the random thing

A spark, once bright and full of life, snuffed out. Gone. Yet the world continues. You feel it is the end, but it is not, and that is unbearable. No one understands your pain. Others are sympathetic, but they cannot feel it- the stabbing needles of hurt, poison, grief. No. They are outsiders, intruding in your little devastated world.

And you hear a phrase in your head, pulsing with truth. It's something you've heard many times before, but you've never really grasped the full meaning of it.

Life is precious.

Tears splatter on the ground, creating mini oceans on the sidewalk. A long time ago, there was light in the world. But now, it seems as though something has shifted. Death creeps at the edges of your vision. Yesterday everything was fine. So why does today feel like the end of the world? Why must this unseen torment continue under your skin? Your heart continues beating, pumping life through your veins, while other people far away stutter and just... stop. The warm glow seeps away, gone forever. And any moment, it could happen to you, too. You have no control over it. Only chance and luck decides who lives or who dies.


Why is the world so cruel? Why must we feel pain? Why must the world choose to kill every beautiful heart and leave the rest?

Then, a glimmer of thought. A memory. More pain pulses through your body at the vision. It's not physical pain, but it feels the same. Worse, even.


Yes, my child?

Why do all the nicest people die?

She stops for a moment, thinking. Her eyes glow with affection and love, just for you. When you're in a garden, which flowers do you pick?

You hesitate for a moment, then whisper, The prettiest ones.

Returning to reality, the tears come again, for the person who you could once lean on for comfort is gone. You have nobody now. You are alone in the cruel world.

A bird chirps, and you look up. The sun shines bright through the watery film covering your eyes, and despite yourself, you smile. Maybe...

Maybe I can still be happy.

You dry your tears and close your eyes, imagining everyone you've ever loved. And your empty cup is filled with their tender affection. Full to bursting with emotion and overflowing with gratitude. I'll try, you whisper to them.

For you.
