chapter 21

The next morning we are all sleeping in the living room. It was great last night. Everyone together, we have family that live if England so they came down. Harry drank most of the night, does he have a problem with drinking? .

I asked him last night why is he drinking so much, he just said it was because he wasn't feeling happy.


Okay I have gotten to know Charlotte a little better, I guess she is really nice. I'm happy for my dad, he has been trying to get over my mum, I'm sure he'll be happy with Lottie.


The next morning, I can't find Katelyn anywhere. I'm starting to worry, Lottie, dad and Courtney are also starting to worry.

"Okay, guys, I'll call her". Courtney said worried.

Courtney's POV.

I pull out my phone and dial katelyn's number in, I'm pretty sure she's with Niall, but you can't be to sure. Last night they said something about living together, but I wasn't listening I was to busy with Louis. Things are going great between us.

"Hello?" Katelyn answers.

"Katie, it's me court". I answer.

"What". She snaps.

"W-well, where are you?". I ask.

"At Nialls apartment, look I'm moving out, I can't deal with Lottie and other shit. I'm still thinking about it, I don't know. I will come around tonight". Katelyn says.

"Okay". I say, I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Gotta go, I'll see you later". Katelyn says. Before I could say anything else, she hangs up the phone.

"Where is my daughter?!". My dad asks. He's so worried about Katelyn. Like the way she has changed like over night. And now she's considering moving out.

"At Nialls". I say.

"Is she coming back?" Shay asks.

"Yes, later tonight. She said she might be moving along with her life. So that means she's moving out". I say truthfully.

"Okay everyone, let's just calm down, at least she's safe, not on the streets. All alone, no one there to support her. She's okay, she's in good hands and the moment, Niall would never hurt her". Lottie explains.

"You don't know Niall. He could pull something out. He's not as sweet as you think he is!". I half yell.

Shays POV.

Courtney is right. I haven't to know niall that well. But she hangs out with him every day, I think she knows loads about him.

I hear the door bell ring. I go to answer the door, it's Harry.

"Shay. Can I talk to you alone?". Harry asks me. I nod my head, Harry leads me outside.

"Look, I know I have been a complete dick to you lately, it's just because. I have been thinking a lot, and I know where Katelyn is. If you just trust me I can take you there, so you guys can talk thing through". Harry explains.

"I already know, and why would I trust you? I don't even know you. You say I don't know anything about my sister, and then you go and ignore me. Then you come and say sorry, and you honestly think i will expect that? I'm a lot smarter then you think. I can't forgive you". I say. Harry and I stay in silence for a couple seconds.

Harry crashes his lips on to mine, I feel like pulling away so bad. But something is stopping me, I can't find an answer for anything. I'm under everyone's spell, I don't like it at all.

Harry finally pulls away, I don't forgive him completely, but a bit.

"Okay, can you please take me to my sister?" I ask Harry.

"Of course, I would do anything for you". Harry answers, he takes my hand and leads me to his car, it's a fancy car. I've never actually been Harry's car, but I know how he drives and it's not that safe.


We arrive at a street, I have never been here before, it's really cool, everyone looks happy and excited, I wish my street was like that.

Harry nocks on a old wooden door, the house looks really big, is this nialls place?.

"Yo, hazza, come in". Niall says cheerfully.

"Shay's here, can she come in?". Harry asks Niall.

"Of course, everyone is welcome, bring your mum, dad, sister, uncle, anutie, everyone you know". Niall explains.

"Why are you such in a good mood?" Harry asks niall.

"I'm always happy, when I have my girl around". Niall answers Harry's question.

Wow, this chapter is all over the place. Sharry. Lol.

Anyway, I hope you guys are liking this book, and I'm sorry for all the mistakes I'm to tired right now, anyway keep reading. And don't worry if this chapter doesn't really make sense, it will later.

This book is coming to an end soon, because everyone is going their own ways. Like Kiall, they are moving together.

It will make sense later.

Gotta go, bye.
