Yandere terry Bogard x reader(part 2!)

Requested by @NevaehMartinez242


(Y/n POV)

How long has it been since i've been in this place?Weeks or months now.

Terry been nicer but I still deeply miss my friends...He recently announced to me that he now wanted a child!

I'm not giving you such a thing!why would I want a child that looks like him!?I'm gonna get out of here and i'm not letting such a thing happen!

(Terry POV)

Since me and (Y/N) had been together now for months I thinks its simply natural to have a few puppies(Get it?).

I need them,I want them!Its not like (Y/N) has a choice in the matter,Nope not a single choice!

I'll just get some food and head to "our" room...


I was able to get out of the stuff terry used to tie me up,Now the real problem is to leave the room without getting caught.

So i decided to jump out of the window,But how?

I know!

The thing terry used to keep me in this room I can use to get out!

So I made the thing into a rope but then it hit me

"Terry is coming back soon.."

So I got out of there as fast as I could, the silky smooth rope kinda helped but not that much.

I was free

(Terry POV)

I got into our room and...

Oh shit where is she?

I panicked and started trying to find (Y/N),Hmmmmmmm.....She's not under the bed or in the closet...

Wait...the window is open


I hopped out of the window (logic) and started looking for (Y/N) all over the place.

I'm coming for you....


I started running towards the nearest shelter to hide in so he wouldn't find me

Then i heard the sound of running 

I started running away from the sound and trying to lose the guy or girl in mind

I ended up running into an old bomb shelter,Guess someone forgot it was here but eh.

I ran in and shut the door

it was in surprising good condition to live in so i decided to stay here and then keep running.

Maybe Terry won't find me here!

(Terry POV)

Lost her,Maybe looking around might help

i started looking were i lost her and i found this old place,"Bomb shelter"

Maybe she's in there

so i opened the door and went on in

Nothing so far then i heard the sound of cans 

(Tap Tap Tap)


I started running towards it and I opened the door and-


I heard the door being open and then I saw Him

"Oh,Hey terry"I tried awkwardly talking to him but all I could is swallow my pride and say hello.

"Where do you think you're going?" He seemed extremely angry at me

"Maybe we should talk this out and-"


(Terry POV)

I knocked her out using my fist, picked her up, and i started heading out with (Y/N)

Sooner or later we got to our room and I put (Y/N) down

I gonna punish her until she forgets who she is...

(Nobody's POV)

So after that whole fiasco terry got his wish and (Y/N) gave birth to a son

"I'll let you're mother name you..."



Me:that was a long story but I like it!


Byleth: Terry its just a story calm down

Greninja:This is gonna take long time
