Last Night

Pete rolled over in bed and gasped as he saw Sonny next to him. Memories of the night before came back to him at the same time as a painful hangover. Did him and Sonny..? No. They didn't. At least that's what he remembered. He remembered sneaking Sonny out for a party and getting wasted and passing out and making out with Sonny. He moved Sonny's curls slowly and gasped as he saw hickeys scattered up and down his best friend's neck before muttering "Shit..." and blushing. He'd be lying if he said he didn't like Sonny, but he wasn't sure how much Sonny remembered so he didn't want to say anything.

Sonny woke up and frowned at the arm around his waist before realising it was Pete and cuddling into him "Morning.." he said, his morning voice scratchy and rough as he blushed "What happened last night..? I blacked out, I don't remember anything.." he said softly before sighing "Petie..? I've got a really bad headache. It hurts when I open my eyes..." he whined

Pete shrugged "Not much happened, to be honest... We went to the party, we got so so pissed, we came back to mine and you fell asleep here, cuddled up next to me..." he said plainly as he kept glancing to the hickeys all across his best friend's neck before biting his lip "What do you remember..?"

Sonny grinned and pushed Pete onto his back before groping his best friend gently after climbing on top of him and attaching his lips to Pete's neck and sucking before laughing and letting his teeth rest against his neck "You sure that was all we did last night..?" he asked before drawing circles on Pete's bare chest with his pointer finger "You 100% sure..?"

"Sonny..?" Pete whimpered, trying not to give anything away about his feelings towards his best friend, before blushing and shaking his head "Not now... We were drunk, okay? One tiny makeout session doesn't mean anything. We're not together.." he said angrily, pushing Sonny off him before frowning "No.." he hissed before standing up and walking out quickly

Sonny sighed and started to tear up before walking quickly into the bathroom and gasping as he saw the hickeys before smirking and tying his curls up "Petie..? Can you start making breakfast..?" he asked as he grinned and blushed.

Pete shrugged and chuckled before putting a few slices of bread into the toaster. He would be lying if he said he didn't want to be with Sonny, because he really did. But he knew he wasn't gay. He was sure of it. He was a straight man, who liked girls; not his best friend. But he couldn't help it. Sonny: clever, funny Sonny. Sonny: his best friend. Sonny: who he was so deeply it love with, it seemed like nothing else even got a second thought in his head.

Sonny giggled as he noticed the few hickeys on Pete's neck before walking over, smiling up at Pete as he took his lip between his teeth. He knew that it was wrong for him to be in love with a man, least of all Pete. Pete was known by everyone as the vandal, the one who smokes and drinks and stays out late. But Sonny didn't care about any of that. Sonny loved the way Pete's eyes glittered, and the way his crooked smile grew dimples whenever they were with each other.

Pete wrapped his arm around Sonny's waist before sighing and looking at the floor nervously "What happened last night... I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything, okay? I let you come with me, and we ended up making out afterwards. It shouldn't have happened. Look, I'm not gay. I can't possibly be in love with you when I'm not gay..."

"What about bi then..? Bisexual? Ever heard of that, Petie? Ever heard of bisexual?" Sonny asked as he grinned and giggled again "What if you're bisexual, Petie?"

"What the actual fuck is bisexual? What is bisexual, Sonny?" Pete asked curiously as he blushed "What does that mean..?"

"It's where you're attracted to guys and girls, my friend... I'm gay, but Tessa in my class is bi..." Sonny explained before leaning his head on Pete's shoulder and looking up at him "So... What do you think of that..? What do you think about that? Bi?"

Pete shrugged and ran his hand across Sonny's jawline gently before letting their lips meet for a split second before pulling away and blushing more "I don't know. All I do know is that you're absolutely gorgeous.." he muttered, his voice slurring the letter s a little.

Sonny shook his head and glared at Pete as he folded his arms angrily "Are you drunk?! Pete!" he shouted as he folded his arms and hissed "I'm leaving.." before walking out. He didn't realise yet, but the clothes he was wearing were Pete's. He shouted "Leave me alone, Pete!" as he walked down the street, noticing Pete's scent following him before realising that it was just him wearing Pete's clothes.

Sonny teared up as he started to walk, lifting the edge of the T-shirt to wipe his tears nervously "Why... Why did he have to do that..?" he whispered to himself before beginning to run home to Usnavi.

Sonny snuck in through his bedroom window and curled up on his bed as the tears just kept spilling and flowing down his cheeks. He thought he was getting somewhere, but turns out they were going backwards. Pete had betrayed him, betrayed his trust. He never wanted to see Pete again.

Usnavi heard Sonny start crying and waited a moment before walking into his cousin's room slowly "Sonny..? What's wrong..? Why are you crying..?" he asked quietly as he sat on the opposite end of the bed to Sonny

"P- Pete.." Sonny whimpered before wiping his eyes and shaking his head "It's nothing, honestly. We just had an argument, thats all... everything's fine.." He said defensively before lying on his side so Usnavi couldn't see the hickeys. He thumbed at one gently as he bit his lip, trying to remember more.

He remembered begging Pete to bring him out, literally getting on his knees and pleading with him. And it'd worked. They went to a club, and him and Pete ended up hooking up. They didn't do it but they did have pretty heated makeout session. They'd brought it back to Pete's, and that's all he could remember. Apart from one sentence, whispered to him as Pete thought he was asleep "I love you, Sonshine.." the voice echoed in his head. So was Pete just lying? About everything?

Sonny shook his head and closed his eyes, crying himself to sleep as he thought about his best friend.


