Chapter one

Gu Jun Pyo had only been back in Korea a couple of days. Jan Di stared down at her phone, should she call him? He made himself clear he didn't want to see me and felt no love for me. Why do I still feel sad? She glanced over to the table next to her where a black envelope containing the invitation to Gu Jun Pyo's birthday party lay. She received it last night and was still wondering why she was invited.

Jan Di went to her kitchen to get some rice and kimchi when she heard a knock at her door. Her heart skipped a beat, could it be him? What do I do?! I'm still in my pajamas! She slowly approached the door and cracked it open. Staring back at her with a smile was not the man she was expecting.

"Ji Hoo! Why are you here so early?"

He laughed. "I'm here to put out the fire. Did you receive an invitation also?"

"I did.. This is all so strange. Why would he invite me to his birthday party when he hasn't contacted me at all since he's been home?" She sighed as she threw herself to the floor. Glancing up at Ji Hoo, she could see the concern in his eyes. Is he worried, does he know something I don't?

"Well, you can't go to the party without a gown. Why don't we go find one to knock Jun Pyo off his feet?" His smile was warm and made her feel comfortable.

"I can't have you paying for me! I- "

"Jan Di! Put your pride away for right now, we have bigger things going on we need to be worried about."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her up off the floor, dragging her out the door with him.

"But my pajamas!" She exclaimed.
