Sandman & Sparkles

Reminders of which characters are which:
Raimi-(Name) is Tobey Maguire's y/n
Webb-(Name) is Andrew Garfield's y/n

Ned and MJ are led in by an unhappy Dr. Strange. "I can't believe I'm in the Sanctum Sanctorum!" Ned said, awestruck. "Neither can I." Dr. Strange grumbled. "So, how did you know you were made of magic? Because my nana says that we have it in our family and sometimes I get these tinglings in my hands..." Ned said.

"You should talk to your physician." Dr. Strange replied. "Peter!" MJ exclaimed when Peter walk up from the basement. "Hey!" The boyfriend and girlfriend greeted each other and hugged.

"I'm so sorry for dragging you into this. Listen, you just gotta help me find these guys..." Peter said. "You don't have to apologize, okay? You got us a second shot at MIT." MJ said.

Webb-(Name) then emerges from the basement with her mask off, seeing how there's no point in trying to hide her identity in another universe. Ned and MJ look at the older woman, amazed.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Webb-(Name) asked, placing her hand to her face to feel for something. "You're from another universe? Just like the bad guys, right?" Ned asked, awestruck. "And you're like a female Spider-Man. A Spider-woman." MJ said, equally awestruck.

"Yup. I sure am. It's been a really crazy day." Webb-(Name) said. "Are you like a female Peter Parker?" Ned asked. "What? No. I have a Peter Parker in my universe." Webb-(Name) replied. "Oh good, cause you are really attractive and I didn't know how to feel about it at first." Ned said, smiling. Peter's eyes widen and he turns to his friend. "Dude."

Webb-(Name) laughs and MJ shakes her head, smiling amusingly. "I'm (Name) Parker." She introduced herself and the kids look at her surprised. "But I thought you just said..." Peter muttered. "My Peter Parker is my husband." Webb-(Name) said.

Peter's jaw drop and MJ does a double take between her boyfriend and this woman he's apparently married to in another universe. "Did I say something wrong?" Webb-(Name) asked.

"N-no,'s just....I thought if I marry anyone it be MJ." Peter said, pointing to his girlfriend. "Oh, well don't let my love life get you down." Webb-(Name) said, nudging Peter in the shoulder.

"Haven't you ever heard of multiverse theory? Just because I'm married to a Peter Parker in my universe, doesn't mean you're going to end up marrying the Me in this universe. My Peter and I never even met an MJ in our universe." Webb-(Name) explains and Peter and MJ are relieved to hear this.

"Speaking of the multiverse. How did the bad guys get here?" Ned asked and Peter hesitates. "He screwed up a spell trying to get you into college." Dr. Strange said, not hesitating at all. "Wait, what? I thought it was the MIT lady you saved." MJ said to Peter.

"You did it with magic?!" Ned asked, excitedly. "Uh, no, that was after. Listen let's just focus on the good news, okay? " Peter told them. "No, let's just focus on the bad news: as of now, you have detected zero multiversal trespassers, so...get on your phones, scour the Internet, and Scooby-Doo this shit." Dr. Strange said, annoyed and heads up the stairs.

MJ laughs, causing the doctor to stop halfway up the steps. "You're telling us what to do even though it was your spell that got screwed up, meaning that all of this is kinda your mess. You know, I know a couple of magic words myself, starting with the word please." MJ said and Webb-(Name) leans over to Peter. "I like her." She whispered and Peter smiles.

"Please Scooby-Doo this shit." Dr. Strange said, softer and with more charm. "You can work in the Undercroft." He said, continuing his way upstairs. "The Undercroft?!" Ned asked in awed.

A lightbulb turns on to reveal the Undercroft, a.k.a. a normal, boring basement. "Badass!" Ned said, grinning. Peter, Webb-(Name), Ned, and MJ, take in the Christmas decorations, camping stuff and other things found in a typical basement, such as a dryer going off.

Ned grabs a crossbow, in awe and Webb-(Name) takes it from him like a mother protecting her child from dangerous toys. "Guys, listen, about this whole spell thing..." Peter said to his friends.

"It's totally okay." MJ said. "Wait really?" Peter asked, surprised. "Yeah. I mean, I get it. You were just trying to fix things. And so, maybe just run it by us next time, you know? That way when you're thinking, 'Hey, I'm about to do something that could break the universe,' we could, like, help you. Workshop something...or brainstorm ideas..." MJ said.

Peter and MJ smirk at each other, she was clearly giving him shit but also forgives him for what happened and Peter is grateful for her. "Deal." Peter said and his eyes shift to Ned. "Ned?" He said, hoping he will forgive him too.

"Oh, dude, I don't care. It's seriously not a big deal. Um..." Ned said, then he sees something that excites him. "Oh! A torture rack!" He said, running over to it. "Don't touch it." Webb-(Name) warned him.

"That is a Pilates machine." MJ said, pointing at the machine in shock then points to something else in the room. "That is...?" She said. "The crypt." Peter replied. "Okay kiddos, as delightful as you three are, I'd kinda like to get back home to my universe. My Peter Parker probably freaking out that I'm gone." Webb-(Name) said.

"How do you know he wasn't sent here too?" Peter asked. "Smaug said everyone that knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man was brought here, right? So why would my Peter get zapped here too? New York would be filled with millions of Peter Parkers if the spell included them." Webb-(Name) explains.

"That's a good point." MJ said. "That's my guess anyway. If he is here, I have no clue where to even start looking. So right now, my best chance of seeing him again is sticking with three rascals." Webb-(Name) said.

"Okay, so...we get the rest of the guys, you and Peter or uh my Peter zaps them, Dr. Magic will send them and you back. And when we get into MIT, a round of stale donuts, my treat." MJ said. "Sounds like a plan." Webb-(Name) said. "Let's catch some Multiverse Men." Ned said, nodding.

"Hey! Who the hell are these two?" Doc Ock, watching the whole conversation from his cell. "These are my friends. This is MJ and uh, this is Ned." Peter introduced them. "Hey." MJ greeted the angry octopus man. "Hello." Ned said, also greeting him.

"Uh, I'm sorry, what was your name again?" Peter asked. "Doctor Otto Octavius." Doc Ock said and after a beat the teenagers all laugh. "Kids don't be rude." Webb-(Name) told them. "Wait, no seriously, what's your actual name?" Peter asked Doc Ock. "Oh, is that a dinosaur?!" Ned asked, excitedly. From his cell, Lizard scowls at him, unamused.

Later, Webb-(Name) was sitting on the ceiling, hanging upside down near the washer and dryer. Peter pulls his suit covered in green paint out of his backpack and walks over to the washing machine.

"Doesn't that hurt? You know, when the blood rushes to your head?" Peter asked her, curious. "Not really. Guess that's one of the benefits of being bitten by a radioactive spider. Which is good, cause I find hanging upside down helps relax me." Webb-(Name) replied.

As Peter grabs cleaning supplies, a doll on the shelf turns its face towards him. "Can I ask you something? What is Peter like? Your Peter I mean." He said. "Hmmm...not that much different from you, I think. Aside from his hair being cooler." Webb-(Name) said.

"Oh that's nice." Peter muttered, beginning to scrub his suit. "So you and him are married?" He asked. "Seven year anniversary coming up." Webb-(Name) replied. " uh...does that mean you two have kids?" Peter asked and Webb-(Name) frowns, going quiet.

Peter pauses his scrubbing and looks up at her. "Oh uh...sorry. I shouldn't pry." He said, feeling like he's overstepped abound. "No, it's okay. Hate to tell you this, but no. He wants kids scares me. We've had a couple....disagreements about it. He just won't listen when I tell him, I'm not exactly fit to be a mother." Webb-(Name) explains.

"How come?" Peter asked. "Let's just say...sometimes I'm not a friendly neighborhood Spider-Woman." Webb-(Name) said, looking away. "Oh." Peter muttered, realizing what she meant.

Awkward silence falls over them and Peter goes back to scrubbing until he calls Aunt May. Not only to get her advice on how to get green paint out, but also to avoid the awkward tension he's created between himself and Webb-(Name).

"If the paint won't come off, bring it by the shelter and I'll get it out." Aunt May said. "No, no, no...May, we gotta find these guys first." Peter said. "Well, finish your mission and then come by. We're having a canned food drive." Aunt May said.

Peter turns his suit inside out to reveal a black and gold interior, devoid of green paint. "That could work." He muttered. "Uh, I got one, I got one, I got one..." Ned announced, looking at his laptop. Webb-(Name) drops down from the ceiling and makes her way over to him.

