
Donatello's P.O.V.

I was leaving the lab about half an hour after Sensei left and noticed Y/n's light was still on. I would've just walked away...but I heard whispers coming from behind the door. 

As I made my way over, I could tell make out some words. Raph?!! 

I was shocked, he seemed like the least likely companion...but they been acting weird lately too. I started panicking. They've been close in a nonclose way...if that makes sense, which it does...she's always looking at him and he seems cautious around her...What if they have feelings for each other?!

I stood behind the slightly open door and tried to piece together the conversation they were sharing.

"So, you actually think people and mutant turtles can be together?" asked a surprisingly soft spoken Raph.

"Of course," she responded confidently.

"So even you could fall for a turtle?" he asked, not sounding convinced.

I had to see her expression so I peaked through the crack. I could see Raph as he sat in front of her bed facing me, but looking at the ground, and she lay on her bed looking up at the wall.

When did they get so close? What're they talking about?...Is this his way of confessing to her? How long has he had these feelings?! Why didn't he tell me?...well, I know why he didn't tell what? We can't both'll make things awkward between all of us...

"Yes, I could fall for a turtle," she finally said.  

I couldn't help but feel joy at her response, but I was put off by Raph's smile. What does he want?

"Okay, Imma go now. Remember not a word to anyone, including Donnie. Night," he got up and I jumped away into the shadows.

I waited for Raph to walk into his room before softly knocking on Y/n's door.

"Raph?" she asked.

I sighed. "'s Donatello..."

I heard her get up and shuffle around before finally saying come in.

I slowly walked in and shut the door behind me.

"Do you need something Donnie?" she asked curious.

"I-I saw Raph just leave your room," I started. Her eyes widened and she looked away.

"Oh, he...had certain questions that I helped with," she replied, clearly guarded.

"What kind of questions?" I insisted, trying not to take out my jealousy out on her.

"Sorry Donnie, I promised Raph I wouldn't tell," she pleaded with her face for me to drop the subject.

"Alright," I looked down, embarrassed and uncontent.

Y/n's P.O.V.

I need to change the conversation somehow...oh.



"What was your actual question you wanted to ask me before Nobutada interrupted?" I asked, really curious.

He immediately turned red and returned his gaze to the floor.

" was wondering if you...uh...if it's too personal I understand...but...umm..."

"Yes Donnie?"

"Umm...if you-you had a crush on someone maybe?" he finally said, not looking at me.

Crap. What do I say?! Why is he asking me this?!

"Why? " I evaded.

"Just curious..."

"I kinda do..."

"Is it Raph?" he asked abruptly.

That surprised me. "No. How did you even come to that conclusion?"

"B-Because...he just left your room and you.......but it's a no. Alright. Okay. Well...uh..."

"Do you?" I asked.

"Oh ha ha ha..." he laughed awkwardly. "I might..." I just nodded at this. That's not really an answer...I should have gone with that.

"Well, I should leave you to your beauty sleep now-Not that you need beauty sleep-I mean..."

"Goodnight Donnie," I smiled at him and he nodded.
