🔮 Chapter Fourteen ~ Wilson's POV 🔮

It's been about two weeks since we learned of the ritual in that huge mysterious book.
          I'm still wondering how Kennedy came across that thing. When I asked, she ruled it off as a "long story" and never spoke of it again. Maybe I'll ask her today.
          It's Monday, which means we have Language Arts first. We're still focusing on the whole debate topic, but more on the persuasive writing part for other things than just "yes" or "no" questions. It's still just as boring, though.
          "Today, you'll be working with a partner. You'll be reading an article and trying to oppose the points in it, like you're in a debate against the article." Mr. Robinson explains. "I'll pass the sheet out, and then you can pick your partners."
          As soon as the page hits my desk, I snatch it up and walk over to sit in the seat next to Kennedy's.
          We get to work on the article, chatting back and forth as we do so. I decide now is the perfect time to ask her about her past with that book.
          "Hey, could I ask you something?" I say.
          "Uh, sure." Kennedy replies, not looking up from the words she's scribbling on her paper.
          "You never told me how you found that big fancy book. So, tell me. How'd you come across that thing?"
          Her pencil stops moving for a moment, and she seems to be considering, thinking whether she should tell me or not.
          "Well, like I said, it's a long story." is all she says.
          I fold my arms and lean back. "I have the time."
          She sighs. "Um, okay, I guess I could tell you now. Whatever works." she shrugs, glancing at the article and looking back to her page to write something down. "Okay, so, one day some time ago, I was hanging out in the library with Sandrina and Kayla. I got bored, and started drawing swirls on a piece of paper. Kayla started shading a page on different things to pick up the textures for whatever reason. She shaded the tables, the walls, the chairs. I decided to join her, to see who could find cooler textures. I was making swirls for mine instead of shading." she tells me, making occasional hand gestures like she usually does when she talks. "I decided to pick up the texture of that door at the back of the room, but the swirl did something that time. Purple light was glowing behind the page, and I was confused at first, but then intrigued. I tried to draw another swirl to see what would happen, but the pressure I was putting on the door swung it open, and that's when I found the room."
          "Did Kayla or Sandrina see it?" I wonder, adjusting myself in the hard plastic chair.
          "No. As soon as I saw it I closed it again and walked away like nothing happened. It was the next day that I decided to explore it." she answers. "I guess I made the story sound more interesting than it actually was." she chuckles, finishing off a sentence on the paper.
          I laugh. "Yeah. It was still kind of interesting, just not that interesting."
          We finish up the assignment as we chat, reading our opinions out loud to the class when the time came to share what we wrote. Mr. Robinson regarded us and moved on to a few other pairs.
          Everyone goes back to their seats and the class continues. It's then that I remember the stuff I put in my locker that morning.
          Over the past couple weeks, I was able to collect all the ingredients needed for the ritual. What was it called again? The Purple Pact? The...the, uh...I'll just call it the Vioval Ritual. That makes it easier.
          I hope we can get it done soon. Friday is the last day of school.
          Our chances are limited.