"Uh May, I gotta go, I'll call you back." Peter said into his phone. "Okay, love you! Bye!" Aunt May said and Peter hangs up, joining the others in front of Ned's laptop. "I mean, you can take the guy out of the chair, but you can't take the chair out of the guy." Ned said and MJ cocks her head, not sure about that one.

"What'd you find?" Webb-(Name) asked. "Uh, there's a...disturbance near a military research facility outside of the city. And witnesses say that they saw a monster flying through the air." Ned said. "That's got to be the guy we saw on the bridge, right?" Peter asked, looking at Webb-(Name), who nodded.

"That's impossible." Doc Ock said and the others look up at him in his cell. "You know him, don't you? On the bridge, you said his name." Peter said, moving towards the cell. "Norman Osborn. Brilliant scientist. Military research. But he was greedy. Misguided." Doc Ock said and Webb-(Name) shifts in place, looking uncomfortable.

"What happened to him?" Peter asked and Doc Ock lunges forward, straining against the tentacles holding him in place. "WE TIRE OF YOUR QUESTIONS, BOY!" He shouted. "Hey! If you didn't want to share with the class, then you should've kept your mouth shut!" Webb-(Name) yelled, going up to Peter to pull him away from the cell.

"Okay. Um...we gotta go." Peter said to her, then he looks over at Ned. "Where are we going?" He asked. "It can't be him." Doc Ock muttered. "Why?" MJ asked.

"Because Norman Osborn died. Years ago. So either we saw someone else. Or you're flying out into the darkness to fight a ghost." Doc Ock said to Peter and Webb-(Name), who both look unsettled.

Spider-Man and Webb-Spider-Woman swings outside of the city, along side high-tension power lines strung between giant transmission towers. Spider-Man was also now wearing his turned inside out suit.

Back at the Undercroft, Ned opens the fridge door, pauses to examine boxes of takeout alongside otherworldly specimens held in old mason jars. "What the...?"

He then joins MJ at his laptop. "Keep an eye out on the trees. We don't really know where this guy is." MJ said to the heroes on the laptop, that had a live-feed that was being steamed from Peter's cell phone that was duct-taped to his chest.

"I genuinely don't know how you do this without throwing up." MJ said, looking nauseous. Spider-Man and Webb-Spider-Woman swings down from the power lines, landing in a dark forest.

They walks forward, on alert, when something moves through the trees. "Did you guys see that?" Spider-Man asked. "Yeah." Webb-Spider-Woman replied. "" MJ said. "It's really dark." Ned said, squinting his eyes at his laptop screen.

More rustling, now in the trees behind the heroes, they turns...but nothing's there. In the distance, an owl calls and the wind whistles through the trees. "Okay, okay, okay..." Spider-Man muttered. "This isn't creepy at all." Webb-Spider-Woman said, sarcastically.

They continue on, searching, when they stop suddenly, their spidey senses flaring as an eerie blue light crackles behind them. "What's happening?" Ned asked. "Guys, what is it?" MJ asked.

Spider-Man readies his web shooter and three glowing rings appear. "Are you getting, like, the tingle thing? Is the tingle thing happening? Is your tingle tingling?" MJ asked, anxiously.

The heroes quickly turns to see a blue ghost, hovering above the power lines, drawing energy from them. Electro appears in a spectral form, just like before he died, years ago.

"Are you guys seeing this?" Spider-Man asked his friends. "Yeah..." MJ replied. "Osborn?" Ned asked. "No...I know who this is." Webb-Spider-Woman said, staring up at the ghost shocked. "Who?" Spider-Man asked.

"Max Dillon...but he's supposed to be dead." Webb-Spider-Woman said. "Maybe he's a different Max." Spider-Man suggested. " wouldn't happen to be from another universe, would you?" He then called out to Electro, getting no reply, except for the crackling bursts of electricity.

"What's he doing?" MJ asked. "I don't know. It looks like he's charging." Spider-Man replied and MJ shakes her head, concerned. "I don't like this. Just web him." She said.

Spider-Man magic-webs at Electro but the web goes through his spectral form and hits a tree. A huge tree appears in a cell, crunched into the confines of the space, startling, MJ and Ned. "Whoa!"

Electro as he jolts awake, spots the heroes on the ground. He blasts bolt after bolt at the retreating Spiders. On his cellphone screen, Ned and MJ try to direct them. "Dude, go left! Left, dude, left! Left, go...Left, yes!" Ned said. "What are you doing?" MJ asked Ned. "Go right!" She then said to the heroes.

