Chapter 13 - Feelings

(WARNING this chapter is vary sweet and has Monty dad Moment along with some touchy and flirting along with dating do I hope y'all are ready for it)

You were sleeping in the bed and having the best sleep of your life

Your alarm clock with off along with your Faz weird

You woke up and you slap the shit out of the alarm clock and you got up an got your watch

You check it and...Monty sent you a message...odd?

'hey y/n! I hope I'm not a bother but the boss told us we're close for 3 days so if you come by we could maybe hang out but that's your choice

XoXo Monty⚡'

You was kinda surprised they where closed for 3 days but you thought this message was sweet and Gregory came in your room

"Morning mama" Gregory said

This was his first time calling you mom and you looked at him already wanting to cry

"Did me Mama?" You asked

"Yeah your my mom now anyways" he said

You smiled feeling proud of yourself

"Well the pizza Plex is closed for 3 days so that means we get to have free time with them for 3 days" you told him

He gasped

"Yay! Wait...why?" He asked

"Well uh some things happen last night but it's ok now so don't you worrie about it sweetie" you told him

"Oh alright well I'm glad your ok but I'm hungry" he said

You smiled

"Well let's get some breakfast and get ready alright" you said

He nodded


You made it there and you opened the place up and there was tones of broke glass.. Jesus..

You picked Gregory up so he won't hurt himself and you walked through the place and found a sapcd area where there's not many broke glass

There was people there cleaning up the glass and replacing them with new glass


You looked over and it was Monty he came over

"Morning Monty" you and Gregory said

He gave us a gentle hug

Guessing he was in a touchy mood again

"You guys feeling better?" You asked him

"A lot better actually and we got a few new upgrades that helps with our program and something special" he said

"Oooo! What is it Monty!" Gregory said

He sounded exited

"Well little guy I can't say too much or it would ruin the surprise" he said

"Aww fine! But Mama told me y'all are closed for 3 days and that means we could hang out more for these 3 days!" Gregory said exited

"Your right so we could play more and hang out more and do whatever really" he told him


Monty rubs Gregory's head and Gregory smiled

(Hehe gator dad moment)

I smiled

"Hey Gregory I gatta talk to your Mama for a moment so the others are by there room area you can talk to them for a bit and we'll meet you there ok?" Monty said

I put him down

"Alright see ya!" He said and he ran off

"So what is it that you wanna talk about gator boy" you looked at him

"I wanted to know if your feeling ok for one" he said

"Aw well I'm fine kinda tired but I feel just fine" you told him

He smiled

"Well I uh...I wanted to know if you wanna maybe hang out or do something?" He rubbed the back of his neck

"Of course!, I don't have work for 3 days so we mind as well just hang out" you said with your arms crossed

He grabs your arms gently and he pulls you closer to him and touching chest to stomach really and he wraps his arms around your waist

You looked up at him kinda blushing a bit and he looks down at you with your hands on his chest

"I mean it in like....a date way you a hang out date" he said

You was really flattered and you looked away a bit and trying to calm down

"O-oh hehe I uh...I didn't know you thought of me like that anyways-" you said kinda shocked in what he told you

He gently grabs your chin and makes you look at him

"You didn't think so? How come?" He asked

"W-well....I never dated anyone before and really hard to find someone I like since you know due to the past. And not really have a good positive things growing up" You told him

He looked shocked a bit and he raises his brows

"Baby girl your like the best person I've ever met in my robot life your so caring and so sweet and amazing to hang around and your hella attractive not just because your a milf but your just really are in so many ways and your strong and so brave like...oh my god I don't know I could be here talking about you for hours" he said with such passion like if he wanted to tell you this forever

You was surprised just looking at him with your mouth half open and you had no words at all really

"...y-you mean it?" You said pretty much flustered

"Yes I mean it if I didn't I wouldn't tell you this right now and would be grabbing you" he said

You looked away again and started to heat up

"Well thank you Monty your really sweet" you said trying not to freak the fuck out

"Well I have too im not gonna be a jackass to someone I like the most" he said

He rubs your cheek with his thumb and you couldn't help but smile and you patting his chest

"So uh...wanna go hang out or?" You asked him

He was about to say something but he was cut off

"Hey love birds! Wanna join us at the bowling alley and hang out there?" Bonnie said

You peeked over and it was Bonnie just there looking like if he was there the whole time

You both wanted to actually hang out alone but you both also didn't really wanna be too mean

"Uh- sure" Monty said

He let go of you and he turns around

Bonnie had a smirk like if he was planning something and he walked off and you and Monty followed behind him

