you're daphne right?


  TODAY WAS HALLOWEEN— the day where all the most evil goblins and ghouls came out to the haunt the living. Or the day when people of all ages dress up as any character they want and collect candy from strangers. This year Lucas dressed up as Venkman from the movie Ghostbusters. Now Lucas and Erica were standing on the front lawn while their mother takes pictures of Lucas.

  "Adorable, baby. Just adorable!" His mother smiles from behind the camera as Lucas continues to pose.

  "God. You are such a nerd." Erica judges.

  "Shut up." Lucas fires back.

  "No wonder you only hang out with boys." Erica insults her older brother.

  "Erica!" Their mother shouts.

  "Just the facts." Erica states, then Soleil comes strolling out the front door. A smile appearing on her face as she sees her younger brother in his costume.

  "Cool costume Lucas!" She compliments.

  "Thanks Soleil." Lucas says as Soleil walks to her car.

  "Do you need a ride to school?" She questions.

  "No, I'm gonna ride my bike, but thanks." Lucas says and waves goodbye to his sister.

  She pulls out of the driveway and rolls down her window to yell a goodbye to her family. Her mom yells "Be safe!" after her and her siblings only wave.


  Now the four older teens were in the library silently studying for their upcoming tests. Everyone seemed completely concentrated except for Soleil. She hadn't written a word in a good two minutes. Whether she was staring blankly out the window or at her paper, there was clearly something on her mind. Then her eyes got stuck on a particular woman. She had red hair pulled into a pretty up-do and a pink and blue colored plaid blouse. She resembled Barb so closely she almost forgot about her disappearance. Now death. Then the woman turned around and she was disappointed hoping to see the girl she had been missing for so long. Then Nancy pulled her out of her trance.

  "Hey, you okay? You seem a little distracted." Nancy says, Soleil flinching at the sudden sound of her soft voice. Now all eyes at the table were on her.

  "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking about, um, Tina's party tonight. I don't know if I want to go anymore. Just feeling tired." Soleil lies with a shrug.

  "What? No, Soleil you have to come! Right, Steve, she has to come!" Nancy says dragging Steve into the conversation.

  "Uh, yeah. I mean it's Halloween we're supposed to have fun, right?" Steve suggests.

  "I guess, it's just... I don't know I'm not feeling up to it." Soleil reasons.

  "Please, Soleil, you need to be there it'll be so much fun. You'll regret it if you don't come!" Nancy says and Soleil looks to Jonathan for help, but he only shrugs.

  "Alright, I guess I'll go." Soleil says with a small tight-lipped smile.

  "Yay! Okay it's settled we're all going." Nancy says.

  'You're going?' Soleil mouths to Jonathan but again all he does is shrug. Then the bells rings, and that's the end of the school day. They collect their bags and head their own ways home.

  As Soleil and Jonathan walk out of the school he asks, " Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little off today."

  "No, I promise I'm fine. Honestly, I'm just tired." Soleil replies hoping that would be enough and to her surprise it was.

  "Okay, just know you can call me if anything's wrong." Jonathan suggests.

  "I know, Jonathan. Thank you." Soleil says with a real smile this time and continues to walk to her car. Letting out a sigh and she sits in the drivers seat with her hands in the wheel. Resting her head on the wheel, accidentally pushing the horn, causing her to jump back up again. She shrinks in her seat as she dreads the night to come.


  Now Soleil was sitting on her bed pondering about what costume she should wear. I mean it's a Halloween party, it would be pretty lame if you showed up without a costume. Suddenly she had a bright idea and decided to call Nancy.


  "Hey Nancy! It's me Soleil."

  "Hey Soleil! What's up?"

  "Okay, so I was thinking for the party tonight we could do like a duo costume thing and we could be Daphne and Velma, ya' know from Scooby Doo. You could be whatever character you want. Or we could be like those scary twins from The Shining or something. Any ideas?" Soleil rambles quickly. Nancy stays silent for a second.

  "Nance? You there?"

  "Yeah, no I'm here it's just... Steve and I are already doing like a couple costume thing... I'm sorry Soleil this is such a cool idea and I would've totally said yes if you'd asked sooner. Ya' know I just feel bad bailing on Steve. I'm sorry."

  "Oh, no, no. It's totally okay. I get it you had plans this was kinda last minute anyway. So don't worry." Soleil eases the girls guilt but there is still silence on the line.

  "So, what are you and Steve going as?"

  "Oh, um, we're going as Lana and Joel from Risky Business."

  "That's cool. Well, I'll see you later Nancy." Soleil concluded the conversation.

  "Bye-" Nancy starts, but Soleil hangs up the phone. She sighs.

  "I guess I'll just be Daphne by myself." Soleil says to herself. Rummaging through her room looking for anything purple or green. She manages to put together an outfit that somewhat resembles Daphne.

She sighs as she looks in the mirror, "Would've made more sense if I had a Velma." She walks down the stairs and walks to her car. Mentally preparing herself for the night to come.