"Guys! This is not helping!" Spider-Man said. Electro suddenly appears before the heroes and with a blasts, he sends them tumbling to the ground. Ned's laptop screen sputters, losing connection... "Oh, no, no, no...what happened? Peter? (Name)?" MJ cried out.

Spider-Man and Webb-Spider-Woman writhes on the ground, reeling from the blast. Suddenly, Electro charges at them, shooting another bolt, when...a wall of sand whirls up and takes the brunt of the shock out of the swirling mass, a face appears...It's Sandman!

"Peter, it's me! Flint Marko! You remember?" Sandman asked. "I'm Peter, but I'm not your Peter." Spider-Man said, frantically. "What do you mean you're not my Peter?" Sandman asked.

"That's because this is a different Peter." A voice said behind the heroes. Spider-Man and Webb-Spider-Woman spun around and seeming to materialize out of thin air, Raimi-Spider-Woman appears with her hands on her hips.

"Whoa." Spider-Man muttered. "Oh wow...are you the other me?" Webb-Spider-Woman asked her. "Did you just use camouflage? That's so cool!" Spider-Man said, amazed. "What the hell is going on?!" Sandman asked, completely lost.

"Let's save the Q&A's for later. First we gotta stop Sparkles here." Raimi-Spider-Woman said, taking charge and sounding way more experienced than Spider-Man and even Webb-Spider-Woman. "Okay." The others said.

"Flint, you try to surround him and we'll pull the plug. All right, let's go!" Raimi-Spider-Woman said and the three spider people web and swing back up into the fight, Sandman acting as a wall of protective sand around them.

Electro launches electricity bolts and Sandman turns into a sand typhoon, swirling around Electro. The heroes lands on a transmission tower, dodges blast after blast of electricity. Sandman's face appears in the swirling typhoon. "I can't...hold him much longer!" He said.

"We got it, we got it!" Spider-Man said, frantically. "All together now." Raimi-Spider-Woman said. Together the three spider people web the various transmission towers, pulling them back and the lines begin to rip, sparks shooting out.

Electro's body grows dimmer as he draws less and less power. The heroes severs the last power line and are thrown back, slide-landing onto the ground. Electro expends his seemingly last blast before falling to the ground.

Sandman appears at Spider-Man's side as he peels off his mask. "A different Peter. Weird." Sandman said. "Thanks." Peter said, slapping Sandman's hand, causing it to scatter in the wind. "Sorry." Peter muttered. "Don't worry about it." Sandman said.

Electro was now in human form. He looks around, remnants of electricity crackling down his arm. "I got my body back." He said, amazed. "Hey Max. You look a little different." Webb-Spider-Woman said, pulling off her masks and Electro looks taken aback. "So do you." He said. "Yeah, it's a little thing called aging." Webb-(Name) said, shrugging.

"You guys really just go around, ripping your masks off?" Raimi-Spider-Woman mumbled, looking at Peter and Webb-Spider-Woman with disappointment.

"Hey, um...this is gonna sound really crazy, but uh...this isn't your universe." Peter said to Electro. "Another universe?" He asked, shocked. "Uh-huh." Peter replied, nodding. "What?!" Sandman exclaimed.

"That's what I was feeling. The power, it's different... I like it!" Electro said and his eyes flash yellow. "Easy, buddy." Sandman said. "It's actually my fault that you're here." Peter admitted. " the universe? Or the woods? I hate the woods." Electro said, agitated. "I meant the universe, sir." Peter said.

"So what? Y'all just gonna stand here and act like I ain't butt-ass naked?" Electro asked. "I am." Sandman said. "Me too." Webb-(Name) said, doing her best to maintain eye contact. "Uh, no, no...uh...I uh..." Peter stammered, looking around quickly.

Raimi-Spider-Woman takes a quickly glance down and shrugs. "I've seen bigger." She said, impulsively and Webb-(Name) chokes on the air. Peter looks aside, sees a utility shed with some line worker clothes inside.

WHOOSH! Electro materializes in a cell in ConEd clothes. "Whoa!" Ned and MJ said, surprised. Doc Ock waves to Electro from his own cell.

Sandman reacts to Peter magic-webbing Electro, spooked. "What was that? What did you just do to him?" He asked. "No, no, no, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay..." Peter said, frantically. "Did you kill him?" Sandman asked becoming angry.

"Flint calm down." Raimi-Spider-Woman told him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, listen, I can explain everything. You just have to trust me, please just trust me..." Peter pleaded with Sandman.

"I don't trust you! I don't know you!" Sandman shouted and he lunges at Peter, who fires his magic web shooter. WHOOSH! Sandman's gone. "Excuse him. He's on his man period again." Raimi-Spider-Woman said to Peter, who was panting.

Sandman materializes in an empty cell. Furious, he pounds his fists against the barrier. "Ugh, what is this?!" He asked. "You picked the wrong side." Electro said, then he hears laughter and looks over, spotting Lizard.

"Connors?" Electro said, amazed. "Wait. You know this creature?" Doc Ock asked. "No, no, no, no...not a creature. A man." Electro said, as Ned and MJ watch this whole scene play out. "Whoa, same universes." Ned said to MJ.

"Dr. Curt Connors. He was a scientist at Oscorp when I worked there. A brilliant scientist. Until he turned himself into a lizard. Then he tried to turn the whole city into lizards, it was crazy!" Electro explained.

"It wasn't crazy, Max. It was the next step in human evolution." Lizard said. "The dinosaur can talk?!" Ned said, amazed. "Lizard." MJ corrected him. "Right." Ned said.

"Speaking of which...what happened to you? Last I recall, you had bad teeth, glasses, and a combover. Did you get a makeover? You know I can give you a real makeover." Lizard said, grinning and showing his spiky reptile teeth.

"Let me guess, into a lizard?" Electro asked. "Exactly!" Lizard replied. "Would you two just shut up?! Where are we?" Sandman asked. "It's complicated..." Ned said. "A wizard's dungeon." MJ announced.

"A wizard's...a wizard's dungeon?" Electro asked. "There's no real way to sugar coat that. It's literally the dungeon of a wizard." MJ said. "Look, you can keep your magic. I want a taste of that new energy I just felt. The overhead lights flicker." Electro said, his hands glowing with yellow electricity.

MJ's phone rings and she quickly, answers it. "Oh, Peter, hey!" She said. Peter is on the phone, surrounded by downed power lines as Raimi-Spider-Woman and Webb-(Name) talk to each other.

"What happened to your eye?" Raimi-Spider-Woman asked Webb-(Name). "It's uh...a long story. I don't like to talk about." She replied.

"Hey, uh...did those guys come through yet? There should be an electric guy and a sand guy." Peter said to MJ on the phone. "Yeah, they're all here and locked up." MJ replied.

"Okay, perfect. We also found the other (Name), she agreed to help us. Right now, we're gonna just stay here for a bit and try and fix some of this damage so they don't blame it on me again." Peter explains.

"Okay." MJ said. "But hey, I uh...I couldn't do any of this without you so...thank you." Peter said, gratefully. "Yeah, of course." MJ said.

Ned was inspecting the tree in one of the cells, then turns to MJ. "Hey, ask him if this is, like, a tree monster, or like a scientist that turned into a tree...?" He said. "It's just a tree, man. Just a tree." Electro told him.

Back in the city, dawn was breaking on a new day. In a deserted alley, Norman Osborn desperately tries to cover up the Goblin Glider with trash. "Coward!" Green Goblin said in his head and Norman immediately looks frighten.

"We have a new world to conquer." The voice continued and Norman turns, seeing the Green Goblin mask hanging on a nearby dumpster. "You make me sick." Green Goblin sneered. "Leave me alone. Please..." Norman said, trembling with fear.

"Hiding in the shadows. Hiding from who you truly are." Green Goblin taunted. "No!" Norman yelled. "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE YOURSELF!" Green Goblin shouted. Norman picks up a brick and smashes the mask. He runs off as Green Goblin's cackling laugher echoes around him.

Back at the power lines, Peter and the other Spider-women swing down, looking at their handiwork. The power lines were held together precariously with a lot of webs. Peter's phone vibrates with a call from May. "Hey, May." He said, when he answers it.

"Hey, Peter. I'm at work and um..." Aunt May said, then she starts whispering. "One of the guys you're looking for just walked in." She said and a look of concerned comes over Peter's face. Raimi-Spider-Woman and Webb-(Name) look at him then shared worry looks.
