Author's Note


I just wanted to write a quick note to say thank you for giving my story a go as well as some (possibly) useful information.

Firstly, this is my first attempt at a story, so I would be really grateful for any advice on how to make it better. I would also appreciate any comments or votes. That would mean the world!

Secondly, this book is set in England in 1867, so you may not be familiar with some of the words (especially if you're not British). If so, just leave a comment and I'll 'translate' for you.

Also, while I have tried my best, the book is definitely not 100% accurate to the time. If you notice any mistakes, you can leave a comment and I'll try to fix them.

In this story there are a few references to The Bohemian Girl which is a mostly unknown play from the time. It is not vital for you to know the story, but if you want you can find a synopsis online.

I hope you enjoy
