Enji Bein' a Lil Goofy (funnies)

This is just a few small things I found. It's from a cross tag account (DO NOT DO THAT) and a few of their posts I wanted to use. So, enjoy this. ^^

Fuyumi: You guys wanna play a game?

Rei: Fuyumi, hun, it's three in the morning.

Rei: Of course I do.

Natsuo: Sure, y not?

Touya: Idk how I even ended up in this chat, but k

Fuyumi: Dad, play the game with us.

Enji: Kk

Rei: Who's starting?

Natsuo: Me! I just got married & this family is shit

Shouto: What does that have to do with the game??

Natsuo: Fluff lil bro, fluff

Shouto: Disgusting,

Shouto: Continue.

Natsuo: When we cuddle, I hope you don't mind if I,

Rei: Wrap my legs around yours.

Fuyumi: Lay my head above your heart..<3

Shouto: Run my hands through ur hair

Touya: Play footsie w u (this is gross btw)

Enji: Put my hand on your tummy!

Fuyumi: Play with your hands. (No1 asked u Touya)

Enji: Give you fishy kisses 😚

Rei: Talk about my day.

Shouto: Sing you a song.

Touya: Fall asleep in ur arms

Enji: Sacrifice you to Satan

Natsuo: Tf-

Natsuo: This went from cute asf to "Here, lemme ruin it"

Fuyumi: I don't know, I think dad did an amazing job with the ending. ^^

Enji: : D


Enji, trying to prove that he's big: I have two moods. One, Daddy's ultra baby kitten that cries for everything, can't even cross the street without Daddy's hand and needs an infinite amount of attention.

Enji: And two, boss ass queen that's gonna conquer everything like a warrior!



Keigo: But still needs Daddy's hand.

Enji, failing miserably: Still needs Daddy's hand...


Enji, attempting a date w/Hisashi Midoriya:

Hisashi: So, tell me about yourself.

Enji, who has been through too many damn therapy sessions: I am a delicate flower. A fucked up, needy, horny, delicate little flower.


Hisashi: How many-

Enji: Don't. Ask.


Enji: I am baby.

Rei: Yes you are.

Enji: I wan' kiss.

Rei: Where at sweetheart?

Enji: I wan' love.

Rei: I can spare as much time as possible if you need me to.

Enji: I wan' affection.

Rei: Would you like to make a pillow fort and watch movies for the night? I know where Touya's candy stash is at and we can even have popcorn.


Enji: Stooooooooop...


Enji: When you say "be a good boy" like, for how long? I got questions.

Keigo: Enji-


Rei: Baby,

Enji: Da?

Rei, hugging him to her chest: You're mine. Im never letting you go.

Enji, melts:


Young Enji trying to get the cookie jar from the top shelf: I'm too short for this shit.

Kan from the other room: No!


Enji, laying on the floor: Cause a deaf: didn' get attention fer fi' mints.

Hisashi: I just got home-


Enji, trying to have a normal day:

Involuntary age regression with a stop sign: :)


Kan after Enji spends all of his money on stuffies during little space: I am never going to financially recover from this.


Random person: Embrace your inner child!

Enji: : D

Same person: But age regression is weird.

Enji: D:

Rei, behind Enji w/a bat:


Interviewer: Would you consider yourself to be calm and laidback?

Enji: Absolutely.

*Three hours before the interview*

Enji, accidentally colors outside of the lines: My life is over.


Kan, doing literally anything:

Enji: I mus' bite you, nom nom.

Kan, just accepting his fate:


Rei: Don't do that.


Enji, does it anyways:

Rei, punishes him:

Enji, genuine shock:


Enji: Fu, do you think I can fit a whole cupcake in my mouth?

Fuyumi: No, Ji, don't do that.

Enji, already doing it:

Rei: Enji! No!


Kan: Hey baby, do you wanna hang out today?

Enji, drops everything: Yes, daddy!

Kan: You're not busy, are you?

Enji: pshsheishsiwh nooooo


Interviewer: Would you consider yourself independent?

Enji, looks at Keigo:

Keigo, nods:

Enji: I would say so, yes.


Someone talking down on littles:

Enji, who was just supposed to be shopping: Daddy thinks I'm cute so you're irrelevant. *flips them off*


Shouto: Mooooooom, dad did it again!


Enji: I have been putting a lot of thought into it and I just don't think being an adult is gonna work for me.


Keigo: Baby, it's just patrol.

Enji: But it's four hours loooonnnnng...!


Enji: Bet, dom me, tell me what to do.

Kan: Okay, brush your teeth.

Keigo: Eat well.

Hisashi: Go to bed.

Rei: Treat yourself with love and respect.


Enji: Jokes on you, that's what I look for in a dom.

Rei: Baby..

Enji: Fiiiiinnnne


Enji: I am home and big me is officially OFF the clock!

Rei: Is that so, little one? How was work?

Enji: Big me is off the clock. No work talk for two to three business days please.

Rei: Hm, alright. Choccy milk?

Enji: Choccy milk.


Hello everyone!!

Hope y'all enjoyed some little (and weird) stuff of Enji!

I am NOT an age regressor (I looked into it more), I am an Age dreamer, but I would really like to talk about the cross tagging.

Cross tagging:
Using ddlg/ddlb as well as agere tags or mixing other tags that do not match the post.

Please, do NOT do that. As well, do NOT sexualize age regression or caregivers. That is disgusting. The kink community and the age regression community should NOT mix with one another, that's not okay, in fact; it's gross. You have no idea the amount of nasty posts I have run across under the littlespace tag on Instagram, it's horrific.

But, to my littles, cgs, baby sisters and others who regress; I love you, you're wanted and perfect! 💜✨💜

Now, I would also like some ideas for Little Enji things, simply because — yes. There isn't enough and I'm sad because of it. :')

Thanks for reading!💕

Remember! Stay Safe!✨❤️
