Part 1

Katihar Madhya Pradesh

A small hut is shown in katihar village.Β  This village has more number of men in comparison to women ,Β  people here believe in one ideology that what panchayatΒ  decide is like command from God himself.Β  Panchayat raj of this village is greater than village people and their ideas and it's no doubt this affected many lives here , most of the girls life ., Just like this years ago little ragini's future was written by panchayat that she'll become an housewife in the forced arrange marriage , it's been 14 years since the time her husband and her mother in law left this village and in these 14 years she never heard from them . Life is pretty tough for ragini after the attempt to rape incident as now whole village indirectly boycotted her , girls of village don't talk her and other people ignore her presence near them , only some village's badboys try to talk to her but she knows why they doing so . After that dark day her parents didn't allow her to go school in the fear of what happened that day might happens again., Basically she getting punishments of the crime she never done .
Ragini don't want to hope for bright future ahead but a little part of her heart hopes while listening to her mother talks that things might turn out to be good for her after her husband Sanskar come here .....

So sorry for the late update 😿but I'm thinking about the scenes for this story and my phone and area having network problem due to winters but hopefully it'll be solved after 26th jan.
TevarAnisha so sorry sis for delay 😭😭
Love you infinity princess πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž
