Chapter three, Beauregard.

As Emmy walked, she took in the architecture of the town. The shops and homes were made of now faded brick with vines growing up the sides and trees covering everything except the street in shade. Everything was certainly overgrown, but there was a beauty to the town Emmy could appreciate.

The church she was heading to was at the very end of the road, far from the gas station, giving her time to not only observe the town, but mull over her own thoughts.

Carly and Wade were dating. Paige and Blake were dating. Dalton surely slept around no matter his personality. And she was single. Nick was also single and he'd surely been flirting with her despite also being kind of an ass to her. Or maybe that was him flirting, Emmy didn't know. She could admit Nick was attractive... and his abs were nice, but he wasn't her type. Emmy didn't want a grungy city boy. Honestly, she wanted someone hopefully more mature. She wanted a gentlemanly and chivalrous guy that would take care of her and plan cute little dates every once in a while. That shouldn't be too much to ask, Emmy thought, but back up in New York it was. Honestly, I'd have no problem being with an older guy either. They're more mature, they know what they want more than a frat boy.

Eventually, Emmy was pulled from her thoughts as a slight breeze ran over her body. Weird, because it's summertime in Louisiana. But Emmy brushed it off. There could be cold spells.

Anyways, Emmy eventually reached the small church. But instead of barging right in (cough cough) because she knows how rude it could be if there was a Mass in progress, Emmy stick up ear up against the door to listen. She heard a soft organ playing and a few sniffles, making her realize there was a funeral in progress, explaining why the town was so quiet and all the shops were closed.

Conflicted between waiting outside for someone to leave or just heading to the Wax Museum, Emmy eventually chose the ladder and turned around, walking away from the doors as she realized it'd be rather rude to just jump somebody with a question about finding the owner of the gas station right as they left a funeral.

But, just as Emmy's feet left the church steps and she started walking towards the fence, the door opened, causing Emmy to turn her head back to see a... very tall man in a black suit and black undershirt step out of the doors and lean against the church's side pillar as the door closed. He didn't seem to notice Emmy until,

"I'm sorry" She said, making the man's head lift up in confusion and finally see her. When he did, the two made eye contact and Emmy couldn't help but notice just how handsome he was. Quickly, she felt her face heat up and regretted even saying anything— "For your loss, I mean. I thought I heard a funeral going on in there"

"...Yeah," The man said, "Practically the whole town's in there... we lost someone important to us"

"It's hard when someone who's had such a big impact on your life passes...But I think if they made an impact on the lives of others too, on a community even, it sort of brings everyone together," Emmy said softly, before getting embarrassed. "Sort of makes it easier, I guess... sorry"

"You've nothing to apologize for," The man said as he carefully observed her. And Emmy felt it too. She felt his eyes like they were burning her before he stuck his hand out. "I'm Bo...What can I call you?"

"Emmy," She said, getting shy as she gently shook his hand. Oh my God what is happening to me.

"Now that doesn't sound like a real name," Bo commented as he slowly pulled his hand away. Immediately, Emmy felt the loss of the heat that radiated off of his hand.

"And Bo does?" Emmy teased, giggling. "My real names Clementine Brown"

"Beauregard," Bo said as he let a smile slip onto his face. "You see, you sound like me but I know you're not from 'round here"

"You could tell that's quickly, huh" Emmy smiled, "I'm from Breaux Bridge"

"Ooh, great Crawfish down there" Bo said, making Emmy nod.

"Yeah, it's my favorite food. Haven't had it all that recently though," Emmy said, "I've been up North for a while"

"Up North?" Bo asked, "What would you be doing up there when you've got the great Pelican State waiting here for y'a?"

"I'm a student up in New York"

"A student, Christ, how old are y'a?" Bo asked, sounding so surprised that it made Emmy realize he thought she meant high school student. Or maybe he was just pulling her tail, either way she got a little red.

