Chap 6

After their little make out session, they went to the massage therapy place and Silver barged into my office.

"Silver, what are you doing here?! You can't barge into my office like that," I scolded.

"Never mind that, we need help," Silver exclaimed as he walked into the office with Blaze in his arms.

I looked at Blaze who is struggling to get air and I got very concerned about her.

"Silver, what happened to Blaze?! Why is she breathing heavily," I exclaimed.

Silver immediately puts Blaze on the lounge chair and helds her hand tightly.

"Blaze wrapped this green ribbon around her waist and suddenly it shrunked, making it hard for her to breathe," Silver responded.

"When did this happen," I questioned as I approached Blaze.

"This morning," Silver responded.

"Blaze, I want you to take deep breaths while I check your waist for any markings," I said. 

"Ok," Blaze responded, heavily.

I pulled her tailcoat up to her breasts and when I was checking for any markings on her waist, I noticed there's a marking that looks like a cat on the left side of her waist.

"Silver, you might wanna take a look at this," I said, concerned.

Silver walked to my direction and got shocked when he saw a cat marking on the left side of her waist.

"What is that, on her waist," Silver asked in shock.

"I think I know who did this to your wife," I said, as I grabbed the book of symbols from the bookshelf.

"Well, who did this to her," Silver asked.

"It's Kitty! I forgot that she can control her victims in two ways. One is her bite and the other one is the glowing symbol," I said, as I showed Silver the picture of the cat symbol in the book.

"Oh man, we just had our little make out session and wasn't that mark supposed to disappear?!" Silver asked, angerly.

"Well, there's only 2 ways to break the mind control. One is the kiss from a loved one and the other one... oh, I don't think you're ready to hear about this," I responded, hesitantly.

"Well, what is it," Silver asked in fear.

I whispered to his ear and he was shocked by what I said to him.

"WHAT?!" Silver exclaimed.

"Sorry, Silver. It's either cure number one or cure number two because right now, in order to get rid of the cat symbol is the cure number 2," I said, assurely.

I escorted them out of my office and they went back to their apartment, and they did the cure number 2 as a solution.

Meanwhile at the secret base, Shadow was busy doing his secret job, but then his communication watch started beeping.

Meanwhile at the secret base, Shadow was busy doing his secret job, but then his communication watch started beeping.

"Transmission from HQ. There's an SOS coming from Dr. Eggman's Abandon Base. Our last communication with our agent was 26 hours ago. We expect an immediate rescue, Shadow The Hedgehog," Commissioner exclaimed.

"Understood. Initiating the mission now," Shadow responded as he teleported away.

A few minutes later, Shadow and Rouge went out of the abandoned base and started walking north.

"Don't you want to know what this is," Rouge asked as she showed Shadow, the sceptor of darkness, but the power from it was gone.

"My assignment was to rescue you, nothing more," Shadow said to Rouge.

"Fine. With you, it's always business," Rouge said, but they heard Shadow's communication watch beeping.

"Agent Shadow, I have just received some surprising news," Commissioner said.

"And what's the news, Commissioner," Shadow asked.

"Well, Eggman is found dead during the sun festival," Commissioner responded.

"WHAT?! Eggman?! Dead?!" Rouge exclaimed.

"And we believed that a Mafia Assassin killed him because he was one of her targets," Commissioner continued.

"Wait, it's a she?" Shadow asked.

"Yes, it's a girl and her name is Kitty. No one knows her real name, but the massage therapist named, Ms. K got some info about her," Commissioner responded.

"Ok, is there a location of where she is," Rouge asked.

"Yes, she lives in Soleanna and she has two patients, one is the white hedgehog and the other one is a purple cat," Commissioner responded.

"Ok, thanks for the info. We'll be at Soleanna in a bit," Shadow said.

Shadow and Rouge teleported away to Soleanna and were spotted by Sonic who was looking at the potted roses.

"Shadow! Rouge! It's been a while," Sonic exclaimed.

"I know it was, Faker. Have you seen the therapist around here," Shadow asked.

Sonic was about to say something until Silver said, "Mephiles, I thought Kitty shot you."

"I'm Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog," Shadow said to Silver.

"Silver, wait! He's not Mephiles," Blaze yelled as she saw Silver running to attack Shadow.

As Silver was ready to punch, Shadow used the chaos emerald to stop time and kicked Silver right in the head.

I came out of the dark alley in my therapist uniform and I walked towards Blaze.

"What's going on here," I said.

"Silver thinks that Shadow is Mephiles and I think he's confused that Shadow and Mephiles are alike," Blaze responded.

I nodded my head and I said to Blaze, "Can you expose your neck for me? I need to check if there's any markings."

Blaze nodded and she put her sleeve down as I checked around her neck. As I was checking for any markings, her scent kicked into my nostrils. 

"Blaze, did you and your husband do something when you guys are alone? Because you have a strong smell," I exclaimed.

"I don't know what happened. I was sedated when the symbol came off from my body," Blaze responded.

I couldn't handle smelling her neck and then I got this urge to bite her.

"Sorry Blaze. One other thing, I forgot to mention this early. I am Kitty, the mafia assassin," I said.

"WHAT?!" Blaze exclaimed.

I gripped onto her body and bit her on the neck that caused her to scream in pain. 

Silver and Shadow stopped their fights when they heard Blaze's screams. Silver was shocked when he saw me, biting his wife's neck.

"Blaze," Silver yelled as he ran towards me and tried to yank me off.

I let go of Blaze's body and when I was about to grip onto Silver's body, Sonic pushed him off and I quickly grabbed Sonic by the body and bit him on the neck that caused him to scream.

"Sonic," Silver exclaimed.

"I tricked you, Silver! Your therapist is Kitty, the whole time," I said, as I transformed into my mafia form.

The others were shocked that Silver's therapist is actually a mafia, the whole time.  Sonic and Blaze got off from the ground with their eyes closed and walked towards me.

"Sonic? Blaze?" Silver said in fear.

As Sonic and Blaze opened their eyes, they turned red and they're now under my control.

"Sweet ones, this time, you guys will be the good ones for Mama. Now have fun with them," I said.

"Yes Mistress," Sonic and Blaze said in unison.

I vanished into the shadows as Sonic and Blaze started fighting against their friends.

"Guys, I know how to save them," Silver said while fighting against Sonic.

"How?!" Tails exclaimed.

"A kiss from a friend, crush, anyone," Silver answered.

"Sorry, Sonic," Tails said and he immediately smashed his lips onto Sonic while gripping onto his body.

"Come on, Blaze," Silver exclaimed as he smashed his lips onto Blaze while gripping onto her body.

As Sonic and Blaze became breathless, their eyes turned back to normal and fell unconscious on the ground.
