Spell 1

 this spell was from the internet and may not work. 


Candle magick can be tailored to your preferences. ", and that is as it should be, so take as much technique inspiration from as many sources as you want to, but do it your own way," Cassell says. "You could start by simply placing your candle in a calm space, and returning to it at roughly the same time each night to meditate on your desire until the candle is complete, or for a certain number of nights. Keep an eye on the flame and observe how it behaves."
There's one important thing to remember: "Remember  don't blow out your candle unless you want to blow away your intention! Snuff it out with a tool or your fingers instead, if it can't be left to burn out.", a writer and witch in Providence, Rhode Island, says, "I primarily use candles to either set off an intention or to raise a kind of energy I need. , or trying to solve a problem, sometimes I'll put cinnamon in the candle that's yellow or blue." ( for purification and protection; are used for focus and intellect; and blue candles are used for meditation and understanding.)
You can buy a candle designed for ritual use for just a few dollars, she says. ", they sell these little chime candles [for rituals] in a rainbow of colors for usually very cheap. So it's really easy and quick to just get a candle, tell it what it's for, add any other ingredients, state your intention and light it. It's literally some of the quickest and easiest magic, and also the flame burns as its own entity, so to me it's kind of self-sustaining. You don't have to keep putting your own energy into it, you just have to start it and it goes by itself."
