Chapter 17: UA Sports Festival Part 2

Todoroki's POV

I sat down in my waiting room looking over the few contacts in my phone

My darling 💚

I take a moment to myself to think as I read the contact name label 'Shinso'. I wonder if we really could have been friends. Speaking of which, I wonder what happened to his body. I've obviously heard about Kaminari and his ashy remains, but they haven't reported him as missing nor as deceased. Kurogiri is smart enough to have made both deaths look like a murder suicide, I wonder why he had Shigaraki just destroy all of the evidence. Maybe he just decided to take the easy route since it was a pretty random cleanup request and I'm sure he's busy with League affairs. My phone begin to ring mid thought. I look at the vibrating device to read the contact name 'Chapstick'. I begrudgingly pick it up.

"Yes?" I ask, putting the electronic device to my ear.

"Master wants to talk to you after your dumb sports festival thing," I'm met with Shigaraki's cracking voice on the other end of the phone.

"The boss? Did he say why?" I question, my confusion being made clear through my tone of speech.

"Don't know, don't care," Shigaraki replies unenthusiastically. "All's I know is that Master's been giving you a lot of attention and it's starting to piss me off."

I hangup after realizing he has no further useful information for me. It doesn't make much sense though. He could learn about my information gained from the sports festival and my progress with the new quirks through Kurogiri's progress reports. So why would he feel the need to meet me in person? I have a very uneasy feeling about this. Before I had a chance to overthink anymore the door to my waiting room slammed open.

"We need to talk right now Icy-Hot!" the intruder announced loudly.

"Get out Bakugou," I say simply, not even bothering to turn my head to face him. "You're not worth my time."

"This is what I'm talking about!" Bakugou yells loudly, slamming the door behind him. "You think you're better than me, but you're not!"

"Please don't compare me to you."

"What gives you the right to act so high and might, huh? Why do you think you're so superior to me!?"

"While I understand that your on the slower side, I thought it would have been quite obvious," I remark, standing up to face him with a smirk on my face. "I'm superior to you because I'm intelligent, cunning, strong, and don't have a completely garbage personality."

"Yeah right, stronger then me my ass," Bakugou stated obnoxiously. "I could beat your gay ass any time I wanted. So stop pretending you're any different then me when all you want is to get into Deku's pants!"

"Excuse me?" I snapped back, stalking over to him slowly and menacingly. "Maybe in the eyes of a sexual predator that may seem like what I'm doing, but my devotion to Izuku is born from something you could never understand, love. I love Izuku with my entire being, so I'll make sure anyone who hurts him or comes between us suffers."

I now have Bakugou backed against the wall, a jagged piece of ice held to his throat. He tried to contain his quivering body as his eyes screamed for help, flooding his pupils with the sweet sight of pure fear. "Don't for even a second think that you scare me Icy-Hot!"

"I don't have to, your eyes tell me everything I already know. Now please leave before I do something that you'll regret."

"This ain't over," he declared, slamming the door shut upon his departure.

I think I just found a sight that makes me feel even better than his smile. Fear...

Finally the sports festival was almost over. The quarter-finals are just now beginning. Fortunately for Bakugou he won't have to fave me this time. Unfortunately for me the very first round of the quarter-finals will be me vs Izuku. We both promised not to hold back, but there's no way I could actually harm my precious angel. But I also can't really disrespect his growth and training by holding back. This is a serious predicament.

As Cemento began to repair the ring I looked around anxiously. It suddenly hit me all at once that I could actually wind up hurting Izuku for real. I don't want to hurt him. What if he hates me? Would he hate me more if he could tell I was holding back? I don't want Izuku to hate me. I don't think I could go on anymore. What do I do? How should I handle this? "Hey Todo," Kirishima beaconed me from behind. It was a bit surprising to me considering he wasn't acting like his usual loud and energetic self. "I got a question."

"The match is about to start," I replied, begining to turn back around.

"It'll be quick!" he called desperately. "I just need to know something." I faced him to show that I was listening. "Are you and Midoriya dating?"

The question caught me a bit by surprise. "No we're nothing like that. Well definitely nothing official anyways."

"Bakugou was my best friend man, but I was jealous when he and Mido-Bro got together." I began to worry of the fear of Kirishima confessing his feelings for Izuku. "I should've been happy for them, but I wanted to be where Midoriya was. I thought I deserved to be with him so much more. But when I found out about what he did to Midoriya I had no idea what to do. What can I do? I want to apologize to Midoriya, but I have no idea how. How do I apologize for completely overlooking what he was going through, blinded by my own feelings of jealousy?"

"You don't need to apologize." And with that I turned to the opening stadium door and began my entrance to the quarter-finals.

Hey guys! I knows it been a while! Writers block hit me hard and I honestly didn't even have enough time to put up a hiatus notification. I really appreciate the amount of support I've gotten since my last update. It means a lot to me that people actually care about the stories I'm putting out. And not going to lie I considered dropping this a few times, but the support I got definitely helped motivate me to finally update. I'll be trying my best to start hitting this one hard. I appreciate all of your comments on the story sm! Might consider staring shout-outs for all the people who continuously show their appreciation of the story. I also recently made aware my chapters can be a bit long. So please let me know if you'd like to keep them the same length, or start to shorten the chapters. Speaking of which, 11 words this chapter! Have a great day/afternoon/night

