigh.

You jump out your window. As you fly out you can hear Sylva say, "Good luck!"

You fly around the town trying to find the place. As you were flying around, people noticed you. When they did, they seemed panicked and would try to run out of your sight.

'Poor, Sylva.' you thought, wondering if she minded the stares.

You finally made it. You flew threw the window in a rush, trying to mimic something Sylva would do.

"Sorry it took me so long, Smith. I got caught up with something." you say making your voice lower.

"Oh, Sylva. Your back!" Mr. Smith said

"How'd it go?" he asked.

"Good." you said.

You knew Sylva really wasn't one to explain things so you're just trying to answer with the least amount of words as possible.

"That's great! Well, why don't you go get dressed and then come back so I can explain the next mission." he said.

"No, I'll stay in my suit for now. I just want to get over with everything before I get into my comfy clothes." you say, slightly panicking.

"Oh, well that does make sense. Well then. Umm... So, I hope you don't have a date for homecoming, because y/n does. That makes it the perfect time to get to your Mom!" he says.

He keeps explaining, but you're too focused on those two words to listen. 'your Mom'?

You let go of the thought, 'Okay focus y/n. This is important.' you think, getting back into the plan.

"So, I've made this serum. I'm going to test it a couple of times before I'm sure it works." he says, leading you over to some beakers.

"What are they supposed to do?"you ask, trying to sound bored.

"Well you see, once I get this right it should completely reverse the effects of the serum that gave her the wings." he says, excitedly.

"No way, so am I going to inject her with this with a syringe?" you ask.

"Yeah it's that simple. This is only needed if she shows up at the house during are plan." he says.

Good thing you had brought a recording device, you weren't paying attention to any of the plan.

"Well I'm done now. You can go get changed." he says.

"Okay, well I'm going to take a shower so it might take me a while." you say, slowly heading to Sylva's room. You make sure to point your camera everywhere so that you have enough information.

You text Sylva and then head out through her room window. You make the quick change of suits and then both go back to your real homes.

Well this sucks, they're planning for homecoming night which means you have to cancel your plans with Peter.

You quickly send him a text asking if he wants to hang out tomorrow. After a while he says he doesn't have anything to do, so he should be able to.

You go over to your closet and then open the secret hatch into your new lab. You loved your old house, but this house had so many cool additions.

You plug in your recording device and listen to the whole plan. What you hear shocks you.

He was talking about your Mom, but he always referred to her as Sylva's Mom. You decided to dig further into records of your Mom and Mr. Smith when you come across something crazy.

Sylva was your half sister... She had been taken away from your Mom during a court case. What was even more shocking was that she lost custody to the father, Mr. Smith.

This was crazy! When you went to bed you couldn't sleep because of all the thoughts in your head.

The next morning you got up and headed over to Peter's with all the information you had gotten from your visit.

The moment you're about to knock on the door it opens.

"Hey, come on in." Peter says, stepping to the side.

He seems a little hectic.

"Peter what's going on?" you ask curiously.

"Well when we are at school yesterday Liz asked me to homecoming. I told her I'd think about it because I freaked out since I was already planning on going with you." he says very fast.

"Oh, well actually that works out perfectly." you say.

"Why?" he asks.

"Well something really important came up and it's on homecoming night." you say.

"Oh, what is it?" he asks.

"Here..." you say and start setting out all of your information.

"Mr. Smith is planning something for that night. He thinks I'm going to homecoming with you but if I'm able to suprise them about being there, it might give me a better fighting chance." you say fastly.

"Oh, so your saying that's perfect because then I won't have to awkwardly say no to Liz and then you can be home when they come." he says and you nod.

"But what happens if he figures out your not going?" he asks.

"Well if anyone gets suspicious and asks you why we're not going together just tell them we got into a fight, but that I'll still be going just with friends." you say.

"Okay, but I really wanted to go with you..." he says sadly.

"I did too, Peter, but I just can't let anything happen to my Mom. Especially after what happened to my Dad." you say softly.

"Yeah, I get it, but how did you find out about the plan?" he asks.

"Well I kinda snuck into the place that he and the Reaper are staying." you said.

