Hey Noona

Prompted by a Twitter post.

It's been a year for this photo.

Still heart melting.😊❤️

Sorry for the mistakes I wrote this at 3:30 in the morning trying to fall asleep😅


"Hey Noona!" Ahn Hyo Seop called out.

Here we go again. Lee Sung Kyung wanted to roll her eyes at her mischievous leading man.

"What?" She asked in a bored tone behind her mask.

They were filming the operating room scene and both of them were wearing the complete surgical outfit. Cap, gown, gloves and mask and it was getting quite uncomfortable as they were waiting for the crew to finish setting up.

"I'm glad that you're playing a cardiologist, because I just have the urge to give you my heart."

She just shook her head at him. He had been playing this cheesy pick up lines with her for quite sometime now.

It started one day during filming when suddenly out of nowhere he started rubbing his eyes.

"Hey noona, there must be something wrong with my eyes." He told her.

"Why what happened?" She was suddenly alarmed that he got his eyes hurt.

He abruptly stopped rubbing them and looked her saying with a big grin, "Because I can't seem to take them off of you."

She slapped his arm so hard for scaring her he almost lost his footing. He just chuckled and winked at her.

It wasn't a secret that he had a crush on her as the guy was very much candid about his feelings. However he had never stepped out of bounds or had made any advances on her and that made her comfortable around him and and in no time they had grown close to each other.

And so it was that day that Ahn Hyo Seop's cheesy pick up lines were born. He would randomly call her at anytime and spew whatever lines he thought of.

"Hey noona! Can I follow you home? Cause my parents had taught me to follow my dreams"

"Hey noona! Are you a camera because every time I look at you I smile."

"Hey noona! Kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still do exist right?"

Despite this being tacky the casts and crew had all been looking forward every day to whatever pick up line he would come up next and she might not admit it but he was making her smile and maybe just maybe there was an off chance that it was kind of working.

So here they were standing at the operating table across each other and Mr. Pick up line was at it as usual.

"Hey noona," He started again and this time he leaned in on the operating table to speak closer to her.

"Do you know you're so beautiful inside and out that you mesmerize me and take my breath away that I forget my pick up lines on most occasions? And that's not a line that's a fact." He told her quietly and she could hear the earnestness in his voice and in the intensity of his brown eyes.

She suddenly felt dizzy and weak in the knees and she doubt it was from the the lightings glaring around them.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Hey are you okay?" She could hear the concern in his voice.

"I'm fine." She assured him. She was better than fine.

She just had an epiphany.

She held the suction apparatus in her hands and pointed it on his cheeks.

"You're so cheeky you know that?" she said to him.

"Am I?"

She knew he was grinning from behind his mask.

"Hey Hyo seopie, guess what?"


"Your cheesy lines may actually just be working."

She could see the surprise in his eyes and then there was a sparkle and softness in them that might just mirrored hers.

They just kept looking at each other acknowledging the unspoken words until the director called to start the shoot.

As Sung Kyung posted it on her Instagram account with a nondescript caption later that night, glad that a photographer who was doing some test run had luckily capture their moment, her phone pinged.

It was a message from Hyo Seop.

Hey noona.

She replied:
Stop calling me noona!🤨

He replied:
Oh right..Hey Biblee😉


I just want to let you know that when I picture myself happy it's always with you..only you.😻

And she just melted.

She replied:

She looked at their picture again and smiled. Because even through the picture she could feel their emotions manifesting through. She just hoped that other people wouldn't noticed it. (Boy, was she wrong).

Then she laughed she couldn't believe she was that girl who fell for cheesy pick up lines. But she did. For Ahn Hyo Seop she did.

