Chapter 7


The updates will be slow because I am aiming them for around 1000 words each and am going to write it down on paper THEN type it up hopefully

Winter knew that flying was easy. Winter had never had a muscle ache from flying too much before. However, Winter had not flown across practically half of the continent before. So... Winter's wings were sending bursts of pain into his continuously beating muscles. Winter had thought about enchanting his wings to stop aching but he quickly chucked that thought into the 'never think about it ever again or else' pile. 

Winter was not a fool. He knew how Darkstalker had been in Darkstalker's words, betrayed:

It was a day not to be forgotten. A slash of lightning danced across the sky, illuminating one Nightwing, one Seawing, one Icewing, two Nightwing / Icewing hybrids and a ominous future. There werer large differences between the two Nightwing / Icewing hybrids. One was probably ninety five percent Nightwing and five percent Icewing, the five percent showing with the pale blue stripes running down his scales. The other one was what you would call a hybrid. Fifty percent Icewing, fifty percent Nightwing, blueish black scales all over her. The more Nightwing hybrid drew a scroll and hastily wrote on it. The Icewing, Arctic, the hybrids' own father, suddenly got his power of freedom washed away into the crashing waves of near death. The dragon, once a optimistic dragon and put calamity into the highest climax by commanding his father to...

Disembowel himself (I think I spelt that right)

It was only then, that the Nightwing and Seawing, Clearsight and Fathom saw the scroll for what it was for. It was a container for Darkstalker's devastating power; an excuse to use his magic as many times as Darkstalker wanted to. What every else it was, it was DeFiNeTeLy not a object to keep his soul safe.

Winter would not let that happen to him. It would not happen to him. But still, he felt guilty about what he had done. He felt guilty about putting a spell on Moon. Winter had enchanted her to not be effected by animus magic that was detrimental to her, and make her immune to all kinds of harm inflicted on her by Qibli or Winter. Just in case Winter's soul did snap into dust. Winter could not have enchanted Moon to be invincible to all forms of harm because she would get suspicious. 

But that was a necessary spell, wasn't it? It was to help others and not intended to change her feelings towards Winter like Darkstalker had. He had merely enchanted Moon for her protection so it was not bad, right?

Winter was suddenly interrupted by a tingling sensation on his back and looked down to see ancient Icewing bones, protruding out of the ground like white trees. Well, they were definitely here at the old Nightwing Kingdom, so where was Qibli?

"Winter, do you hear anything because I can't, "Moon said as she brushed her ebony wings against Winter's pale white, with black specks running down all the way until they formed into a jet black blotch at the end of Winter's whip thin tail. 

Winter realized that he had been so engrossed into his own thoughts that he did not notice them flying over the raging sea and into the dilapidated Nightwing Kingdom. How could he have been so stupid? Winter immediately started searching for Qibli's mind that would be exposed from Winter, stealing his Skyfire. 

But Winter heard nothing.

The only sound audible was the swirling waves, splashing onto the cliff. Winter was beginning to think that Qibli was not here when a single path in his mind pushed the others out of the way. Winter could see the future playing in his head. Winter and Moon were flying in mid air when something sank into Moon's leg and Moon fell to the floor, unconscious. Winter could see in the corner, a Sandwing. And not just some ordinary Sandwing, it was...


Winter returned back into the present. 

He knew what was about to happen. 

He knew what was going to happen. 

"Moon! DUCK!" Winter yelled at her. Moon looked at him confused, then ducked obediently as a dart came whooshing past his head and Winter and Moon could clearly see a pale yellow dragon, the colour of sand, run into the palace. 

Oh Qibli.

Qibli was going to regret this.
