Sabaody Archipelago | Shakky's Rip-off Bar

"Amusement Park! Amusement Park!" Luffy, Brook, Chopper, and Camie chanted when their new acquaintance, Shakky, mentioned that the person they were looking for was possibly at that place.

Luffy and his crew arrived at the Archipelago to have their ship coated before they departed to Fishman Island. Rayleigh, someone who could help coat their ship is apparently somewhere else in the Archipelago.

Shakky puffed her cigarette looked at the jolly bunch and warned them to be careful wherever they may look for Rayleigh since according to her network, there are 12 people in the Sabaody Archipelago whose bounties exceed 100 million berries

"Twelve people with bounties over 100 million berries?" Chopper repeatedly asked with a mortified look on his face.

"Right, excluding Monkey-chan and Roronoa-chan, that still leaves ten. When you entered the Grand Line, you chose one of the seven routes and followed your Log all the way here. So, naturally there are others who took one of the six other routes and had to overcome many difficulties similar to yours to get here. All routes run into the Red Line, so everyone gathers on this archipelago to cross that wall. Understand? It's not every day that so many of the world's rookies show up at the same time. In particular, Kid, Luffy, Hawkins, Drake, and Law are names we see in the newspapers all the time." Shakky states as she smokes her cigarette.

Luffy then states how he doesn't read the newspaper making her chuckle and says that information is a weapon. She says that he should at least know his rival's names. She then revealed that in terms of bounty sizes, Luffy would be number two.

Shakky then starts to list off the other ten people with bounties over 100 million berries.

"From West Blue, Captain of the Fire Tank Pirates. Capone "Gang" Bege. Has a 138-million-Berry bounty."

"From South Blue, Captain of the Bonney Pirates. Jewelry Bonney, the "Glutton" Has a 140-million-Berry bounty."

"From North Blue, Captain of the Hawkin's Pirates. Basil Hawkins, the "Magician." Has a 249-million-Berry bounty."

"From the Grand Line (Longarm Tribe), Captain of On Air Pirates. Scratchmen Apoo, the "Sea Roar." Has a 198-million-Berry bounty."

"From South Blue, Captain of the Kid Pirates. Eustass "Captain" Kid. Has a 315-million-Berry bounty."

"From North Blue, Captain of the Drake Pirates. "Red Flag" X Drake. Has a 222-million-Berry bounty."

"From Sky Island, Captain of the Fallen Monk Pirates. "Mad Monk" Urouge. Has a 180-million-Berry bounty."

"From South Blue, Combat Crewman for the Kid Pirates. Killer, the "Massacre Soldier." Has a 162-million-Berry bounty."

"From North Blue, Captain of the Heart Pirates. Trafalgar Law, the "Surgeon of Death." Has a 200-million-Berry bounty."

"And from North Blue(?), Assassin for the Heart Pirates. Y/n, the "Silencer". Has a 110-million-Berry bounty."

Sabaody Archipelago | Groove #1

"Hey, do we really have to go to the auction house? Captain, are you buying a slave for yourself?" A member of the Heart Pirate asked which made another smack him in the head for his questions.

"Idiot, why would our Captain even need a slave? Were you not listening to what he said a while ago? He said that he wants to see Straw Hat Luffy for himself." One with a hat that has "Penguin" on it said to the other.

"Eh? But why at the auction house?" The other asked again but this time the talking white bear named Bepo, replied.

"We have no choice, Y/n-san predicted that they'd be there because their friend got kidnapped and is going to be sold as a slave."Bepo explained while the others simply sighed and continued to follow their Captain. 

"I bet it's going to be a mess at the auction house. Right, Y/n-ya?" Law asked, stopping in his tracks and looking at his silent crewmate who simply nodded. They continued walking to the auction house and entered as guests, taking their seats silently at the back of the crowd. As the auction house filled up, two celestial dragons also showed up and were ushered to their VIP seats. Y/n side-eyed the two nobles which didn't go unnoticed by her Captain.

"If you're uncomfortable being here you can step outside." Law says to her while she merely shakes her head. Her captain sighed and her fellow crew looked worried as the auction finally started.

Unwanting to bother with the loud auction, Y/n touched her ears then leaned against Bepo and shut her eyes, and ended up sleeping. Bepo smiled and let his fellow crewmate sleep as they watched the auction unfold.

A moment later, another celestial dragon came in late and was ushered to his seat next to the other two celestial dragons.

"Okay! It looks like we're ready to continue! Entry #16 is none other than the captain of a pirate ship! Feast your eyes on this man with a bounty of 17 million Berries! Goes by the name of Lacuba! He's known as a tactful strategist, but his well-trained body is another great attribute! You can use him as a horse, for heavy physical labor, or as a punching bag! He has many uses, indeed!" The auctioneer states, earning laughs from the crowd but before they place a price on the enslaved pirate, he suddenly collapses making the crowd panic.

In a panic, the auctioneer closed the curtains and immediately ordered his men to take away their collapsed product. Sensing the disturbance in the crowd, Y/n woke up, touched her ears, and looked around. Bepo leaned down and explained what just happened but she remained unfazed and even yawned silently.

After a few moments, the auctioneer appeared once again and tried to cover up the accident, shifting everyone's attention to the next entry. He said that the next item he has is a super-incredible piece of merchandise. There were drummers, disco lights, and even smoke for special effects when they began to introduce the next item. Taking out a big bowl covered in white cloth, a mermaid's silhouette appeared and excited the crowd, most especially one of the Celestial Dragons that was present at the auction. The crowd cheered after unveiling a young mermaid named Camie.

