Chapter Twelve: Rumors

I set my alarm to go off early. I wanted extra time to style my hair. I had a feeling Lucas liked my hair since he hadn't been able to keep his hands off it the day before.

The excitement of going to school with Lucas overpowered any fear I might have about seeing anyone from Casey's party. I knew Casey wasn't upset, but I had no idea what Sasha had told Emily and Jack. I could care less about Evan's feelings. I hoped he was home sick with an icepack.

I was relieved when I came downstairs and Mom wasn't dressed in her nightgown. I kept checking the window for Lucas. "Remember, I have to pick up my car after school. It might be closer to six or six-thirty before I get here." I ran back upstairs to pack my running clothes.

The doorbell rang while I was digging through my drawer for yoga pants. I almost died when I heard Gramps say, "Who are you?" I bolted down the stairs. My heart stopped when I saw Gramps standing at the door dressed in his white tank top and boxers.

Mom tried to introduce him to Lucas. "Dad, this is Eliana's boyfriend." The words sounded embarrassing coming from her. I was mortified.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Lucas said as he stuck out his hand for a handshake.

"Yeah, Yeah. Are you trying to sell us something? We don't like solicitors around here."

"I'll remember that, sir." Lucas awkwardly lowered his hand.

My mom had to raise her voice so Gramps could hear her. "No Dad, he goes to school with Eliana. He's her boyfriend!"

Kill. Me. Now. I felt my heart stop beating.

"Hey there, I see you met Gramps," I tried to ignore Gramps standing there in his underpants.

Lucas looked at me, forcing a straight face. "Good morning."

"Well, you two better get going before you're late." Mom looked at me with apologetic eyes.

"Okay, I've just got to grab my bag out of the kitchen. Lucas we can go through the side door." I motioned for him to follow. "Remember, Mom, I'll be late."

"I'll remember."

I grabbed my bag off the chair and opened the door. "Sorry about that."

"That's okay. I have a grandpa, too." He grinned. "Not exactly like that, but I've got one too."

"Seven is a little early for this house," I said, trying to defend my gramps' appearance.

We reached the truck and Lucas opened the passenger door to help me in.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure."

"This wasn't how I expected the morning to start."

He laughed. "Well, if I wasn't awake before, I am now."

"Funny—don't forget, you're talking about my gramps."

"Sorry, I was trying to make light of the situation." He reached for my hand.

"That's okay. Remember, someday it could be you who's embarrassed. And it might not be your grandfather I see in boxers. It might be you." Quickly, I realized what I'd said. "I mean..."

"You don't have to explain. I know what you were trying to say." He changed the subject. "Are you coming to the game tomorrow afternoon?"

I reached to play with his stereo. "I didn't realize there was one."

"I'm sure Casey will be there supporting Jack. She doesn't miss any of the games. You two can sit together."

"Sure, I'll be there. It might be fun. I've never been to a baseball game."

"You've never been to a baseball game—ever?" He sounded a little offended.

"Well, usually during baseball season I'm working on my recital piece." I turned and stared out the window.

He put his arm on the headrest and started playing with my hair. "Sorry, I didn't think about that."

I turned to face him. "Don't be sorry, you couldn't have known."

"You really miss dancing, don't you?"

"Everyday," I sighed. "That's why I'm glad I have my secret meadow."

We pulled into the parking lot and I instinctively looked at the spot where he usually parked. It took a second for me to remember I was in his truck. He hopped out and ran to my door while I gathered my bag. He helped me out and closed the door. The truck blocked the view of the building. He leaned in for a long, passionate kiss and I forgot where we were for a second. He pulled away and pressed his forehead against mine.

"That should hold me over for the day," he whispered.

"I don't think that will work for me," I leaned in for another enchanting kiss. I ran my hand through his hair. The backfire of a passing truck made us both jump.

"I think that's our queue." Lucas grinned.

We grabbed our bags and headed into the building. We were getting some disgusted looks when we entered. I looked at Lucas. His hair looked fine and I had rubbed my lip gloss off his lips.

"Is my hair messed up?" I whispered.

