Gem Harvest

Steven and Y/n were walking hand in hand to the barn to see Lapis and Peridot for the night.
"I wonder how Lapis and Peridot are doing"? Y/n asked.
"I'm sure there doing well". Steven replied with a smile. Once they got to the barn they saw the field covered in crops.
"Steven, Y/n your here"! Lapis said while summoning her wings, and flying over to them.
"Steven, Y/n look I'm on a tractor"! Peridot said with glee.
"Wow you guys have been busy". Steven said while looking around.
"It's nice to see you guys found a new hobby to do with each other". Y/n said with a smile. Peridot got off the tractor, and ran off to them.
"Come on we have to give you two the tour"! Peridot said while garbing Y/n hand. Y/n laughed, and Steven and Lapis followed them into the field. Peridot was showing off the corn, and she was trying to tell it to do orders.
"Why aren't you listening"? Peridot said while putting the corn right next to her eye.
"Wait you guys think corn can just talk, and run around"? Steven asked.
"Well yeah that's why we did this". Lapis replied.
"I'm sorry you two, but plants don't have a conscious". Y/n said with a apologetic smile.
"I wish it was the case". Peridot said with a sigh.
"It does get lonely around here". Lapis said.
"Come on Lapis let's turn off the tractor". Peridot said while the two walked over.
"Guys wait up; don't be sad". Y/n said while running over them. Steven looked over at the pumpkin patch, and got an idea. He walked over to the patch, and found a pumpkin seed. He licked it, and put it into the ground. Steven smiled, and walked off to see if Y/n wanted to watch Camp Pining with Peridot and Lapis. The next morning Steven and Y/n got awoken up by Peridot yelling at them to go back into the field.
"What's this about"? Y/n asked while rubbing his eyes.
"Let's see what they want to show us". Steven said while putting out his hand for Y/n to grab. Once the two got there they saw a pumpkin dog.
"Looks like you two were wrong about the plants". Peridot said.
"Yeah I guess we were". Steven replied while rubbing the back of his neck. Y/n on the other hand gave the pumpkin a confused look, and looked at Steven with a cold glare that said what did you do. Steven saw the look his boyfriend was giving him, and turned his head over to Lapis and Peridot freeing the pumpkin.
"We created you, so have to do whatever we say". Peridot said with a laugh. The pumpkin avoided the two, and ran straight to Steven. Once it got into Steven's arms the pumpkin purred in comfort.
"It was just born, and it already hates us". Lapis said with a sigh.
"That's not true go to Lapis and Peridot". Steven said while putting the pumpkin down.
The pumpkin just looked at the two, and jumped into Steven's arms again. Y/n pat the pumpkin on the head, and she rubbed his hand with a smile on her face.
"Looks like it likes you to much Steven we may have to bring her home with us". Y/n said with a sly smile. Steven sighed, and a blush formed on his checks.
"We have this one". Lapis said while picking up another pumpkin.
"But Steven's as a face and everything". Peridot said while Pumpkin rolled around in the dirt.
"Wait I know what to do". Steven said while walking over to them, and garbing a small shovel.
"My dad told me how to do this, so you start with cutting out the eyes". Steven said while cutting into the pumpkin front. The living pumpkin looked sacred while Steven continued to cut into the other pumpkin.
"Umm Steven maybe you should stop your scaring her". Y/n said while pointing at the sacred pumpkin dog.
"Wait I forgot the most important step you have to empty it out". Steven said while cutting the top of the pumpkin out, and dumping the guts of the pumpkin on the ground. The pumpkin dog ran away from Steven, and jumped into Peridot's arms.
"Look Steven she likes us now". Peridot said while Pumpkin gave him a hiss. Steven looked at his pumpkin covered hands, and laughed awkwardly.
"I guess your right". Steven said while whipping himself off.
"What happened to the barn"!? Someone yelled. The five them ran over to the barn to fine a older man standing there.
"Um what's this human doing here"? Lapis asked.
"More importantly where are my attack drones". Peridot said while pushing some buttons on a remote.
"Wait you have a attack drones"? Y/n asked.
"Um sir what are you doing here"? Steven asked the man. The man turned around, and gave them a cold look.
