
Yoongi climbed the tree next to Jungkook's house, only to find the bedroom shades drawn. He was about to turn back, when he heard Hoseok scream. "JUNGKOOK HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS?!"

"IS THIS YOUR FIRST TIME?" Jungkook yelled.



"Wait, let's open the shades, it kinda dark in here."

"But I like doing this in the dark," Jungkook whined.

"Come on, please?"


Yoongi saw the shades open and was greeted by a shirtless Jungkook whose hair was a mess, "holy shit," Yoongi breathed. He climbed down the tree and rang Hoseok's doorbell, hoping to interrupt whatever they were doing. "Oh hey Yoongi," Hoseok  said as he opened the door, his shirt was inside out and backwards as if he had rushed to put it on. Then, noticing Yoongi staring at him he quickly said, "Jungkook and I were just playing Overwatch..."

Yoongi looked skeptical but accepted Hoseok's statement. "I have something to tell you," he began.

Just as he was beginning, Jungkook strode into the room still shirtless and before he noticed Yoongi, asked "are you ready to continue?"

"Hold on, wait until Yoongi leaves," Hoseok muttered then turned back to Yoongi, "What did you need to tell me?"

"Umm, I could tell you while you and Jungkook are playing Overwatch," Yoongi replied.

"Just tell him now," Jungkook snapped, "trust me you don't want to see us playing Overwatch."

"Why not, I see you and Tae play Overwatch all the time," Yoongi asked.

"Uh well... I just want to protect your eyes," Jungkook said quickly.

"And what do you mean by that?"

Jungkook hesitated and looked at Hoseok. Hoseok's face was bright red. "Don't you dare tell him Jungkook," Hoseok said.

"He's gonna find out eventually," Jungkook snapped at Hoseok.

"Wait a minute... are you two fucking?"

"," Hoseok said, looking at the ground.

"No," Jungkook said, not meeting Yoongi's eyes, "What gave you that idea?"

"Well I mean you're both sweaty and your hair is a mess and Jungkook's shirtless and and y'all aren't letting me see you play Overwatch," Yoongi replied.

"Uh... Jungkook I think you need to go home."  Hoseok said quickly.

"Fine," he grumbled and went into the other room to but his shirt back on.

"Let's 'play Overwatch' again some time!" Hoseok called to Jungkook. Jungkook nodded in response.

"What did you want to tell me?" Hoseok asked Yoongi.

Yoongi gulped and looked at the ground. "I uh well... I think you're mildly attractive."

"Oh, um, thanks?"

"And I uh, really like you, like not as a friend."


Suddenly Seokjin jumped out of Hoseok's bushes and screamed, "I knew it!"

"WHY ARE YOU IN MY BUSHES?" Hoseok yelled.

"Namjoon and I made a bet on if Yoongi would confess, and I won!"

"What did you win?"

"$5," Jin replied.

"You took all that effort to get into the bushes and hide for $5?"

"Well I also heard some suspicious sounds coming from Hoseok's room so I get double," Jin said.

"Oh, um, we weren't..." Hoseok said turning red.

"So who was it?" Jin asked, suddenly curious, "Was it Jimin, you know I've always shipped you two."


"Was it Jungkook?"

"We were just playing Overwatch..."

"So you guys play Overwatch without shirts on and get really sweaty?" Yoongi cut in.

"Well it's Overwatch with a twist," Hoseok explained.

"WHAT'S THE TWIST!?" Jin screamed.

"Calm down Jin," Yoongi said.

"The twist is that the loser has to give the winner a brojob, I lost every time."

Everyone was completely silent.

"Um, Hoseok what's a brojob?" Jin asked nervously.

"Well it's a blowjob but not gay," Hoseok explained.

Yoongi's jaw dropped, "You gave Jungkook a blowjob?"

"No, a brojob, and I actually gave him 5."

"Can I have one?" Jin asked suddenly.

"WHAT THE FUCK NO," Hoseok yelled.



"So if Yoongi got more kills than you in Overwatch you'll give him a brojob?"

"Uhhhh... I guess."

"Wait do I have a say in this?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, yeah," Hoseok said.

"We all know you'll chose the brojob," Jin said.

"Well if Hoseok's offering, how can I say no?"

"I'll only give you one if you can get more kills than me in Overwatch," Hoseok explained, "I don't just give away brojobs for free you know."

"Okay, I'll get more kills than you in Overwatch then," Yoongi responded.

The two entered the house, and as they walked up the stairs Yoongi noticed Hoseok had a slight limp. "So you and Jungkook were fucking," Yoongi said.

"Actually we were fricking, it's fucking but PG," Hoseok explained.

"How can fucking be PG?" Yoongi asked skeptically.

"I don't know, ask Jungkook."

"How would I do that?"

Hoseok shrugged. Yoongi rolled his eyes out of annoyance. "Let's just go play Overwatch."

"Okay!" Hoseok chirped excitedly.

The two boys walked up the stairs and Hoseok turned on the Xbox. It only then occured to Yoongi that he had never played Overwatch before.
