
"What has gotten you in such a rut?" A scream of surprise and a jump came as a reply when Grace suddenly turned around. "Nothing." The bitter word left much to be desired and also the evident lie was highlighted. "It is well past midnight, you arrive here after effectively telling me you wouldn't and then you were completely rude. Now, tell me or I will find out for myself." Minerva left no room for attitude, even from friends. "What? Going to read my mind as well?" Rubbing her forehead Minerva sat at the desk across from Grace. The blue was untouched as McGonagall demanded no one else take the room. "I do not know why you are so affronted by the school but if it troubles you so much then why come back?" Finally one of them spoke in an even and flat tone but it did reek authority. "I wasn't needed. He has a girlfriend and potential wife making me unneeded as she would be there when he isn't. I chose to leave because third wheels aren't the height of fashion."

An adult like conversation was eventually had as the two parties chose to discuss requirements. "Well, your classes and lessons shall be fine. I also know that you are more than capable as a head of house. Just make sure to attend the staff meeting in my office every Friday before school." Grace nodded and huffed a miserable huff. "Gracie my dear. Just tell me will you? As a student and as a professor here you were always a merry soul, even if you didn't feel merry." Light blue eyes emerged from pale fingers that had been covering them. "Life." The morning was beginning as so the pair headed their separate ways. "Patience." The new password was spoken and in Grace went. The dark was overwhelming and memories began consuming her but the fear ran away from her as a smell of potions hit her nose and the kiss came into view of her mind. "Severus?" A black clad man left the living room and rose a brow. "Why where you here before I was?" The man shrugged and moved his hands out to show not knowing. "How did you know?" Grace slightly glared at him but let it fall as she responded. "Stop with that faux lost look. You knew I would be here tonight. What do you want?" Expectation radiated from the witch and her foot began tapping as soon as her arms were folded. "Just because I loved Lily doesn't mean I cannot care for anyone else." Blue eyes gave 'really?' look and her words came out as a hurt and bitter mess. "You could never care for anyone as much as you cared for her. I will not settle for 'had she not been killed then I wouldn't have been given even a second glance.' Severus, I am a grown woman and if I am honest we both know I am never going to find love, have babies or die happy. Stop pretending that I have a chance. Stringing someone on hurts more than the tru..." cut short by loving lips Grace found herself relaxing but then tensing up again as her hands rested against his chest then pushing him away. Not once did she kiss him back. "I told you how I feel. We have been over this and you learnt that diabetics should not be brought to sweet shops. Frankly it is unacceptable that you believe I would let you hurt me. You have done that one time too many. Now, I know you prefer me when I don't speak so if you would leave I would be grateful. On your way out perhaps you could learn..." once again stopped short Grace found herself annoyed at him more than ever before but she knew that she was only annoyed he didn't love her like she did him. "You are stubborn, headstrong and frankly infuriating but, despite my best efforts I do care for you. I am not in a habit of kissing women and frankly I am willing to look past your faults as long as you learn to look past them as well."

A pin could have dropped as red flushed to the face of a rather furious Grace. "You just told me that despite my faults and your determination to forget me you can't. I do not need to look past my faults. Yours need addressing as it is. I am all of those things but it isn't to hurt but to stop it. To stop heartless beasts like you from hurting me. Severus, you might be willing to look past my faults but I am not willing to let you." Snape heard enough. The door was closed as a gust of wind flew around Grace. Fire burned in the chest of the witch and it wasn't until an entire bottle of Firewhiskey was drank that sleep knocked the burn away.

"Severus, you really need to stop with all this silliness." Rolanda was berating the man as his black robes stayed perfectly still at his sides. "What has he done now?" The breakfast table was loud with chatter but unfortunately Minerva placed Snape and Brown together. "Grace, I hear that congratulations are in order as it is you who saved breakfast this morning. Those house elves were in quite the pickle." A smile plastered Grace's face at the memory. "Quite." Snape saw the look and noticed the fake nature of the happiness instantly. It wasn't long though until Grace left and Snape followed not long after. "Grace." The classroom had been entered but unfortunately for Grace both of them had entered the room. "Yes?" It was obvious she was not going to pay any attention but Snape went on. "I may have been wrong yesterday but it doesn't change the fact that I care for you. To be honest I am unable to prevent my self from acting irrationally around you. All I want is you." Stopping the witch turned and looked him dead in the eye searching for lies but he wasn't lying. "Damn it Snape. Wait, did you just admit to being wrong? I have spent a lot of time with you. More than I have any other living person and not once have I heard that." Slowly and hesitantly Grace walked up to him and stood close.

The pair were so close that had she been taller their noses would have touched. "What was that analogy you had? Diabetic and a sweet shop." A smug smirk took her features and before Snape could stop it she was against a wall. His body keeping her in the same place. "I wouldn't hurt you unless it helped in the long run. A little pain now, a better life later." As the slow and hushed words left her mouth his closed mouth inched closer till the pair shared a kiss. No amount of desire was left as they didn't stop for what seemed like ages and also it didn't seem to be at all long enough.

When they pulled away Grace threw caution and hoped that the wind would take it. Hands tugged at his arm until they were in her office. The desk had been empty due to not being used and so Snape took the chance. The pair were inseparable as they claimed each other's mouths. Grace sat on the edge but soon found her back on the desk as a darkened figure loomed over her. Deciding the desk wasn't a great place the witch decided to try move the pair. His hands and touch were so gentle that Grace pulled away. Once again she was sat but her hands found his cheeks as they cupped the soft tissue. "You aren't going to hurt me. Just do what you want. I am a big girl now." The lull of her voice made him do just as she had said.