"Wait I know who you people are with you strange looks, and weird gems your hippies"! He yelled. Steven gave him a confused look; while Y/n put a hand on his forehead.
"You have got to be kidding me". Y/n said with a sigh.
"That's it". Lapis said while using the water from her pool to grab the man with a water hand.
"Lapis don't hurt him"! Steven said.
"But he's attacking us, and our home". Lapis replied.
"Steven we should call Greg". Y/n said.
"I'm already on it". Steven said while putting his phone to his ear. After waiting a while the van showed up with the gems on top of it.
"Steven we come as soon has Greg got your message". Pearl said.
"So is this the human that bugging you"? Amethyst asked.
"I told you two you should get a guard dog". Garnet said. Pumpkin come out from Lapis's legs, and jumped happily. Pearl gave a look of discuss at the pumpkin dog while Garnet just shrugged.
"That works". Garnet works.
"What are you guys doing to that guy up there"? Greg asked while getting out of his van.
"We were just putting him down". Lapis said while lowering the man down back to the ground. Greg ran up to the man, but was surprised to see who it was.
"Greg thank god your let's show these hippies not to mess with the barn". The man said.
"Umm Andy I let them live here". Greg said while putting a hand on his shoulder.
"What"? Andy said in shock. Steven garbed Y/n's hand, and walked over to the two.
"Um dad who's this"? Steven asked.
"Wait dad"? Andy asked in confusion.
"Um Andy this is my son Steven".
"You have Son, and wait who's the lucky lady? Is it you; you look like you would need a big man. I'm just saying your tall". Andy said while pointing at Garnet.
"Um Rose is no longer with us". Greg said with a sigh.
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know". Andy replied. Andy looked over at Y/n, and raised an eyebrow.
"Um who's this; don't tell me you have a brother Steven"? Andy asked. Y/n gave him a confused look; while smiled awkwardly.
"No Y/n's my boyfriend". Steven said while putting an arm around his shoulder. Y/n blushed and smiled shyly.
"Wait boyfriend sorry I thought you were related, but I could have know then sooner if someone told me I had a nephew". Andy replied while giving Greg a cold look.
"How was I supposed to tell you I haven't seen you in 20 years". Greg said with a sigh.
"You left in the van, because you thought you  were to good for us. I tried to get the Demayo family back together, but after you left it was impossible". Andy yelled.
"What's a Demayo"? Steven asked. Andy gave him a look, and sighed.
"Greg Demayo, Andy Demayo, Steven Demayo we're the Demayos". Andy replied.
"Umm we go be Universe now". Greg said while rubbing his neck.
"You changed your last name"! Andy yelled.
"Yes, but can't these guys stay there like family to Rose"? Greg asked.
"Why are you spinning this around to them"!? Andy asked.
"This barn was used for a big family dinner, and now you want some Alien things to here"? Andy asked.
"Andy what if we do a big family dinner to reunite the family"? Steven asked.
"You know what that's not a bad idea". Andy replied.
"You know what Greg did something right for once". Andy said with a laugh.
"Hey"! Greg yelled.
"Well that turned around quickly". Y/n said. And with that the 8 of them got to work on making a dinner. Lapis was flying around with a blanket to catch vegetables that Garnet punched into the air. Pearl and Peridot were making an oven from an old plane, so they could cook.
"You know what this isn't so bad". Andy said while peeling some potato's that Lapis brought them.
"I'm glad that your getting use to the gems". Steven said while washing some vegetables to give to Y/n to cut.
"Thanks Love". Y/n said while garbing the carrot to cut.
"So, where did you learn how to cut vegetables Y/n, I but it was you dad". Andy asked knowing that Steven and Y/n's mom we're died.
"Um my dad didn't I learned this myself, or I wouldn't have food to eat". Y/n said while cutting the potato that Steven gave him.
"Wait you didn't feed you"? Andy asked confused.
"He didn't do a lot of this". Y/n said with a sigh while Steven hugged him to comfort him.
"I'm sorry about that, but I'm glad your out of that now". Andy said with a small smile.
"Thanks Andy". Y/n replied while giving him a smile back.