"Oh no," Emmy giggled, "I'm 22, a senior at NYU"

"Good Lord," Bo said dramatically that it made Emmy laugh more. "I got scared I'd have to call the Feds"

"Why's that?" Emmy asked, giggling. She was most definitely giggling so much because he was attractive. Yeah, I'm flirting.

"Well Clementine surely I'd have to call the cops on myself if I was flirting with a high school girl," Bo laughed as he walked closer to Emmy.

"I suppose your right," Emmy smiled, purposely relying on her accent more. Pro tip, if you're flirting and you're Southern, lay the accent on thick. It works.

"Now, what are you doing down here in Ambrose in the summer heat?" (Hey guys it's me again. I'm just realizing that the super bowl is not in summer???? Like what was I thinking??? Anyways yeah I'm placing these events in like May)

"My friends from NYU wanted to drive down and we'd all go see a football game," Emmy explained as she finally remembered why she was here. "But one of our cars broke down on the way so I was looking for someone who could possibly help us out"

"Well darling you're in luck, I'm the town's mechanic. I own the gas station down the road," Bo explained, "We can walk down now and I can do my best to help y'a?"

"Oh, no it's alright, I wouldn't want to take you away from the service," Emmy spoke, remembering why they were in front of the church and now feeling guilty for making him leave.

"Nonsense, I'd be delighted to help you" Bo said as he stared Emmy in to the eyes before leaning over and fake whispering, "Besides, I didn't like her all that much anyways"

At his joke, Emmy let out a small gasp and lightly smacked Bo on the arm before smiling, "Lead the way then Beauregard"

"It'd be my pleasure Ms. Clementine"

And with that Bo and Emmy walked down to the gas station, making conversation as they went.

"You can call me Emmy, if you'd like" Emmy said, though she hoped he'd keep calling her Clementine. It was refreshing to hear her real name. Especially when it just sounded so good with his deep voice and Southern drawl.

"I prefer Clementine," Bo said simply, "It's lovely" Oh no. I'm blushing, Emmy thought.

"Really? Well, only people in my home town have called me Clementine and I haven't spoken to them in... years. My friends gave me the nickname when I moved" Clementine explained before asking, "How's life in Ambrose?"

"I love it," Bo said immediately and Emmy could see he was passionate about the town. "Sure it's small and a bit run down, but it's home. Wouldn't trade it for the world"

"That's beautiful," Emmy smiled, deciding to look up at Bo before she noticed he was already looking down at her, making her turn her head away and fight (she kind of failed though) to conceal a smile.

Eventually, the pair reached the gas station and Bo took out keys from his pocket to unlock it. As he did, Emmy stood behind him and noticed just how well he filled out his suit. It almost made her wonder...No, Em. No. You're just feeling weird from being surrounded by couples. No.

Emmy was pulled from her thoughts with the sound of Bo unlocking and opening the door for Emmy, making her smile gratefully as she walked in and he followed after.

"So, you like cars?" Emmy asked as she leaned up against the cash register counter and watched as Bo examined the car that had already been pulled into the shop.

"Uh, yeah," Bo said as he looked up at Emmy. She noticed he had looked a little preoccupied. Like he was thinking something through. "Sit on the counter, those boots are probably killing you from the walk"

Smiling at his considerateness (????), Emmy followed his advice and hoisted herself up onto the counter with her legs swinging in the air as she smoothed out her dress.

"I like your dress," Bo said to Emmy, regaining her attention, "It's real pretty"

At his compliments, Emmy began to blush and lightly played with her hair by continuously wrapping a piece around her finger before having it uncurl and restarting again.

"Why'd you move up North?" Bo asked as he walked towards Emmy after he finished examining a dent on the car. She got nervous as he got closer but then relaxed when she realized he was riffling through the red tool box next to her.

"My parents divorced and my daddy thought it'd be best if he took me out of Breaux Bridge and upstate," Emmy explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," Bo apologized, regarding Emmy's parent's divorce.

