Chapter Thirty Two: Sandstorm

I got my own back.❞ ㅡ Rei




                                           Sneaking into Suna was no easy task; guards stood around the entrance, protecting the village from unwelcomed strangers and limiting her options to slip inside without being seen. Sand permeated the ground, forming a thin carpet over which the village had been built a long time ago. It floated in the soft breeze of the night, as if waiting to be hold — to follow orders.

Orange eyes surveyed the shadowy wall as the two girls remained concealed in the night, far from their sensorial abilities and scope. They narrowed slightly upon the guards, whom she could not see but feel, as a deformed star expanded to provide her with the skill she needed at the moment.

Next to the rogue girl, her companion observed her closely; Kotone wondered about her approach, whether she'd succeed or be caught — that would have terrible consequences. Giving a deep sigh, Rei blinked and averted her attention to her; the remains of her bloodline faded away.

"No wonder it's the main village of the Wind Nation," she whispered, looking away as the sketch of a nostalgic smile curled on her lips. "I could feel over a hundred guards, only by the entrance. The inside is just as crowded. Even in this moonless night, any threat can be noticed."

Kotone shot her a look before shrugging. "What's your plan, then?"

Rei pursed her lips. Her fingers dug into the sandy ground, relishing in its familiar touch, before she stood from her crouching posture. Sending her a quick glance, the girl extended her arms and took a deep breath.

"I suggest you close your eyes, Kotone."

Not even a second later, wind rose from the horizon — it came to her, responding to a silent call. Engulfing the girl, Rei quickly placed her hands together and locked her eyes on the distant village. As if by choice, the wind found its target in the guards and villagers; picking up the sand by its invisible feet, it hastily flew towards them.

Kotone frowned and held her blue hair in a tight grip, still crouched as the strength of the wind threatened to send her flying. One eye cracked open and she watched as Rei stood still in front of her, orange gaze fixed on the village.

And she heard them — over the loud blows of the wind, in the distance. Their groans, their cries as sand got into their eyes and wind slashed their skin bit by bit.

Yeah, that must hurt. Sand and wind; what a powerful combination, she thought while gritting her teeth out of discomfort.

But then, the voice of a guard reached her. "Summon a shield to protect yourselves from the sandstorm!"

Covering her eyes with her hand, she squinted through the darkness and opened her mouth to warn Rei. But the girl wasn't there anymore. As the sandstorm became less ruthless, Kotone smirked and retreated to the forest opposite to the village.

Meanwhile, in Suna, a cloaked person walked the quiet streets. Thanks to the sandstorm she had created, no villagers were around to witness her actions. Rei made sure to conceal her presence, and to remain hidden in the dark alleys under a starless sky. A feeling of nostalgia formed in her heart as she walked by a familiar park, but she looked away to avoid having to deal with the reminiscence of many times when she had spent time with friends and family there.

Her skin felt prickly as she roamed the village, her attention diverted by places she used to go — it was all the same; nothing had changed. The air was still heavy, warm yet colder than during the day. The houses were round and humble, just like she remembered them, and light flickered through the windows, tracing thin paths of yellow tears on the ground below.

As Rei kept on, she was marvelled by the feeling of nostalgia and contentment that invaded her; she felt safe within those sandy walls — she was home, at last. However, she was aware that it would only be a temporary sensation, like the embrace of a mother to a daughter that was no longer a child; a warm, yet painful goodbye for now. Her feet swayed as she came to a stop, and her gaze flickered to the house she had once sought shelter in.

She could almost feel the soft touch of the sheets as she lay in bed, surrounded by toys and photos of a long-lost life. She could almost hear her parents whispering by the door, their watchful eyes as she fell into slumber. And she could almost feel no remorse as she got lost into her memories, no affliction as thoughts of her adoptive mother filled her mind.

So many secrets — so many unanswered questions and troubled thoughts.

With a deep breath, Rei turned away and looked up into the starless night. She couldn't waste time; she was there for a reason, not to travel down the path of memories.

But suddenly, a presence made itself known behind her. Her toes scraped the sandy ground as she stopped dead in her tracks, and panic was quick to take shape within her heart. Slowly, she tilted her head to send a fleeting glance from over her shoulder.

"I knew it was you."

At the sight of her childhood friend, the girl subconsciously relaxed. However, her shoulders tensed a second after; the possible outcomes of such an unexpected encounter numbed her for a moment, and Rei was tempted to flee. Instead, she ignored her pounding heart and turned around to face the blond woman.

"Temari," she acknowledged. "I suppose there's always room for improvement."

Temari shook her head and smirked, causing the girl to frown in thought — did she not know?

"Yeah, you're still leagues away from deceiving me." Her green eyes suddenly narrowed, and she placed her hands on her hips. "People are looking for you, Rei. What's going on?"

Rei pursed her lips while pondering, yet there was no turning back now; she was now travelling a different path, one that would make her clash with her friends. "I need to do this, Temari."

"Why?" the woman snapped, before a sigh escaped her lips and she ran a hand along her face. "After everything, are you going to throw your life away? If I had known you'd do this, I wouldn't have bothered with you at all."

"The life I had was born from a lie," Rei retorted with a frown. "People close to me died because of it."

At that, Temari faltered. "Maki?"

Heaving a sigh, she nodded and looked away.

"Lack of knowledge was the main issue," she started. "By the time I was filled in, it was too late. I had trusted the wrong people, and that killed Maki. She was caught in the crossfire, used as a pawn with the only purpose of hurting me."

Temari was silent for some seconds, but she had yet to drop her stance; she still was on edge, yet her green eyes were clouded by an emotion she was familiar with: affliction.

"So you're going to join Akatsuki, instead? I'm damn sure that's what you call 'wrong kind of people'."

"I'm not joining them," Rei exclaimed, alarmed by her conjectures. "But I have questions, and so far, they are the only ones who have shown signs of wanting to help me. You can't expect me to stay in Konoha."

Her hands clenched into fists, and the older girl frowned deeply. "You can't expect me to let you go, either."

The wind spiked, and Rei matched her expression.

"I don't want to fight you," she asserted. "But if you're so willing to stop me, then do your worst."

Much to her surprise, Temari sighed in apprehension. "I will... if you aren't back in three days."


"Against my own judgement, I'm giving you two days to find the answers you look for," the woman elaborated with an exasperated look. "If you aren't back by the third, I will stop you."

"But, why?" Rei was at a loss of words, staring at her with wide eyes.

Temari muttered something under her breath. "Because I owe you. And I want to understand, too."

The sketch of a smile drew on her lips, and Rei finally dropped her defensive stance. "Thank you for trusting me."

"However," the woman continued as if she hadn't said anything. "I can't speak for everyone. You'll be followed, Rei."

"I know."

With one last glance at her beloved friend, the girl summoned back her storm, ready to take her leave. She hadn't found what she had been looking for, but circumstances called for her retreat now.

"I'll see you in three days, Temari."

And as she disappeared from sight, the shinobi from Suna pursed her lips in thought.

You'd better.


So, what do you think? Let me know in a comment!
