Chapter Nine

The next morning, Sophie was sick AGAIN she was honestly tired of pregnancy and couldn't wait for it to be over. Three months in and it doesn't get any more exciting. She complained to Keefe that morning. Cheer up Foster. I made mallowmelt! Sophie couldn't stop a smile coming across her face.

The night before, they had a conversation about what to do the next time they see Fitz. He could've hurt you, Foster. Keefe had argued. What if he had hurt the baby too? And unfortunately for her, Sophie couldn't argue with that. The next time I see him, I'll teleport to Havenfield and tell Grady and Edaline why I'm there. Keefe still hadn't seemed completely satisfied with that answer. What if there aren't any cliffs to jump off or room to run? Sophie sighed and said she had a crystal to Biana's house and she could leap there. This time Keefe seemed okay with that answer and hailed Biana to tell her the plan.

After breakfast, Sophie and Keefe decided to teach their kids how to use telekinesis. A skill that apparently an elf possesses soon after birth. Sophie taught Jolie who figured it out right away, while Keefe taught Trenx who took a little longer to do it.

After a few hours, they had lunch and decided to visit Tam and Marella.

When they arrived at Fireshade, Marella greeted them with a hug.

Hi! Said Marella when they arrived. Jolie and Trenx immediately ran off to play with Asher and Caprilla.

    When the adults were seated in the living room, Marella started. Did you guys hear Fitz tried to rape someone? Sophie exchanged a look with Keefe. Marella's eyes widened. Umm..yeah that was me. Sophie said it almost inaudibly. Marella's eyes somehow widened even more. Then wrapped Sophie in a hug. Sophie I am SO sorry that that happened to you.

    It was silent until Tam spoke up. Did you know he's now dating two people? Apparently he's dating Maruca and some girl named Kalix Sencen. All eyes turned to Keefe. That's my cousin. Admitted Keefe. He probably wanted to get back at me for asking Sophie out when he called 'dibs.' Keefe put the last word in air quotes.

    I didn't know you had any relatives. Sophie admitted. I hardly knew her. Keefe shrugged. Her mom was my dad's sister who was apparently 'not our kind' so we never talked to them at all.

    Ok, is it just me or do we need a less depressing topic? Marella asked. Ooh! Lihn's pregnant! She just told us last night! Sophie and Keefe exchanged another look witch made Marella's eyes open farther. You too? OMG NO WAY!! Marella jumped out of her seat. Boy or girl? She asked much calmer this time. Girl. Sophie and Keefe said in unison.

    Ooh? What color do you think her eyes will be? This time Tam asked the question seeming relatively curious. Hopefully not brown. Sophie muttered. Well I hope they are brown. Said Keefe matter of factly. Sophie looked at him curiously. You do? Keefe nodded, absolutely. I love your eyes Sophie they're beautiful just like you. He gave her hand a squeeze.

Sophie didn't remember what happened next. He head was throbbing. It felt like she got struck by lightning. All she saw was darkness.

She saw a blue breeze through her mind. And she clung to it with all her strength. When she woke up, it was too bright to see. She felt someone squeeze her hand and squeezed it back. That gave her the strength to open her eyes. She expected to be in the healing center but she wasn't. She was in alluvetere. In the girls tree house. With Keefe at her side.

Then, a figure walked in. It was Mr. Forkle. He seemed...tired.

Mrs. Foster we're sorry this had to happen now but, it seems that you have triggered another ability.

You may now add to your list of Telepathy, Inflicting, Enhancing, Teleporting , and being a polyglot, conjuring.

Conjuring? Sophie was confused.

Yes, but not the kind you would expect. Mr. Forkle admitted.

This conjures away abilities.

Seriously? Keefe asked That's awesome!

And seeing your predicament, Mr. Forkle meant her pregnancy. Your child has acquired three of your six abilities. Which may be unfortunate, but at least we know what the abilities are. Your child will be a telepath, enhancer, and polyglot. You're children have also come to visit and happened to manifest as well. Keefe, in his stage of hysteria, accidentally switched his ability on and Jolie is an empath, polyglot, telepath, and conjurer, while Trenx is an inflictor, polyglot and teleporter.

Ok Forky are we able to go now? Foster seems tired enough without all the truth bombs. Mr. Forkle hesitated before saying one more thing. Mrs. Foster, you should just know that the conjuring ability only works under a great deal of stress. So you will be unable to do it unless pressured. And Jolie's ability of conjuring isn't like yours it's like Edaline's. You will be able to conjure objects as well but not as easily because your mind is fully developed.

With that, he was gone. Sophie and Keefe decided to go to Dex and Biana's place so they could ask Dex to make an ability blocker from telepathy, and inflicting. Sophie was able to do small objects of conjuring and it was cool. She honestly really liked it.

The next few days went by fast. Fitz knocked on their door and Keefe was there to answer. But this time, Sophie was ready. They knew Fitz would come back so they planned a stunt. Keefe would let Fitz into the living room and Sophie would snap her fingers to take his telepathy away. Then she would give it to Keefe.

May I come in? Fitz asked as Keefe opened the door. Sophie's not here. Keefe said. I'm here to talk to you not her. Fitz said. Keefe opened the door so Fitz could come in. When they were seated in the living room Fitz started talking when Sophie voice filled his head.

Tell me when I'll be waiting.

Kay Foster, said Keefe, you're cute when you get leadery.

so I'm just here to say sor—


Sophie snapped her fingers. A blue orb appeared in her mind got it she said.

Listen Fitzy, I know you think you can just come over here and apologize, but that's not how it works. You can't treat people like that and expect full forgiveness so..bye. Fitz didn't look surprised at all. He stood up and left.

Sophie snapped again and this time the orb appeared in front of Keefe. He ate it. Woah he transmitted to her. Can I look at a thought? Sure Sophie figured. She thought of their wedding day picturing Keefe perfectly. He seemed super nervous at the time. Woah. Keefe said again. I never realized how minds worked. I figured it wasn't anything special just some thoughts, but yours are so intense it's like an entire landscape in front of me with pictures.

That night was the first she slept through completely in a while.

The next morning, Biana hailed Sophie.

Sophie guess what? Fitz lost his ability! Sophie couldn't help but smile. There must have been some sort of gleam of guilt in there or something though because five minutes later she was in their living room. And then it all came out Fitz harassing her, the new ability, the kids, her pregnancy, and Fitz's lost ability.

And at the end of it all....Biana...laughed. Seriously....I...can'!! Good for you! He deserves it. Oh and if Keefe isn't using that ability, can I borrow it? I would love to annoy people. Sophie sighed. Well, at least she was being supported in this situation. Sure, Bi. Anything you want.

That's it for this chapter!1334  Words! Wow 😯 thanks for reading! I ♥️ your faces!!