  Soleil had just pulled up to Tina's house. She could already hear the booming music coming from the house. She slowly took her time putting her car in park and taking out her key stuffing it in her handbag. She steps out the car, closing it with a slam before walking up to the wildly big house and opening the front door. As she walked in she was hit with the stench of B.O, alcohol, and cigarettes.

  She walked around, pushing several people out of the way, muttering various sorries, trying to look for Nancy. She finally made it to the kitchen where she found Nancy and Steve.

  "Hey, Soleil! You made it!" Nancy shouted over the music with a big smile.

  "Yep, I did..." Soleil said awkwardly as the three found themselves with nothing to talk about.

  "Umm, I really love the couple costume." Soleil complimented the couple.

  "You like Risky Business?" Steve asks surprised.

  "Yeah, it's like one of my favorite movies!" Soleil said with a small smile.

  "Yeah, well it was all Steve's idea." Nancy adds.

  "You're dressed up as Daphne, right?" Steve questions, and Soleil sighs in relief.

  "Yes, I'm relieved. I didn't think anyone would know, I kinda threw the costume together before I got here." Soleil stressed.

  "Well, you look great in it." Steve complimented the girl.

  "Thanks." Soleil said, with a tight lipped smile, hoping Nancy didn't feel uncomfortable with their interaction. Thankfully before the awkward silence could go on any longer the new "Keg King" sauntered his way over to the bunch.

  "We got ourselves a new Keg King Harrington!"

  "Yeah, eat it Harrington!"

  Billy and his minions teased the boy, and he only took of his sunglasses to glare at them. Nancy left the scene to get another drink, Soleil following after her.

  "What is this?" Nancy asked a guy dressed as a cave man.

  "Pure fuel! Pure fuel! Whoo!" He yells and belches.

  "Maybe you shouldn't drink that, Nance. If you really wanna drink just grab a beer or something not the mystery foggy drink." Soleil advises, but Nancy doesn't listen and Steve makes his way over. She take a big serving of the drink and swigs it down like nothing.

  "Hey, whoa whoa whoa! Take it easy! Slow down!" Steve yells to Nancy.

  "We're just being stupid teenagers for night. Wasn't that the deal?" Nancy shrugs and takes another sip, as Soleil just looks at Nancy confused. What is up with her?

  Nancy walked away to dance and Steve of course followed after her. Soleil just sat herself down and a crowded couch with a half full beer in her hand. Then she spots Jonathan in the crowd.

  "Jonathan! Oh my god, you're finally here! You have no idea how completely miserable I've been!" Soleil shouts.

  "Oh, wait! I actually love this song. Please can we dance, I've been waiting for you all night!" Soleil said, as Girls On Film started playing. Jonathan couldn't even get a word in before she was dragging him into the center of the house.

  Just as the song finished there was commotion in the kitchen. Soleil went to see the issue and it was a very drunk Nancy going for another drink while an annoyed Steve refused to let her drink. They kept going back and forth and eventually the red drink spilt all over Nancy's white blouse. Gasps we're heard throughout the house and Nancy rushed to the bathroom Steve stumbling after her.

  "I should probably go check on her." Soleil says to Jonathan. Soleil maneuvers her way through the packed home finally reaching the bathroom and just as she goes to knock on the door Steve bursts through and slams the door behind him. Completely shocked at his outburst Soleil goes to knock on the door again.

  "Nancy, it's me Soleil... Do you need help in there?"

  "No, Soleil. Just... just go home. I'm fine, j-just go home."

  "I can't just leave you here Nance." She sighs.

  "Leave, Soleil! I don't need your help!"

  Soleil stays quiet after. Looking for Jonathan to help Nancy home, because she couldn't handle the girls attitude towards her. When she found him, she left the party and walked down the front porch. To her surprise she saw Steve sitting on one of the steps. Soleil sat down next to him.

  "Long night, huh?" Soleil said.

  "Yeah, you could say that."

  "Are you alright?"

  "Not really, but I'll be fine."

  "Do you want to tell me what's wrong? I know it always helps to get stuff off your chest."

  "Well, Nancy basically called me bullshit and our whole relationship bullshit."

  "Steve...she's drunk, I'm sure she doesn't mean that. I mean she talks about you all the time."

  "Well, what's that saying drunk words are sober thoughts. She doesn't love me, I just have to accept that."

  "Let's not jump to conclusions. Why don't you talk to her tomorrow at school when she's sober and ask her how she really feels. And if she says she doesn't love you, which I highly doubt, then it's better you know now so you're not wasting your time hung up on her, ya know. Also don't be too hard on her, I know she can be a little reckless at times, but I still love her."

  "Okay, thanks for the advice. You're good at that."

  "I've been told. Alright, well I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school." She says standing up.

  "Yeah, do you need a ride or something?" Steve asks.

  "No, I drove, thanks though." Soleil says with a smile, walking to her car and waving him goodbye. Steve stayed on the porch and watched as the gentle girl drove away. Sighing before approaching his car and driving home.


i updated🙌🏽
took me a while
things are starting to get juicy between soleil and steve🙊
nancy and steve are bullshit🧐
soleil does a partner costume by herself😔
things are advancing for soleil🤭
