Speech or leech??

THREES POV: i stopped at the front of the burn forest the sounds of raindrops.. like tiny piano keys. Calm and quiet freeing even.. i felt like everything did not matter. Until this thought shot me in the head.. you see to get to burn forest you need to get through this swamp with rain it normally floods and that place is FULL of life eating parasites No eyes and a void like mouth I HATE THEM sucking your cells away bit by bit.. i like swimming i like water i just DONT LIKE THOSE.. MONSTERS.. im not saying what they are just hearing there name puts me on end like a small kick in my mind a shock wave of realization. I slowly walked back those steps felt like bricks on my feet. Im staying with that book and six... id rather die than go in the flooded parasite filled hell. I run back. six already having that moon like grin waiting for me to say it

"Can i follow i cant go back to the playground right now.." i say sheepishly hoping that i can have safety in numbers if that... THING comes back. Six: "look i hate you with every BIT OF MY SOUL WHAT DID YOU EXPECT MORON EITHER SAY WHY OR LEAVE" "leeches... the swamp is flooded and FULL of l-leeches" I HATE MYSELF SO MUCH AT THIS MOMENT-

book: "guys..." six: "NO YOU CAN STAY ALONE AND ROT OR GO DEAL WITH THE LEECHES!" "Six i-im" book: "GUys..." i heard the book the second time i was trying to calm Six down I KNOW what i did to her was unfair she doesn't know my Side of the page i wish she'd listen even if she didnt care i want her to know the truth. Book: "TWO.." "WHAT??!!" Me and six jinxed when the book yelled two i turn to my right and six turns to her left.. two was standing there mouth covered in blood part of there neck looked ripped and torn.. eyes blood shot. i look all around me everything twisting and bending two was not i heard a scream i claw at my head HOPING THIS IS A DREAM NIGHTMARE. Two grabbed my arm.. tight like a rope smiled in a weird manner... my heart was winning the track race.. i start breathing heavily trying to calm down everything book and six were saying was static and fuzzy The water dripping off my face I couldn't tell if i was sweating or not.. someone grabbed my knife out of my hand.. i was holding it i couldn't even tell if i was holding my knife or nothing.. i heard a loud bird like scream it was like twos voice but broken?? A broken voice box if you will. I couldn't move im frozen my heart beating was all i could hear besides that scream.. lighting strikes two seemed alot different when it hit startled by the fire. I was zoning out.. because after that lighting striked I saw six crying in front of me no idea of what she said what was that reality i zoned out to.. i knew six would never let me touch her even if it was to help her.. so my knife still in my hand i toss it aside to the book. I dont speak i just let her yell and cry infront of me for over 10 minutes She gives up i sat down on the ground there's nothing i Could say or do without knowing why she's crying i whisper to the book "why is she crying" book: "honestly i dont know either.. she was yelling about some prank x did last month and started yelling at you for hurting her?" I think of what she could have meant all the times i hurt her were not psychical nor mental like i would put her somewhere she didnt want to be at the moment i dont know what to do.

