posted - c.d.

prompt from cinnamonphilip's book

"Hey, Ch—"

You cut yourself off at the sight of your roommate's desk covered in what looked like a bunch of sticky notes, in almost every color available. Before you could walk into his room any further to read what was on them, he quickly ran to his bedroom door and stood in your filed of view.

"Y-yeah, what's up?" he said, clearly trying to cover up what was happening. It didn't work.

"Charlie, what're you doing?" you asked, smiling. "Is this for a video or—"

"Uh, no, it's for a, uh... secret... thing..." he sputtered out. His smile and 'casual' leaning in the doorway only made things more suspicious. "It, uh, should be done before I leave for LA."

"What kind of secret thing involves, like, a shit-ton of post-it notes?" you asked. "Also since when did you have that many?"

"I- uh, well- um," he stuttered. You could see Charlie was trying so hard to be smooth and inconspicuous, and Charlie was usually only good at the former rather than the latter. "You'll see, you'll see."

"Ohhh-kay," you replied hesitantly. "Well, I'll leave you to it, I guess, let me know if you need anything." you replied before heading back to your own room.

"Yep, will do!" he said. You heard him shut his door soon after. What the hell was he up to?

✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

A few days after 'the sticky note talk' had taken place, Charlie had left on his flight to LA, something to do with the Lunch Club group he was a part of. You woke up a little late that day, so by the time you were conscious, he was already long gone. You weren't too upset by this though; you knew he would text you when he landed. You sat up in bed, stretching before going to grab your phone, when you noticed something on the side of your night stand.

A green sticky note reading: "Hey (y/n)! If you're reading this, i finished the secret thing! Isn't that neat :^]"

You smiled, making a note to text Charlie about it later. You decided to get up and get some breakfast, so you headed out to the kitchen, only to see more sticky notes on the walls along the way.

"I assume its morning when you're reading these, so good morning! Hope you slept well :D"

"Heads up: I have no idea how many of these I'm doing or
why I'm doing this but hopefully this is at least a *little* but entertaining lmao"

"I'm probably gone by now, but I'll be texting you when I land, as always"

"Also I may or may not have used the last of the milk for my cereal this morning sorryyyyy I'll pay for more when I get back I swear"

You chuckled, even though you'd have to slightly adjust your breakfast plan.

"But hey! There's always the frozen waffles! Can't go wrong with Eggos my guy B)"

He did have a point, so you walked into the kitchen and towards the freezer, seeing yet another sticky note on it: "Woah you actually took my suggestion! That's kinda poggers don't you think (y/n)?"

"Yeah, that's pretty poggers, Charlie," you said aloud as you opened the freezer. You had the world's biggest smile on your face, you couldn't help it. Sure, the sticky notes were a small thing, but it meant a lot to you. It was sweet.

The next few hours were spent as normal, except all activities were accompanied by dozens of sticky notes of various colors and messages. Ranging from, "This is your water bottle! I put this here so you would know!" to, "Ha,
that's funny, you're having LUNCH and I'm in LUNCH CLUB! I love comedy" to, "Hey look its a watermelon! Y'know, when life gives you melons, you're dyslexic". They made what would've been a pretty average day a lot more entertaining, and a lot more special, even if Charlie was gone.

While you were sitting on your bed scrolling through your phone, you got a text from him:

charlie slime man 🦠🦠
Hey! Just landed :)

aHh great!! how was the flight?

I'm grabbing my shit rn
Cooper's gonna pick me up

cool cool
also i uh, found your 'secret thing'

Oh I see
How would you rate it out of seven

why seven?

That's not an answer

ok ok fine lmao
i'll rate it an 8/7


did you just use your own emote in text

Yeah and what about it??

n e ways the notes were great and ur great :)

I'm glad you liked it :D
Alr I gtg, Cooper's almost here

alr byyyyeee ily nerd <3

ilyt dweeb <3

You closed the messaging app, feeling even happier than before. You and Charlie were best friends, it was nice of him to keep you posted.

i know the ending was clunky but shhh i wanna write fluff rn i'm working on it
anyways i hope y'all enjoyed!! sorry it's been a minute lol
also comment requests!! idk man go crazy!!

completely unrelated but i'm giving a formal apology to the person who requested a part two of the carson one shot: i've tried to write it so many times and i just like. can't i'M SO SORRY :(((