"Oh no it's alright. Happened when I had just graduated high school," Emmy elaborated. "My daddy made the right decision taking me out of that town. The split was messy and—"

"And I know damn well how small towns can be with drama," Bo interrupted, finishing his sentence off with smile as he found the tool he was looking for. That smile of victory he has is so cute.

"Yeah," Emmy agreed. "Of course I felt bad leaving mana behind but she had her whole family and even daddy's whole family lived there and they took her side too... I miss them sometimes."

Fearing she just made the atmosphere awkward and he'd ask her to leave Emmy opened her mouth to backpedal but Bo beat her too it.

"I miss my family sometimes too," He said, but didn't elaborate. Emmy didn't push. It was like that for a bit, no talking, just a relaxing and peaceful silence with the background noise of Bo tinkering with the car. Emmy had tried to pay attention to what he was doing but she'd rather pay attention if he would explain it to her. And so they sat in the nice silence, void of the pressure for conversation.


"Bo?" Emmy asked the man, gaining his attention as he looked up at her. He'd been tinkering with the side mirrors of the car that had fallen off and a giant dent Emmy assumed he was going to tackle next that was right next to the right mirror. As they made eye contact, she could see a small smirk on his face.

"Clementine?" He asked teasingly. Oh, that explains that smirk. His tone made Emmy giggle as he opened his mouth to say something else but was cut off by the door being thrown open and two people rushing in.

"EMMY!" Carly yelled, as she pulled Emmy off the counter and quickly hugged her. Immediately, Emmy looked over to Bo and noticed his once teasing smile was replaced with a blank look in his eyes and a frown on his face. "Oh thank God, we thought we lost you"

"W-why?" Emmy asked, concerned why Carly was so scared.

"Because—" Carly began but was cut off by Wade.

"—Ignore her Em, Carly is just a little spooked from the Wax Museum" Wade said, teasing his girlfriend even though she had every right to be scared like oh my God come on Wade do better that's why you die. You should've just listened to your girlfriend being scared 🤦‍♀️ (lmao).

Emmy opened her mouth to respond but Bo beat her too it (toxic Bo is hot Bo idc his behavior is excusable).

"—Wax Museum?" This finally made Carly and Wade take notice of the tall and muscled up man now standing up straight and looking quite menacing. And by his tone, while it wasn't angry or mad, it was inquisitive and knowing. He knew it had been locked. And now Carly and Wade knew that he knew.

"Oh, yeah um, sorry we were looking for people but the town's pretty desolate so we just thought we'd go see if anyone was there and—" Wade explained, cringing at his words (you're doing this to yourself buddy. Or actually I'm doing it to you because I'm writing this.... omg slay me woman in stem 😜).

"Everyone is at a funeral". It was at this moment [Wade] knew he fucked up. In hopes of saving the incredibly awkward air, Emmy spoke up.

"That's why all the shops are closed and—" Emmy said but was cut off by Bo again (But not in a rude way, more in a "hey baby I appreciate what you're doing but I'm pissed and I wanna make this guy suffer let me say this last part so it comes of menacing y'know? Anyways yeah baby thanks, you rock and you're so sexy, love you" kind of way. I am a Bo sympathizer).

"—why the town's desolate". (Pov Wade's shitting his pants right now).

"Oh, hey, sorry man," Wade said, trying to apologize but not really knowing how to. But to be fair how are you bouncing back from that.

" 'Salright" Bo said as he clicked his tongue. It was not in fact 'salright. But then Bo took a deep breath and relaxed (Ugh we love a man with self-control). "So, did y'all need help with something?"

"Oh, um, yes," Wade answered, "Do you happen to have a fan belt?"

"Over there," Bo said as he pointed towards the wall full of supplies for people to buy. As Wade and Carly quickly walked over to look and get away from the wrath of Bo, Bo came to stand beside Emmy and lean up against the counter.