Y'all got to the bowling alley and the others where there and Gregory was trying to learn how to play it

We went to sit with the others

"So we're playing bowling?" You asked

"No we was just gonna grab the balls and leave" Bonnie said being a smart ass

It made the others laugh and you laugh along

"Ok ok don't be a smart ass with me" you told him

"Alright alright fine I won't so your boyfriend won't come attack me" he said with his hands up

You and Monty had no words

The others looked over in surprised and Gregory was hella confused

"Guys it's not like that I swear-" Monty said

"Mama are you both dating?" Gregory asked

You blushed a bit

"No no sweetie we're not- I swear-" you said

"But you both been together a lot but if you say so" Gregory said

The other started laughing and you and Monty where just left embarrassed

"Jesus guys please" you said

"Haha ok fine just so your boyfriend won't get aggressive and come get me" he said

"He's not my boyfriend is swear!" You said getting more embarrassed

The others kept laughing

"Well your gay for Freddy so I don't wanna hear you talk about us being together" Monty said

Bonnie and Freddy looked at Monty and looked shocked

While the girls where laughing there asses off in the back ground

"I-...uh-" Bonnie was too shocked to speak and Freddy came over

"Is that true Bonnie?" He asked

Monty had a evil smirk and started laughing and you laughed with him

"Well uh- I can explain-" Bonnie was kinda embarrassed

Freddy just chucked at him and his ears wiggled a bit

"We'll talk about that later alright" Freddy told him

Bonnie nodded a bit

"What's gay?" Gregory asked

You just started wheezing and picked Gregory up

"Gregory you will learn that when your older sweetie"

"Oh alright" he said

"Ok! Let's just play some games and just forget this ever happened!-" Monty said and got his ball

We snickered a bit and got a ball of our own

We set up the thing and let Bonnie go first

Then Freddy, Gregory, Chica, and Roxanne

"Hey why aren't you two adding your names in?" Bonnie asked

"Uh we actually wanted to maybe hang out for a bit we'll be around but we might play later" Monty said

Bonnie looked at him and he only smirked

"Just make sure your protected and not be loud"

You as bout choked on your own spit and Monty just looked shocked

"....Bonnie don't you dare" Monty said

"What are you gonna do about it?" Bonnie said still smirking

"You wanna know? How about you and Freddy go at it then since you wanna talk about that so much why not you two date hm?" Monty said

Bonnie made a little anger face and sighs

"Your lucky this time Gator boy" Bonnie said

You can tell they always used to tease each other about the stupid shit

Month grabs your hand and went upstairs quickly and left the bowling alley

'where is this man taking me?-'

To be honest you thought you was going to the little bar that was upstairs from Bonnie's bowling alley but I guess he had other plans

We went to his golf course and he lead me to a pair of stars and we went up on it and now we was on the cat walk

We got to the side and there was a gator seat it was one of those rides where you ride around the place

Monty picks me up and helps me get on it and he pulls himself up to get in

"So we're gonna chill here?" You asked him

"I mean I thought it was a nice spot and no one really knows about this spot so we could have some privacy" he said

"That makes sense" you said

He got a golf ball that was on the floor of the float and he throws it at a button and it started moving forward

It went s bit quick and you had a good view of the whole place it was really cool and look really nice

"Man the view is amazing" you said

"Yeah a amazing view" Monty said

He was pretty much looking at you and meaning your the amazing view but you was too distracted looking down at everything while y'all moved around the while golf course area

"Say Monty how come you never mentioned this to me sooner? Is this like your little private spot you like coming too?" You asked him

You looked at him and he quickly looked away and look straight ahead

"Uh yeah it kinda is the others know about it but not sure how to get up here I kinda come up here to scout around or just stay on the cat walk and watch people walk around and have fun really" he told you

"Oh well I can somewhat understand" you said

The ride went in a tunnel it was kinda dark other than the green neon lights along with blue and white neon lights above you both which was a bit too bright

"Jesus that's kinda bright" you said

Monty took his glasses off and puts it on you they where a little big on you

"Oh thank you Monty" you said

He just snorted

"They barely fit you" Monty said

"But it looks badass tho"

"I know" Monty said

He puts a arm around your shoulder trying to be smooth and you just smiled and move closer to him

It was quiet but it was peaceful you looked around a bit and the ride finally got out of the bright tunnel and you took the glasses off and made it back around when you first got on

Monty got up

"What are you doing?" You asked him

He picks you up and he grabs the bar and pretty much rides it from the side and waits till he got closer to the cat walk

Then he swings the thing a bit making you scared of what he was doing

"M-monty don't tell me your gonna jump off-" you said

You wrapped your arms around his neck and wrap your legs around his waist while he wrap a arm around your upper waist

"Uh- in gonna jump off" he said

You panicked

"Oh my god! No! Don't! You crazy bitch!"






he swings the ride a little too hard and he jumps off it and landed on the cat walk while you screamed a bit and now fucking scared and shaking

"WHY!" You whined

"It's faster that way and it's more funner"

He walked over to the buttons still holding you and cuts the ride off

"I'm not riding with you no got damn more!"