He shook his head. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

"No, you look fine."

"I figured we'd get some looks, but I didn't expect this response." He reached over and grabbed my hand.

Emily stalked over in a huff and looked right at me. "You deserved what you got." She rolled her eyes, flipped her hair, and stomped off.

I looked at Lucas. "Did I miss something?"

He shrugged and shook his head. We walked to my locker with everyone gawking and snickering.

"I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone," Lucas said, waiting for me to put my stuff away.

"I was thinking the same thing." I closed my locker and we walked toward the junior hall.

When we rounded a corner, a girl from Chemistry class stopped me. "I heard Sasha kicked your ass this weekend; serves you right for making a move on her man. You're a bitch."

My eyes widened and I looked at Lucas and then back at the girl. "Do I look like I got beat up this weekend?" She snubbed her nose in the air and walked past me before I could set her straight. "You've got to be kidding!" I felt my eyes glaze with tears.

Lucas instantly pulled me close and I laid my head on his chest. "Don't be upset; she's not worth it."

"These aren't tears of sadness; these are tears of anger."

"Eliana, you need to relax. I don't want you to do something you'll regret." He squeezed me tight and wouldn't let go.

Derogatory comments drifted throughout the hallway and all the snickering suddenly made sense.

Lucas looked down at me. "Do you want to leave?"

"No, that makes me look guilty. We know the truth, that's all that matters."

He squeezed my hand and we continued to his locker. As soon as he opened it, he pulled me between the locker and his body, like he was shielding me from the comments and glares.

"I don't want to leave you alone today."

"Lucas, I'll be fine. I promise I won't beat Sasha up or give her the satisfaction of seeing me upset."

He took a deep breath. "Where's Casey? She's usually here by now."

"I'm sure she'll be here soon."

"Well, I'm not leaving until she is."

"Are you going to be late?"

"No, we have ten minutes before first bell. My class is at the end of this hall." He stopped talking abruptly. "Oh, man."

I turned to see what was wrong. Sasha, Evan, Jack, and Emily were standing at the end of the hall.

Evan didn't look happy and Sasha threw a deathly glare in my direction. It irritated me and I wanted to confront her. I wanted to give her the 'beat down' she'd supposedly given me. I also knew she wanted that reaction from me, but I wasn't willing to stoop to her level. I kept my eyes focused on Lucas so I wouldn't have second thoughts.

The awkward atmosphere eased with the sound of Casey's bubbly voice. "Hey, you two, how was the rest of your weekend?"

We both turned to look at her.

"What's going on? You look like your dogs got hit by a car. Did I miss something?"

"I'm surprised you didn't get an earful when you walked in the building. I guess I got my ass kicked by Sasha at your party on Saturday because she caught me making out with Evan."

"What? Who told you that?" Casey looked confused.

"Just listen to the remarks floating through the halls."

"I can't believe Sasha would stoop so low. I'm so sorry, Eliana."

"You didn't do anything and I'm not going to react."

"We need to get to class," Lucas interrupted. "Casey, please don't leave her alone between classes."

"Um—Okay, Lucas." Casey shook her head looking even more confused.

Lucas turned back to me. "I'll see you at lunch," he leaned over and kissed my forehead.


Casey's eyes widened almost as big as her smile. Lucas turned and walked in one direction, while we walked in the other.

"Okay, what gives with you and Mr. Andrews?" Casey could barely contain herself as we made our way to first period.

"Let's just say, he isn't dating casually anymore." I winked at her.

Casey demanded more details, so I told her about our Sunday horse ride, with the exception of Lucas' special place. I also told her about watching the sunset and our first kiss. Her excitement took my mind off the rumors floating around the school.

After first period, she escorted me to Chemistry. She took Lucas' request seriously and didn't leave me until I was inside the door. "I'll be back after class."

"Okay, see you later, babysitter." I sat at my desk and opened my book and actually paid attention during class. I didn't make eye contact or even glance at Sasha or Evan once. I pretended they didn't exist. Toward the end of class, Travis Moore, the kid sitting between us, asked if I was all right after my 'beat down'. The group snickered.

I clenched my fist under my desk, turned to Travis and replied slowly, enunciating each word like I was talking to a five year old. In a voice loud enough so everyone could hear, I said, "LOOK AT ME CLOSELY. DO I LOOK LIKE I GOT A BEAT DOWN? DO YOU SEE ANY SCRAPES OR BRUISES ON ME? Someone obviously got their facts mixed up when they recapped the events from the weekend. The truth is so much less interesting than the story you've been told, I'm not even going to bore you with the details."

The room became so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The bell rang, breaking through the silence. I felt Sasha's glare as I put my books in my bag. I couldn't believe how good it felt to finally speak out and defend myself.

Casey was waiting for me in the hall. "How was class?" she asked.

"To be honest, it went well."

"That's good." We walked toward our next class. "So, I didn't get a chance to tell you something. There was way too much going on this morning."

"What is it?"

"Well, Jack and I hung out yesterday. He's getting a nice hotel room on prom night. From my understanding, a lot of people are booking rooms. There will be after-prom parties on every floor. I'm so excited," Casey squealed.

We sat down at our desks and I turned to ask her more about prom. "Do you think Lucas will expect me to stay?"

Casey looked at me like I was some kind of freak of nature. "You don't want to stay in Roseburg on prom night?"

"I didn't say that. I just don't know if my mom will like the idea."

"I thought your mom was really laid back. Doesn't she pretty much let you do whatever you want?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to take advantage of that or eventually she'll tell me no."

"Just tell her we're going to stay in a room together," Casey suggested.

"I hate lying to her." I turned and stared out the window. Secretly, I was nervous about staying in a hotel with Lucas. Mom was my excuse out of it.

Thinking about prom kept my mind off the ridiculous rumors floating around school until the bell rang. The only thing that comforted me was Lucas leaning against the lockers when Casey and I exited our class.

"How was your morning, ladies?" He reached for my hand.

"It's actually been pretty good," I replied. We walked to the cafeteria.

"I guess I'll see you at gym," I said to Casey while we waited in line to pay.

Casey looked up at me. "Um, Eliana, I was wondering if I could eat lunch with you guys today."

I looked at her surprised. "Of course you can. You can eat with us anytime you want."


We crossed the courtyard to the table where Lucas' friends were already sitting. Sasha and the others sat at a table across from us. She looked pissed that Casey was with us. Casey seemed a little down.

"It's okay if you change your mind and want to sit with them. I know you're friends with Sasha."

"It's not Sasha. It's Jack. I'm hoping he doesn't change his mind about prom because I'm choosing not to hang out with them."

"If he does, he isn't worth it."

Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by a commotion at Sasha's table. One of the other guys was holding Jack back. Evan was on the other side of the table throwing his arms in the air and yelling at Jack to "bring it."

"You say another word about her and I'll kick your ass." Those were the only clear words we could hear from Jack.

Sasha had her hand over her mouth, laughing. When I looked at Casey, she was on the verge of tears.

"It'll be okay." I put my arm around her. Lucas and the other guys from our table stood up. I didn't understand why they were getting involved. All I could do was sit back and hope no one got hurt. Lucas approached Jack to say something. Jack quickly spun around to look at Casey. Then they exchanged more words. I didn't know what Lucas was saying, but Jack calmed down. Two of the other guys talked to Evan for a few minutes. Evan seemed even more pissed. It was almost scary. Then the guys said something that made Evan slam his fist on the table and walk away, leaving Sasha and Emily alone. Lucas, Jack and the guys came back to our table. Jack leaned over and gently put his hand on Casey's face. "I didn't mean to scare you."

My heart sang. I thought that was so sweet. Casey buried her face in his chest. I knew she was crying. I was so confused. I figured I'd get what happened out of Lucas later, so I didn't press the issue.

