hot coffee dates

Summary : going on a hot coffee date with Spencer Reid (in fall obvs)

That was the way our date always started, with a kiss.

We both walk outside and start our date. It was a beautiful fall, the trees were changing colors and the leaves were slowly starting to fall off. The sun was shining on us and it was the perfect day for a date

We decided to stop off at our favourite coffee shop to pick up some coffee to go. As per usual Spencer gets himself a coffee and puts an insane amount of sugar in it.

After getting our coffee, we make our way over to the park and walk around for a while, holding hands.

After seeing an available bench we sit down in close proximity to each other.

"I love when we do this" I smile and admit to him

He looks at me and smiles back "I love when we do this too"

We just sit there for a little bit, enjoying each other's company and the peaceful atmosphere around us.

After that we decided to check out some bookstores and record stores. We both love music and books so it was something we always enjoyed doing together.

We browse through the different books and records, and end up talking about our favorite authors and bands yet again.

At the bookstore, Spencer of course purchases a few books and I also get some books for myself which makes Spencer ramble about the book I've chosen.

We were both content with our date, it was the perfect way to spend a fall day.

We end our date with Spencer coming back to my home. We undress and change into more comfortable clothes.

Me wearing an oversized t-shirt and some sweatpants. Spencer also wearing a t-shirt and some sweatpants.

I pull out a large blanket and put it over me and Spencer who are cuddling on the couch.

It's dates like these that I savour because I know that at any time Spencer could be called into work to catch some criminal.

I place my head on Spencer's shoulder and watch as he puts his hand on my thigh.

I put on the tv and find a film for us to watch.

After finding a film and watching it for 20 minutes, Spencer lifts my head up and places a hand on my cheek.

He moves in closer and smashes his lips against mine.

I kiss back trying to keep up with the fast pace kissing I am receiving off of him right now.

When he pulls away he places his forehead on mine, our noses touching.

After a few seconds, we caught our breathes and was now back to watching the film.
My head on his shoulder once again.
