
So I love the smurfs and was extremely disappointed when Gutsy wasn't in the cartoon tv series so I decided to make this!!!

3rd Person's POV

In a country in the east where the culture and people were vastly different as they wore Chinese robes, having varieties of food, music, art and culture was the Country of Konan

The country was ruled by a wise and kind Emperor as well as caring Empress who the people loved very much as the two kind ruler had two sons

The eldest son Hitori he was kind, wise and always have the people's best interest at heart as he was to be the future Emperor of his country

The Second son Tenkou was cold, cruel, spoiled and selfish as he was constantly jealous of his brother as he desires to become Emperor which in result making him to study the Dark Arts of Magic

When the Emperor and Empress passed away due to a tragic accident but right before the first son was about to be crowned emperor his brother barged in with his magic staff he used his power to put his brother in a deep enchanted sleep and became the new emperor as no one stood in his way as he was very powerful


On the outskirts of the Capital there was a open field where a big church stood as there children who were orphans as two woman were trying to round them up

"You aren't gonna catch me Mama Yun!" Shouted a little boy as he laugh childishly as he was chased by a young woman

"Ooo! Just wait until I get you little rascal" said the woman with a wide smile

She had shoulder length brown hair pulled into a low braid, porcelain skin tone and bright blue eyes as she had a slim yet athletic physique as she is extremely beautiful

She wore a red Chinese tunic with long sleeves, tan fitted pants and black flats this young woman was Yun and she is traveling potion and sorceress practitioner as she spends time at the orphanage to take care of the children and uses all things she gain from the travels to help the orphanage

"Big sis you know you can catch him anytime you want" said the other woman giggling slightly as she wore a green Chinese tunic and had short darker brown hair almost black and kind brown eyes

This young woman was Ling as she is Yun's younger sister who also takes care of the orphans as well as being the one who stays behind and holds down the fort

"Yeah, but ever since that no good Emperor took over I need to keep the spirits of everyone up" Yun answered with a serene smile that relaxes anyone into believing her wisdom

Then suddenly a sudden woosh of wind blew across the field as dark clouds started to form as the temperature dropped making Yun look extremely worried at the bizarre change of weather

"Ling take the children inside now! Something bad is going to happen" Yun told her with a tone that left no room for argument as her sister hesitated as she just gave a small nod and got the children into the church

Then in a burst wind and smoke as the Emperor appeared in all his glory wearing long robes, a massive crown and a mask to hide his face as he held his magic staff

"Ah~ the most beautiful and powerful woman in Konan! Who better to be by my side as Emperess than you!" He said with booming and dark laughter as Yun cringed in disgust

"I will never become yours not as long as I breath" she spat as she glared at the man with a cold gaze as he became dangerously quiet

"Well how unfortunate! If you would have gone with me quietly then there wasn't any need for me to use my magic to...persuade you" he said in em ominous tone as he was about to blast a spell towards Yun

As she used her own power to defend herself as the two vastly different magic made contact as a blue explosion envelop Yun as she was no where to be seen

"I will find you! And I will make you my Emperess if it's the last thing I do!" Shouted the corrupted Emperor as he solely believed that Yun was alive

As he left he didn't see a small blue figure hiding from him in the grass as it wore a familiar shade of red as Yun

If you enjoyed this and want me to continue please leave a vote or a comment!!!
