
The date was April 20th, 2022. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. Samantha Bowen (Solitude) was going to her destined boyfriend Castriel Kidder (Vocalotwinkle Len)'s house for her date with him. Once she got to her destination, she got out of her car and walked up to the front door. She rang the doorbell. Castriel answered it.

Vocalotwinkle Len: Hi, Samantha!

Solitude: Hi, Castriel.

Vocalotwinkle Len: Come on in.

Samantha came in the house and took off her shoes.

Solitude: Mmm... That smells like dinner.

Vocalotwinkle Len: It is. Come join me in the dining room.

And so, the two of them were in the dining room together.

Solitude: It's just you two in your specific album? You and your sister Aravis.

Vocalotwinkle Len: Yes.

Solitude: I see. Does Aravis have a significant other?

Vocalotwinkle Len: Not yet. She's still looking.

Solitude: Uh huh.

Vocalotwinkle Len: So, what do you do for a living?

Solitude: Oh, I work at Crypton HQ.

Vocalotwinkle Len: No way!

Solitude: Yes way. I work there with my MV counterpart Asuka.

Vocalotwinkle Len: That's awesome.

Solitude: I need the money for my parents.

Vocalotwinkle Len: How come?

Solitude: A hacker stole all my parents' companies' money. Now it's up to me and my three older brothers to get jobs. One of them is a waiter.

Vocalotwinkle Len: I'm a waiter, too. However, I want to be a photographer in the future.

Solitude: So you just have your waiter job to make ends meet?

Vocalotwinkle Len: Yeah, pretty much.

Solitude: What's your sister doing as a career?

Vocalotwinkle Len: Right now, she works at a design company. But in the future, she wants to have her own company. So, that's why she's not living with me. We both want to pursue our own dreams.

Solitude: I see.

After dinner, it was time for Samantha to leave.

Solitude: I had a good time with you, Castriel.

Vocalotwinkle Len: I did, too. Is it okay if I come to your house next time?

Solitude: Well, I have an apartment, but yeah.

Vocalotwinkle Len: Oh, okay. Have a good night.

Solitude: You too.

Samantha went to her car and drove away.

And that's it for this one-shot. I'll see you guys in the next story!

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