"The oven is ready to go". Peridot said while handing over the plane oven.
"Wait is that my grandparents plane"!? Andy yelled.
"This plane was just sitting in the back of barn collecting dust; it needed to be used for something". Pearl replied.
"I learned how to fly in that plane"! Andy yelled while his checks turned red.
"Peridot, Pearl we need you to come with us to the store"! Garnet yelled form the van.
"Alright we're coming". Pearl said while the two them walked to the van. Andy took some deep breaths while Steven summoned his shield to use to cook the vegetables that Y/n cut up.
"Um.. alright". Andy said while looking at Steven's shield.
"You know what this is really weird". Andy said with a sigh.
"Yeah I know magic takes time to get use to, but trying is the best you can do". Y/n said. The three of them cooked the rested of what they needed, and once they were done the table the gem were back. They got out of the van with a wedding cake, and a tome stone.
"Andy because, you like marriage we decided to all marry each other". Pearl said while Peridot was showing off the cake.
"We wanted to fit all of the human events well could". Pearl said while Lapis walked over with the tomb stone.
"We're so sorry for your marriage". Lapis said while handing over the tombstone that said rip Andy to him. Andy laughed, and sighed.
"Alright that's it where do I sit"? Andy asked. The 8 of them went over to the table, and started to eat.
"Since we saying goodbye to tradition let's eat cake first". Andy said while cutting the cake.
"Where are my manners; Steven passed it down". Andy said while giving the piece of cake to Steven. Steven passed it down to Y/n, and Y/n passed it down to Peridot. In the end all of them passed it back to Andy.
"Alright let's just eat then". Andy said.
"I'm not I already ate to much of that rocket fuel". Amethyst said while burping out purple fire. Andy gave her a confused look while Steven and Y/n started to eat. The two of them started to make flirty comments at each other while; Lapis and Peridot where joking about putting a mirror at the table to see if it liked it.
"Alright that's it you can keep it". Andy said while standing up.
"Andy where are you going"? Greg asked. Andy didn't say anything while ran towards his plane, and took off.
"Lapis I need to go after him". Steven said while Lapis summoned her wings, and the two went off Andy.
"Andy please stop"! Steven yelled.
"Steven what are you doing here"!? Andy asked.
"Andy why are you leaving"? Steven asked. Andy didn't say anything, but he did fly down lower.
"I'm on it". Lapis said while flying after him.
"Steven stop following me; you should be on the ground not on a magical lady"! Andy yelled.
"Lapis can you throw me on the ground plane"? Steven asked.
"You are not throwing him on the plane"! Andy yelled. Lapis nodded, and though Steven on the plane.
"Lapis can you please go back to the barn"? Steven asked.
"Roger". Lapis said while flying back.
"Steven your throwing me off balance". Andy yelled.
"Andy I love that we both eat cake"! Steven yelled.
"What"!? Andy yelled in confusion.
"I love the you need a plane to fly, and that you can peel potatoes". Steven said while trying to hold on into the wing of the plane.
"What I'm trying to say is I love the gems, but I never got to know my human side. Andy I want to be your family; that's why you come back right"? Steven asked. Andy didn't say anything in return, but Steven's grip was loosening. Steven fell over the plane, and tried to think of thoughts that would make him.
"Cake, video games, Y/n, Y/n Y/n"! Steven said out loud to try to make him happy. He felt that he wasn't falling anymore, so opened his eyes to fine Andy right in front of him.
"Andy"! Steven yelled with a happy tone to his voice.
"Don't worry Steven I'm bring you back". Andy said while flying towards the barn.
"Steven your alright"! Y/n yelled when he got back to the ground. The two hugged, and Y/n kissed him. Steven blushed, but smiled at Y/n in return.
"Andy are you leaving again"? Greg asked.
"Well yeah, but this time I'll stay in touch". Andy said while giving a side hug to his cousin.
"Looking forward to it; see you soon Andy". Greg said with a smile.
"Bye uncle Andy"! Steven said while giving him a big hug.
"Bye Steven". Andy said with a small smile. Andy got his plane started, and flew off into the sky. Steven and Y/n looked at each other, and smiled.
