Will you? (Kenny x reader)

  You and your boyfriend Kenny were sitting on the bench at Starks Pond watching everyone skate. You put on your skates and started skating. You kept falling and were getting really tired of it. "The ground looks hard. Need some help?" You looked up and saw Kenny smiling and offering a hand to you. You smiled and grabbed it. He pulled you up and skated around holding you. "I thought you were afraid you were going to die."

"I was. But then I saw my girlfriend needed me, so I decided I should help her." You smiled. "Good choice." He laughed. "Thank you I worked hard making that decision. As you both skated around for the 5 time Kenny stopped and started to drag you to the middle. "Kenny, why are we at the middle?" "Because. I have to do something important." He looked around for a second. "EVERYONE PLEASE QUIET DOWN FOR A MINUTE!"

Everyone hushed down and Kenny sighed. He got on his knee and pulled a small box out. Everyone gasped. Including you. "K-Kenny.." "(Y/n), I have loved you for a long time. I decided today, after saving up for awhile, I wanted to make you mine forever. (Y/n), will you marry me?" You blushed as tears filled your eyes. "Oh Kenny. Yes!" You hugged him as soon as he got up. He slid the ring on your finger, and you both kissed.

People around the pond were clapping and cheering. When you both pulled away for air, you smiled at him. "I love you so much Kenny." "I love so much too (Y/n)."
