stuck in my room

(The next day)

Y/n woke up and didn't find felix next to her until she saw him come out of the bathroom shirtless and he he was wearing shorts

Felix: morning princess

Y/n: morning (looks down on the bed)

Felix: don't be nervous, i don't like it

Y/n: I'm sorry (tries to make eye contact but can't bcz of how nervous she is rn)

Felix: (chuckles) anyways, ill serve you breakfast in bed cuz your not getting out if this room

Y/n: huh?! Why?

Felix: i don't want you to

Y/n: but-

Felix: no buts, get over it already (irritated)

Y/n: o-ok

Felix: how many times did i tell you not to stutter?

Y/n: i'm sorry!!! Its involuntarily!

Felix: ugh fine

Y/n: im sorry, don't be annoyed bcz of me lixie...

Felix: when did you come up with that nickname, huh (smirks)

Y/n: o-oh idk it just came to my mind

Felix: i like it call me that often and now im gonna go get you breakfast ok?

Y/n: ok

Felix goes downstairs to get her breakfast and his breakfast then went upstairs to go to his room

Felix: there, eat well princess

Y/n: thank you

Felix: any time

They eat until y/n asks;

Y/n: is it your day off or something?

Felix: no i just had a meeting before taking a shower but i don't haveΒ  anything today and that means your stuck with me in this room (smirks)

Y/n: knock that smirk of your face, we are not doing it I'm only 18!!

Felix: that's the perfect age

Y/n: N-NO! please lixie!

Felix: (thinking)...... Fine

Y/n: phew πŸ˜–

After finishing

Felix lays next to y/n and he tells
y/n to move closer to him and he hugged her

Y/n: u-uh need something?

Felix: yeah, YOU

Y/n: wdym by that?!

Felix started pecking your face with kisses

Y/n: seriously, you scared me

Felix: lol what did you think i was gonna do? (Smirk)

Y/n: what y-you did last time (looks down)

Felix: aww princess, its ok im not gonna do that unless you do anything wrong

Y/n: can i ask you something?

Felix: yeah

Y/n: why did you start being nice to me when i started crying yesterday?

Felix: that's bcz i don't like when you cry its my weakness...

Y/n: aww!

Felix: (smiles)

Felix: can i ask you a question too?

Y/n: yeah

Felix: are you ok with me hugging, kissing and touching you when I'm not even your boyfriend?

Y/n: is it like i have choice to say no or slap you bcz of about it? I can't do anything about it, otherwise, you'll give me punishments nonstop, plus im scared and weak.

Felix: ... Wow you really are scared of me when i punish you

Y/n: its not just me ofc, everyone is like this when getting punished, im sure.

Felix: hm ok wanna play on my PlayStation?

Y/n: sure!

They played until midnight

Y/n: i think i got it!


Y/n: i told you!!Β  idk how to play
fortnite 😠

Felix: ok ok time for bed its 12:04 o'clock

Y/n: woah time pasts fast

Felix: yeah now get on the bed

Y/n: okk

Y/n was already wearing pj's cuz she did get out of felix's room today

Felix wore his pj's then he lays next to

Felix: can we atleast cuddle?

Y/n: sure i would love to!

Felix: yayy!!

Felix and u/n cuddle said good night to each other and they went off to sleep.

I said i might upload this part today or tomorrow but for me its 3:05 am rn so i say that i uploaded this today not tomorrow that is today today UGH forget it 😭😭 anyways hope you enjoyed this part as always <3
(679) words
