Anticipated Amnesia

Magnus's PoV
A hot slap on my cheek woke me up. I sat up, rubbing my cheek. Alex was looking at me, his eyes filled with fury and pain.

"How could you?" he whispered.

"How could I what?"

"I know what you did. I don't really remember, but I know you did something. Otherwise how could we be like this?"


"I don't understand." He shook his head. "Do you like me?"

"Of course," was my prompt reply.

"Liar," he whispered. "You're a godsdamn dirty liar."

"Alex —"

"How dare you? How dare you touch me?"

"Alex, I didn't—" Another hot slap. I just stared at him, hurt.

"Tell me why. Why, Magnus?"

"I didn't mean – I got ahead of myself —"

"So that's all you think I am? A good-time kid?"

"I'm not like that —"

"I'm leaving. And you just ruined any chance you have with me."


She shot me a contemptuous look, then got off the bed and stormed out. Well!
