This all went so so wrong

Hello, Author's note here, comment a line from a very potter musical if you enjoyed so far!

It was very dizzying to be shadow traveling as a child of Apollo.
But shadow traveling while holding hands with a cute emotional mess that he still needs to convince to go to therapy wasn't so bad.
It was 'eh' at worst.

What really gave him a bad feeling was the dark, mysterious cave with torches lining the walls and a ferret staring at him with it's cold dead eyes.

"This isn't Scotland," Nico deadpanned. Looking at the ferret as if it would answer why they weren't in their desired destination.
"Trivia?" Hazel shouted, making the ferret seem to die a little more inside.
"Demigods," a regal voice proclaimed as the goddess herself appeared in a gathering of mist, wearing robes that seemed to be more fit for hiding into then for a casual chat with demigods.

"It has come to my attention that my little pet world may have caused some problems between me and Nike."

"And what does that have to do with us?"
"Nico, can you not insult a goddess for a few minutes?!"
"This was supposed to be our first trip abroad somewhere and I just thought it would be nice if the gods just kept their noses out of it for a bit."

While a lover's quarrel was being whisper shouted, the divine lady turned to her unofficial apprentice, "It's Hecate for now, my apprentice. Nike isn't exactly happy about her grandson being killed in my little pet world while in an interrupted game. So I am instructing you demigods with this task, appease Nike by giving her grandson a proper burial fit for a champion."

Hazel seemed a bit skeptical on such a simple task, but something still wasn't answered.

"We still need to find a half blood though, a satyr lost their memory and the only information we have so far was that they were in Scotland," she stated with a ticks on her eyes. She might have to check that out later.

Hecate seemed to cough a little nervously.

"Yes, yes, the child is safe for now and will continue to be but I may have changed his destination." Hecate paused for a bit of effect, "the half blood also happens to be in the same school that the deceased grandson of Nike attended. I can get you an instant invitation and give you a touch of magic that lasts a whole school year. Yes, very generous of me, I know."

Nico looked up from his glaring contest with Will to look back at the goddess,
"What do we get in return?"
"Excuse me?"

Will cleared his throat in an almost guilty manner, "we want to know what we get in return for doing this for you."
"You never cease to amaze me with your boldness, demigods. Very well, this is a relatively easy mission but my interference can come much easier since this little pet world of mine is influenced by my very essence. So what you get in exchange for such a simple quest? Credit, work experience, an enchanted medicine bag, a cloak of invisibility, and a soul of one Tom Marvolo Riddle to keep quiet about this whole ordeal, how's that for a bargain?"

The half-bloods seemed to perk up at this deal, especially two children of the death god. Looking at one another with their eyes, they all nodded.
"It sounds like a deal."

Hecate smiled smugly and said one last farewell (and a few oaths to the River Styx) as both she and the scenery faded away. The trio now found themselves in a strange busy road next to a pub (or, at least one of the pubs in the street).

"So, we find the family, we get a body buried with honor, get the kid back to camp, AND we get some gifts". Will smiled wide and bright at his two companions, who both smiled back with different degrees of optimism.

"I mean, what could possibly go wro-"

Happy Halloween fellas, have a gift.
