Chapter 5

     "Awww!" MJ exclaimed, holding up Peters phone trying to avoid the suns glare, as they walked through New York's crowded streets. "She's adorable!"

     "I know, right?" Peter agreed, pushing his way to the crowd. "I can't believe I haven't made the time to even acknowledge her existence before now."

     "Well, before now you didn't know she existed, so..." MJ said, giving back Peter his phone. "Can't really blame yourself for that." 

"Yeah, I know, but..." Peter looked at the picture of Morgan. "I still somehow feel responsible for not taking the time to find out about her."

     "Peter Parker," MJ said, making her boyfriend stop in his tracks. "Don't go on saying, 'Oh, it's all my fault,' 'Eh, I shoulda took time to find her,' 'Ugh, she's gonna hate me'. Pete, it's not your fault.  You're mentor literally died saving the universe, I think you're allowed to go off and grieve and maybe not be social for a few days."

     Peter sighed, continuing on through the crowd. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. you're right."

     "I know I'm right." MJ said, grabbing Peters hand. "That's why I'm here. To remind you when you're being a baby."

     Peter laughed at that remark. Leave it to MJ to successfully insult him, but at the same time make him feel better. He was glad she was around. After dropping MJ off at her house, he ducked into an alley, and swung out in his traditional red and blue suit. He waved at a few kids as he swung off, leaving them all a web ball as a souvenir. He made his way into the big city, where there was a lot more buildings to swing off of. He launched a web line from both his wrists onto  the buildings on his sides, and used it to sling shot forward. 

     Just then, his phone vibrated from his suit pocket, alerting him to either a phone call or a text. Grabbing his phone, he saw the text notification. As he turned a corner, he threw his phone out of his right hand to his left, so he could spin another web line to keep him from plummeting his is probable demise. 

     It was from Happy. 

Happy: Hey, Pete. If the weekend is good for you, Morgan and Pepper would love to see you guys.

     Alright, awesome! He would have to send Ned and MJ a text letting them know. And, of course, he would have to let Aunt May know. But he can do that later.

yea, thatd be great!! cant talk rn, doing spidey stuff. ill let may know later

Happy: Yea yea.. how is she btw?

     A tingling sensation started to vibrated in Peter's brain, causing him to look up from his phone. His lenses went wide, as he realized he was headed straight into a building. He didn't have time to steer himself away from the concrete wall, so he dropped everything and landed feet first on the wall. He thanked God, he was sticky. He looked down, and saw his phone falling to the ground. He quickly launched a web line, and zipped the phone back to his hand. 

     He turned around, his back pressed up against the wall, sticking by only his feet; he looked at the text. He had almost forgot about Happy and May's little "summer fling" thing that had been going on since the vacation. He wasn't so sure he approved of their "romance"; he was kind of overprotective of his aunt, just as she was of him. He quickly texted back.

yea, shes alright

There, that oughta do it. He turned off the phone vibration, put it back in his pocket, and went back to web-slinging. 


On an island, just on the outskirts of New York City, was a prison. A heavily guarded prison, that kept someone New York's most notorious criminals. That included Mac Gargan; stripped of his robotic scorpion tail, he sat on his prison bed, hoping, and praying that he would get another chance at getting rid of the Spider-Man once and for all. He couldn't believe that he had let that bug-themed wall-crawler beat him. He traced his scar on the side of his face with his fingers. The first time he met Spider-Man, that's what he gave him to remember him by. He wanted payback. 

     Just then, one of the prison guards came and unlocked his cell with a loud clank. "Alright, Gargan. C'mon."

     "What's going on?" Mac asked, slowly standing up.

     "Someone paid your bail." the guard said, with a scowl on his face. "You're free to go, get outta here."

     Mac left his cell and went to the hub to retrieve his regular clothes. He was told to go outside, where someone was there to pick him up. Carrying his stuff, he left the prison house and went outside, where he was greeted by a yacht. The kind of yachts that rich people have. Since it was dark outside, the lights on it shown brightly. Standing in front of the yacht was a man. A large man, at that. Just looking at him made Mac feel uneasy.

     "Ah, good evening, Mr. Gargan." the man said, with open arms.

     "Who are you?" Mac asked, gruffly. "You the guy who bailed me out?"

     "That I am." The man said, walking closer to him. In the light of the prison house, Mac could see the man more clearly. He was a lot bigger up close. He was dressed in a nice dark suit and walked with a cane. Mac recognized this man. Wilson Fisk. Owner of Fisk Enterprises by day; man-slaughtering crime boss by night. Why would he be messing around with a petty criminal like him?

     "You probably know who I am." Wilson said,  to which Mac nodded. "I'm familiar with your work, Mr. Gargan."

     Wilson reached into his vest pocket and showed Mac pictures of him when he fought Spider-Man with his robotic tail, and pictures of him at the weapon deal at the ferry a few years back. Mac took the images from him, to examine them more closely.

     "What's it to ya?" Mac said, giving the pictures back to him.

     "I'm mildly impressed." He congratulated, shoving the pictures back into his pocket. "Combine that scorpion tail of yours with the tech I have, Spider-Man won't beat you as easily as he did last time."

     "What's in it for me?" Mac snapped in response. 

     "Oh, don't take the tone of voice with me, sir." Wilson said, keeping his cool. "I may look like a big teddy bear on the outside... but on the inside..."

     Wilson grabbed Mac by the collar of his prison vest, lifting him off his feet with ease. Mac looked at Fisk, fear in his eyes.

     "...let's just say, you don't exactly wanna get caught up in the mafia." Wilson continued.

     "W-W-Whaddya want from me, man?" Mac asked, voice trembling; clearly losing his "tough guy" act. 

     "I want your muscle." Wilson replied. "I want you to keep Spider-Man off my back! There isn't a day that goes by where he doesn't interfere with my people. Whether it be weapons, narcotics, or anything else that is of use to me; he always jumps in, leaving my people in the hands of the police. And sooner or later it'll get traced back to me."

     He sat Mac back down on his feet, and straighten his own collar. "It's not good for my business."

     "Look, man," Mac started, pulling at his collar. "You saw what happened in that RadioShack-lookin' store. I didn't stand a chance against that freakin' bug."

     "You would've had him if you had the right materials." Wilson said, leaning down to Macs level. "If you come work for me, I can give you it. And together we can put an end to the spider."

     "But of course if you don't..." He continued, looking back at the prison. "I can always get my money back."

     Mac wasn't about to spend another 6 years in prison. He looked Wilson in the eye, determination on his face. "What do I gotta do?"

(Authors Note) Just a friendly reminder, to please leave feedback about how the next chapter should go. I want this story to be appealing to you all as possible, and I wanna hear your ideas :) This is just as much your story as it is mine. Let me hear your ideas!
