My first crush

Kristen POV
I walked out the bathroom and went to sit in my classroom then when I sat down I realized I was sitting in front of the boy I bumped into in the hallway. He had on his name tag and it said Jamal Howard that name is cute for him. I sat down and then I realized something." Hey beautiful", jamal said to me smiling. "Hey Jamal",I said smiling.
Jamal POV
I looked at her for a while cuz she was real cute and I liked her her ass was big plus she beautiful I can't wait to get her on these nuts got'em."Hey, umm so I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to lunch with me or in a date?" I said nervously
"Why I mean like we just met" she said cuz I think she was nervous too."cuz I like youband you cute I just want to hit the bulls I once". She just stood there for a second." Fine ard fine you glad I like you too cuz you a little pretty boy so yeah and guess what I want. " what?" I hope she said me."THESE NUTS! GOT'EEM".