"It's almost time before he shows up." Law mutters to himself, anticipating the arrival of a certain pirate captain. Y/n noticed a bunch of Straw Hat pirates at the back, seemingly ready to bid for the mermaid.

"It's useless." Y/n mutters silently.

"Huh? Did you say something, Y/n?" Bepo asked but she simply shook her head in response.

"I see that there's immense interest in this, our first mermaid in a while! Now, then! How high shall we start? Alright then. Let's begin! Bidding will start at-" 

"500 million!" The crowd was stunned to speak, the Celestial Dragon Saint Charloss started the bid with an unfathomable amount of money. Everyone was frozen in shock, the straw hats had lost hope of saving their mermaid friend.

"The bidding has ended! Today's super showcase item, the mermaid Camie, goes to the World Noble Saint Charloss for his bid of...500 million...Berries-" Before the auctioneer could finalize the bid, a big flying fish crashed through the entrance and disturbed the event.

Law looked at the intruders and smirked after finally seeing Straw Hat fluffy.

"Oh- he really did come here. As expected of Y/n-san, her prediction really did come true." Shachi says as he pats her back. Y/n stayed silent and didn't react as they continued to watch Luffy who started running down to the stage where the mermaid was displayed. Someone then tried to stop him from getting close.

Struggling to stop Luffy, Hachi accidentally revealed himself as a fish-man making the crowd look at him with disgust. Amongst the angry crowd, a gunshot was heard making Luffy stop in his tracks. He turned around and saw how a Celestial Dragon had shot his fish-man friend, Hachi.

As the Celestial Dragon danced in joy after he shot Hachi, Lufy held a grim look on his face as he walked towards the shooter. In desperation, Hachi tried to hold back Luffy, dissuading him from harming the World Noble. This doesn't stop Luffy's rage as he slowly walks up his way to Saint Charloss. The prideful Celestial Dragon tried to shoot him but it was easily dodged by him.

"Straw Hat-ya?" Law mutters as Luffy continues to walk closer to the Celestial Dragon. Clenching his fist, Luffy delivered a powerful punch that sent Saint Charloss flying. Most of the crowd stood shocked as they watched him hurt a World Noble.

The act angered the other Celestial Dragon which turned out to be Saint Charloss' father. The crowd panicked and began to run out of the auction house. Law and his crew remained still and watched the whole ordeal unfold.

"Straw Hat-ya Luffy...A 300 million Berry bounty, huh?" Law mutters in interest as he watches Luffy fight. Sooner later, three more of Luffy's crew arrived at the scene and described their plan to flee after they freed Camie. 

"The navy's already here, Straw Hat-ya." Law informs Luffy in a laid-back manner.

"Who're you? What's with that bear?" Luffy asked making Bepo shy.

"They've had the place surrounded before the auctions even began. Navy Headquarters has a post on this archipelago, you see. I dunno who they wanted to catch, but I doubt they expected anyone would beat up the Celestial Dragons. That was an interesting show you gave, Straw Hat-ya crew." Law added.

While their attention was on each other, the other Celestial Dragon made her way to Camie and held her at gunpoint. But before the saint could pull the trigger, she collapsed to the ground and an old man and a giant appeared on the stage.

With just one look, the old man released an invisible force that easily knocked out the enemies leaving the others nervous. The marines outside the auction house announced their presence and demanded their surrender.

"We're not only caught up in this, we're being treated as accomplices now." Law muttered.  

"The longer we stay here, the more troops there'll be! I think I'll go on ahead. While I'm at it, I'll help you guys out too! I'll clean things up outside, so don't worry!" Kid remarked, provoking his rival captains. Unable to sit still after that comment, Law and Luffy also followed him to the entrance and began to bicker with one another.

As the captains took their rivalry outside, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin, and Y/n sighed and followed behind. In a short span of time, the three captains had already dealt a devastating blow to the navy.

"You sure know how to go berserk, Captain..." Shachi mutters as they walk out of the auction house with the other pirate crews. As the three captains had a bit of a small talk, the navy continued their attacks. One who was daring called out Law's name in an attempt to strike him down, Bepo appeared and easily countered it with a kick.

Y/n stood behind Law and followed him to where an enslaved pirate captain was sitting. Law gave Y/n a look and she quickly unlocked the chains on the large man.

"Why?" The freed man asked Law.

"Will you come along with me, pirate captain Jean Bart?" Law asked while the navy rushed in to attack them only to be swatted by Jean Bart.

"It's been a long time since I've been called that name. If it means I can be free from the Celestial Dragons...I'll gladly serve under you!" Jean Bart says making Law chuckle and saying that he should also thank Luffy for his freedom.

Law turned to Y/n and ordered her to get Shachi and Penguin for their escape. With the strength of Jean, they destroyed the bridge that connects the groove to the other. As they continued their escape, they managed to catch up to the Kid pirates where the captain was currently in a battle with a warlord of the sea. The warlord recognized Law and shot a light beam without a warning.

"Trafalgar! Stay out of my way!" Kid ordered.

"Do you want to be destroyed? I told you not to tell me what to do. We're running into unexpected big shots today. I'd rather not add an admiral to that list so you will let us pass...Bartholomew Kuma!" Law states as he took a stance and was ready for battle.