"Oh..." he says, you can see that he's missing being Spiderman.

"That's not all I figured out though..." you said.

"What else?" he responds.

"Well The Reaper is actually my half-sister and Mr. Smith is her father." you say.

"No way!" Peter yelled.

"Yeah, I know right? I feel bad but I know I'm going to have to talk to my Mom about it to get more information." you explain.

"Ooh, yeah. That'll be rough." he says.

"Wow, thanks, Peter." you say punching him in the arm.

"Oww." he says in fake offence.

"Here help me look through this information." you say handing him a bunch of stuff.

The rest of the day is filled with you spending time on plans for what you're going to do in any possible situation.

You dreaded going home, knowing about the conversation that's about to happen.

"Hey Mom..." you say letting out a sigh.

"What's up sweetie?" she asks unknowingly.

"Do I have a half-sister?" you ask, flat out.

She stops what she's doing and looks up at you with exasperation.

"How did you find out?" she asks.

"Well umm... my new journalism teacher is Mr. Smith and ummm... he seemed kind of sketchy so I decided to look up some stuff too make sure he was safe to be around and that's how I found out." you said super fast.

"Oh. So he's the new teacher." she says, her voice switching to hate.

"We were very young when I had your sister. We didn't really know what to do. Eventually we broke up with each other, but we ended up getting in a fight about custody. He bribed the judges and got custody. I didn't want to tell you because I knew we couldn't visit her if you asked." she said looking down.

"Oh..." you say, walking out of the room to process this.

'I wonder if Sylva knows the truth and that's why she's helping me against Mr.Smith' you thought walking to your new room

Whatever it is I need to talk to her anyways. You texted her to meet tomorrow, at the usual place you had been meeting, in the morning. She responded instantly with an 'Of course!'.

You again couldn't sleep. You didn't know how to bring it up to Sylva that you knew.

The next morning you rushed out of bed, left a note for your Mom, grabbed your bike and rode to the coffee shop.

You looked around and made sure you weren't being followed per usual, but this time you saw someone out of the corner of your eye.

You pulled your bike over to the side and texted Sylva saying that you thought you were being followed. She sent something back saying that we could meet on a private roof top instead and to make a loop around the street.

You went to the coffee shop and parked your bike. You looked around and couldn't see anyone but you still looped around the street before going up the fire escape to Sylva.

Once you made it you saw her with her wings out and her uniform on.

"Hey." you said in a soft tone.

Sylva turned and looked into your eyes. A knowing looked dawned on to her face.

"So you know, huh?" she asks.

"Yeah, I wish I would've known sooner. How long have you known?" you ask.

"Well I didn't know exactly for a couple of years but I've had my suspicions that something wasn't quite right about my dad since I was a teen." she said.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" you ask.

"I was the first time we met, but I got interrupted." she said.

"That actually makes a lot of sense." you said.

"But why didn't you tell me after that?" you ask.

"Well after that was when your Dad died and that would have made me look even more guilty." she says.

"That also makes a lot of sense." you say, looking to the side.

"Who do you think followed you here?" she asked.

"I have no idea, but I might be able to get into the security cameras later and find out." you say.

"Well here's the information about the mission you're going on to get 'revenge' on our Mom." you say, holding out a flash drive.

"Well I best be going, don't want anyone finding out about this." she said, unfolding her wings and flying off.

You went down the fire escape and got back to your bike. When you were distracted with your bike lock someone came up behind you and slid something in your pocket.

You waited a minute before you decide to look at it. When you pulled it out it was just a folded up letter.

'Y/n it's very important that you understand something, Sylva isn't someone you should trust. If you're sceptical about this then meet me in the coffee shop that you two have been meeting. Don't worry you'll know who I am once you're inside.'

You read it and you did become very sceptical, but the coffee shop was a public place so it wasn't as sketchy.

You walked in and your eyes were immediately drawn to the corner.

This week had been filled with many suprises, but this one had to be the biggest.


Well here it is my first chapter that is 2,000 words. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thanks for all the reads and I'm so happy that some of you like it enough to follow me or vote for the story. It means a lot 💕.