He started laughing

"Aw Baby don't get too upset with me that was fun you have to admit it" he said

He tried to put you down but you was pretty much stuck on him and didnt wanna let go

"Eh..your stuck on me" he said

"I'ma be stuck to you because I'm scared! I need to calm down first before I get down" you said

"Oh- i-..haha I thought you was doing it for something else" he said with a smirk on his face

You blushed a bit


He laughed a bit and he pulls you back up and puts his hands on your ass to hold you up

"I was joking with ya...unless-"

"NO! that's embarrassing" you said

He laughed again and you hid you face

"Your so fucking nasty dude" you said

"I'm not that nasty your the one who wanted to fake it in the bathroom and wanted me to lick you neck" he said

"That's because it would be funny! And look at least realistic" You laughed a bit

"That was the dumbest idea you had  and I'm glad I didn't or else would have probably actually done it" he mumbled the last part a bit

"I- know what it was actually" you said chuckling a bit

"See we're both nasty so we're even"

You laughed

"Ok ok I'll accept that tho" you admitted

"See I knew you would admit your little nasty side" he said with a smirk

"Oh my god Monty your the one who's teasing me, clearly touching my ass, and being a dirty minded Gator" you said

"And I blame that on you" he said with a smile

"How? What did I do to make you like this at all?" You asked

He just looks at you then looked at you up and down and he kinda licked his mouth a bit

"You not see the way you look?" He asked

You looked at yourself and you felt kinda embarrassed you was somewhat insecure about yourself


"Clearly your attractiveness is what making me acted up on you" he admitted

"Oh- ... Really? I mean I thought maybe I just-"

He puts his finger on your mouth to make you quiet

His glasses moved down a bit and he looks dead at you and you try to look back but it was too intemadating but..also kinda hot-

"Whatever your gonna say it's not true and you look just fine, your body looks just fine, and your face looks just fine so don't say some bull shit about the way you look" he said

He moves his finger an you just had no words

"Alright then" is all you said

"Good girl" He said

You gotten red and you looked around

He laughed again

"Your so easily flustered it's pretty cute" he said

You covered your face

You was just screaming on the inside and trying not to freak out

Monty gently grabs your wrists and pulls your hands down a bit so he can see your face

"You really like hiding don't ya?" He asked

"When your getting held by a Gator who's teasing you and praising me is clearly gonna make me wanna hide away to calm down!!"

"But what I say is true tho I can't help it"

You just huffed out a bit

"I can't handle this much love from you Monty it's getting to my soul"

"Wait you actually can't handle it?! Am I doing to much?" He asked looking worried

"What- no no I don't actually mean it it's just a saying that your really getting to me" you told him and you rubbed his head to calm him down

He sighs

"Ok good but please say if I'm doing too much I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable around me" he said

You was flattered that he was careful on what he does it was kinda surprising but he was too sweet and a gentleman to even do apshit related things

"Well thanks for caring about that-"


You and Monty looked around wondering what the thump was

Monty pulls you in closer to him and moved away from where the sound was

It got pretty quiet after that and Monty decided to get down from the cat walk

You both went to go somewhere else in the golf course

~What it really was~

~Davinas pov~

I was on top of the ride in the month golf course but on the rail

I was looking down and I saw Monty and y/n where talking I could hear there conversation from afar so I knew they where doing some weird shit

I jumped down and I didn't realize how loud I was gonna be


They where looking around and I hid quickly so they where'nt see me

'Shit! Too loud too loud!'

I managed to hide but they where leaving the cat walk and I followed behind from afar

"Did you hear what they say?" Bonnie asked through the call

"Yes I did it was just a bunch of dirty teasing and there clearly getting closer and closer by the minute" I told him

You could hear him chuckle along with others in the background

'this was stupid but also pretty funny but fun to do and I found a new hiding spot and new high ground love it!'

(Hello simps! I'll be making a part two of this so do not worrie but plz tell me if there's any errors or spelling errors and ask anything if something confusing but my QnA is still open so feel free to ask anything really anyways see ya later!)