The rest of lunch was quiet. I glanced at Sasha from time to time. She was the cause of all the trouble—not me. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do something. I racked my brain, trying to figure a way to get back at the vicious Barbie wannabe. I thought about embarrassing her by spilling soda on her, stealing her clothes during gym, or hitting her so hard she'd swallow her two front teeth. My thoughts kept getting worse. I knew I wouldn't actually do any of that, but it sure felt good picturing her humiliation.

After lunch, Lucas kissed my cheek, "I'll see you in study hall." Then he headed off to class.

Jack helped Casey dry her eyes and kissed her forehead, before he also left for class.

"Wow, not what I expected to happen at lunch today," I said.

Casey looked at me with sad eyes. I felt so bad for her. I couldn't imagine what she had to be feeling. She was quiet throughout fourth period. When we arrived at gym, the rumors were already flowing. It was a class with tons of cheerleaders, so everyone was either Sasha's friend or wannabe friend. We quickly changed and walked to the gym floor. Sasha made a grand entrance and decided she wanted to start something. Her confidence was only there because she had a group of girls standing around her. She started slinging harsh words.

I finally lost it. "Sasha, I don't know what your problem is and I don't care."

"You want to know my problem with you—you're a bitch. I knew from day one you were a whore. You come here thinking you're some big shot and you can have any guy you want."

"Are you serious? What grade are you in? I could care less about your boyfriend. There is no attraction on my part. If you haven't noticed, I'm completely happy with my own boyfriend."

She shook her head giving me the evil eye. Suddenly, it dawned on me that she wasn't upset about Evan; she was upset about Lucas and me.

Casey grabbed my arm and pulled me to the other side of the gym. I tried to concentrate on working out but I couldn't help but watch Sasha. She was working with her group on their dismal dance routine.

"Eliana. Eliana. Hey, Eliana." Casey shook me. "Snap out of it."

"I'm fine." I continued to stare at Sasha.

"Don't worry; he'd never give her the time of day," Casey confirmed.

"So, you figured it out, too." I stretched my legs.

"Yeah, it was just a little obvious with her body language."

"I've never felt this territorial in my life." I took a deep breath to keep calm.

"I've known Lucas since kindergarten. He's never been crazy about anyone like he is about you. He's almost obsessed with you."

"Yeah, but he has history with her. What if..."

Casey interrupted, "Bad history, he would never..."

"I've got to go," I interrupted.

"Eliana, are you all right? You're worrying me."

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just need to get out of here." I jogged to the locker room and changed, and then grabbed my bag and headed for the parking lot. I looked around for my car before realizing it wasn't there. The one day I wanted to leave and I didn't have my car. I didn't know where to go, but I knew it wasn't back to the gym.

I decided to go to the library and ask if I could run track during study hall. The librarian said I could go anywhere; I just couldn't leave the school grounds. I changed into my yoga pants and tank top in the restroom.

Thankfully, the track was empty. I needed to release my frustration. I knew I would start to cry if I didn't run. I stretched for a few minutes, pushed PLAY on my iPod, and took off. I hit my zone. I didn't know how fast or how many times I'd circled the track, but I started watching for the number three. Every time I passed it, I would run harder. The counting helped calm me down.

This was my first panic attack since I'd moved here. In fact, my last major attack had happened when I'd found out my dad was leaving and I would be moving to Myrtle Creek. I continued to run laps.

I caught a glimpse of two people standing by the bleachers. It was Lucas and the track coach. I kept running until the coach left, and then I slowed to a walk, raising one finger to let Lucas know I was walking a cool down lap.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, walking over to him.

"Casey came and found me. She was frantic. She said something about you going nuts in gym."

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't go nuts. I had a small panic attack. I think everything from today finally caught up to me. I had to run."

"You had me worried. The librarian told me you came to the track."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry anyone." I looked through my backpack for something to wipe off the sweat.

"What are you looking for?"

"I thought I had a towel in my backpack."

"Come with me. I usually have a few in my duffle bag. It's in my truck."

"Are they clean?"

He looked back at me like I was crazy. "Of course they are. What do you think? That I use dirty towels to clean up after practice."

"I was just checking."

"You know, Coach asked why you haven't joined any sports. She couldn't believe your endurance. You've been running at a steady pace for almost an hour."

"Yeah, but I run for fun, not for competition. Besides, it would take me away from my other after school activity in the forest."

Lucas smiled. We reached his truck and he handed me a towel from his bag. "Here you go."

I was surprised that it was actually clean. "It smells linen fresh."

He shook his head and pulled me toward him, grabbing the towel and wiping my upper back and arms.

"I need to go to the restroom before the final bell rings," I said.

"You better get going. You only have two minutes."

"I'll never make it."

"Do you have to pee?"

I did a double take. I couldn't believe he'd said that. "No, I want to freshen up before everyone hits the halls. I don't need to give them something else to talk about."

"Use the mirror in my truck."

"That's a good idea." I climbed into the truck. My reflection horrified me. I had raccoon eyes from my mascara and a frizzy bird's nest on top of my head. "You could have told me I looked like the Bride of Frankenstein."

"I thought you were trying to sport a new look."

"Funny." I brushed my hair and pulled it into a ponytail. Then I did a little touch up on my makeup, removing the raccoon eyes and sweat beads from my forehead. "That should do." I climbed out of the truck.

"That was fast."

"I'm not high maintenance."

"We should find Casey, she was worried about you." He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the building. "There's Jack."

"Casey is probably with him." Sure enough, Casey was beside him, but it was hard to see her because she was so short. "Hey Casey."

"Eliana, where did you go? I couldn't find you after class."

"I went to the track to run out my frustration. I didn't mean to worry you."

"That's okay, as long as you're all right."

We were interrupted by the annoying sound of Sasha's voice. Some of the girls on the cheer squad circled her listening to her crack more jokes about me. I turned to walk in her direction.

Casey grabbed my arm. "Eliana, she isn't worth it."

"Listen to Casey," Lucas added.

"No, I'm tired of this. I'm going to shut her up—my way. I'll be right back."

Lucas pulled me back. "Don't do anything crazy."

"Don't worry; I'm not going to touch her." I walked toward Sasha and she resorted to whispering. I shook my head and went to the bulletin board. On the talent show sign-up sheet, in big, bold writing, I printed my name and the word "DANCING" next to it. She laughed hysterically as I walked back to Casey, Lucas, and Jack. I didn't respond to her loud comment about giving me another "beat down" on the dance floor.

"What are you doing, Eliana?" Casey asked.

"Don't worry. You'll see."

Suddenly, Casey said, "I'm tired of Sasha laughing at other people's expense. I'm going to do something I should have done before now." She walked up to Sasha.

"What do you want, traitor?" Sasha rolled her eyes.

"I'm tired of being quiet. You have changed so much. You think you're some kind of Queen Bee, but you're just a local girl trying to act like you're better than everyone else. You're forgetting we all grew up together. You're no better than any of us. I can't stand the person you've become. You think you're some kind of socialite. Newsflash, you live in Myrtle Creek, this isn't New York or Los Angeles."

Sasha's jaw dropped. "You're just under the influence of Eliana."

"You don't get it. You're just a mean person and have been for years. Do you really think Evan is going to take you out of this place? Beauty fades, and then what will you have? NOTHING! At least Eliana has integrity. She knows you took her clothes and she hears all your rude comments, but she rises above it. Eliana won't sink to your level." Casey stood on a bench so everyone could hear her pint size pipes. "Listen up. I know you've all heard an interesting story about the weekend at my house. Here's the truth coming from someone who had a front row seat. Sasha claims Eliana made a move on Evan. The fact is Sasha is humiliated because Evan, once again, tried to cheat on her. It's pathetic that she defends him after he's repeatedly cheated with more than one of you girls in this hallway." Casey stared directly at a few faces. "He tried to kiss Eliana without her permission. The so-called 'beat down' was one push from Sasha." Casey turned and looked at Sasha, "So in the end, you're the pathetic one."

The common area went completely silent. Casey stepped down from the bench and walked back to Jack, Lucas, and me. Lucas gave her a hug and whispered, "Thanks." I couldn't believe that someone had defended me like that. I was indebted to Casey.