"Hello?" Carly asked as she answered the phone. "Oh, hi Paige. Too much traffic and you've turned around, alright. Come to Ambrose? Yeah, you can do that. Do you have directions? No?"

At this, Carly turned to Bo for help.

"Where are they?" He asked.

"They're in Smallwood," Carly said to Bo once she heard an answer and then held out her phone so Paige would be able to hear Bo's directions.

"That's 2 miles North," Bo explained, "Get onto Rural Route 10. Go until the highway ends and there will be a pretty beaten up road. There's no exit sign because they're re-doing the system and the state government projects take a damn long time. Then it's just that road for a couple minutes until you come upon the first building. The town's small so you won't get lost here"

"Did you catch all that?" Carly asked Paige. When Paige replied, Carly stuck out a thumbs up. "Great, see you soon. Love you"

"Thank you," Carly said to Bo before turning around and helping Wade find what he needed.

"I like the little dots on your dress," Bo said quietly to Emmy as he started poking at one of them on her dress's skirt, on her thigh. As he did this, Emmy looked up at him and giggled, taking in his very handsome features.

Noticing her stare, Bo looked up and as the two made eye contact, they noticed how close they were to one another's faces. So close in fact that they could feel each other's breath. Neither made an effort to move and instead maintained eye contact like that for a few more seconds in silence. Emmy was the one to break it. The silence, not the eye contact.

"You have really pretty eyes," Emmy breathed as she stared into his dark blue eyes that just matched him. With that, Bo let out a low chuckle.

"I don't think I've ever had anyone call my eyes pretty hun"

"Good thing I'm the first then," Her quick quip made Bo let out a laugh and made her crack a smile, but still neither broke eye contact. Of course, they blinked, but they were just staring into each other's eyes like a staring contest.

But then their moment was broken.

"Hey you don't have a 15-inch" Wade said out loud from across the room, breaking Emmy and Bo's moment and making the two separate from each other. Of course Wade had no way of knowing he'd just made another mistake because his and Carly's backs had been facing away from Emmy and Bo's, but when the two did turn around, they were met with a harsh... stare from Bo. One that made them feel like their skin was burning... but in a bad way. Like his stare burned so much that they were turning see-through and he could see their insides. In Bo's mind he saw their insides. He saw himself slicing open their bodies and ripping apart their organs. But, of course, they didn't know that.

"Don't I?" Bo forced out, lips curling into a smile as the couple turned to double check he had no 15-inch fan belts before turning back to him.

"Yeah, no man" Wade replied.

"Hmm, must be at the house" Bo assumed.

"At your house? Why would they be at your house?" Wade asked. Yeah, he was getting on Bo's last nerves.

"Orders are shipped there," Bo shrugged. "Now, I don't have my truck but I can walk there with one of y'all and then we can come back here so y'all can pay?"

At Bo's offer, it was clear that Wade and Carly were both unsure and incredibly uncomfortable in Bo's presence. They just wanted to get the fan belt and get out of here.

"I mean I can hang back here," Wade said, speaking up first. That statement secured Bo's opinion of Wade; a fucking coward.

"I'll go with" Emmy said, smiling up at Bo. She didn't notice how Wade and Carly practically sighed in relief.

"Fine by me," Bo said as he stood up straight, "Y'all can stay here"

And with that Bo and Emmy walked out of the gas station. As fast as he could, Bo sent a message to his brothers explaining the new plan and stuffed his phone back into his pocket before Emmy could even notice he had it out. And with that, the two were on their way.


Word count is 3272
Written on April 3rd, 2023
Published on...yeah idk someday a while ago

Omg I just wrote this chapter and the last chapter. Just banged it out. Also, guys, this book isn't that serious. I mean I like it but I'm not writing Edgar Allen Poe here lol so that's why the storyline may be off. I legit make up ideas as I go idk if other people do that but that's literally just how i write. also ive got a big math test tomorrow ugh wish me luck