TWOS POV: black everything black voided lost everything's gone no hope left for days.. no food nor water.. everything hurts... it takes so much just to open my eyes and see if anyone's there but nobody's gonna come... who would.. i tried controlling that algebra eater to grab someone down here got stabbed in the eye.. i beg for freedom everyday.. every second every hour every minute. I didnt use any energy i was half sleep to keep myself from choking on the spores. I heard someone fall i open one of my eyes i saw blue i try to call out but all you could hear was a faint squeak i thrash my tail on the ground to make whatever sound i could it took for much just for me to lift my tail from the cold mossy floor i saw there claws only four has white claws everyone else are black or a different color they start to claw at the mushrooms around my neck it was like suffocating in a pillow with it around my neck very tight.. four calls out to someone I couldn't tell everything was extremely fuzzy and burly.. after about what felt like an hour even though it probably wasn't the number four called got a knife i dont know what kind though.. they cut through all the mushrooms i was no longer bound to a cold dark cave four teleported us to a room very fuzzy all i knew was i saw something to lay on and wanted to sleep... a very long sleep not forever just for 3 days im dead inside rotting from the inside out.. sooner or later i will loose myself to madness.. FLOW: "wow so much for a god" "shut up" flow: "well you should be more conscious and be less.. EVERYTHING YOU ARE TOO NICE AND STUPID YOU LET PEOPLE WALK ONTOP OF YOU MAKE YOUR STAND! NOW." "No time and fine tomorrow I WILL BE DONE IM GONNA RIP OFF LIMBS AND SWALLOW THEM WHOLE YOU KNOW WHY I CANT EAT DEAD MEAT I NEED IT FREESH EVERYONES DYING TOMORROW IM LOOSING IT AND THEY DONT CARE SO WHY SHOULD I?!" FLOW: "thats the old god i knew now tomorrow at breakfast go full on RAMPAGE!" "OH I WILL DO BETTER THAN THAT I WILL SUMMON ALL THE EATERS FROM YOLLY LAND AND WE WILL BE GETTING SO MUCH FOOD AND FREEDOM FROM MATH LOVING B!TCHES!"

Next morning

I was ready four woke me up for breakfast i saw three six and nine with some contestants four passes me a plate with eggs and a bagel. I was choosing my next target NO MORE MESS UPS. Three grabbed one of my antenna which hurt i already knew what i was doing everyone talking was fuzzed out pulling out my claws and powers ITS FEEDING TIME.i jump up onto three pinning them down. everything about who the numbers were there personality's faces were all blurry same with the contestants. All i saw was lesser beings waiting to die. I grab threes arm and snap it off I couldn't tell what was happening anymore after i ripped threes arm off i toss three into a wall and face everyone else i had no thoughts no emotions show I couldn't see there's either all i knew was to kill everything in sight. I grabbed six next and bit down on her leg shook her and smashed her into the floor i used my powers to smash all the contestants to the ground then up and down constantly nine punched me i stop playing around with those toys and go on to a bigger threat bit down on there arm that punched me and clawed at one of there eyes and kicked them away four was teleporting as many contestants as they could and teleported nine away last everyone was gone fours mouth opened but I couldn't hear a thing flow: "SUMMON THEM!" "Of course i will i want to see them rip this rag doll apart bit by bit" i point my powers towards the ground all the fossils of the past rulers were summoned with new bones and skin they rose from the ground like zombies. Surrounding four i point at four they all pounce four teleported behind me i grabbed them out of mid air i knew that trick to many times the last time we fought so blurry but knew there tricks. I stepped on top of them i summoned a knife with my powers and stabbed fours arm I couldn't hear whatever they were yelling about i did not care. Four teleported away i was looking for the other contestants. oh so fun to play with toys!

Nines pov: we were at the table four brought in two me and three noticed a mushroom still on one of there antennas "hey you think we should get it off the mushroom?" Three: "uhhh i dont know.. they look off like hollow?? I dont know.." "rock paper scissors of who does it?" Three: "are you sure about this.. i mean- yeah s-sure.." both: "rock paper scissors SHOOT! Three pulled paper and i pulled scissors. Three nodded and walked over while they were doing that six and i were talking about something it was all for not though three pulled at the mushroom didnt budge two didnt have any expression blank for over a minute twos eyes changed color and pounced onto three i thought it was because the antenna pull hurt them so I wasn't to worried that was before i looked back at six scared very scared i look back at what had happened following the crowd. two grabbed threes arm and ripped it off... i stepped back three was tossed into a wall i rush over to them leaving six and four to try to complete what happened

To be continued in chapter 5 TORN MIND.

NOTE: this was made on notes because my internet and me are having a war and was copy pasted from notes expect errors (using a hotspot rn)

Music video explanation it's basically what two feels because of no one really cares besides four in a hate like way so they start to believe whatever FLOW aka the spirit in there head says that including killing everyone becoming flows puppet two starts to loose fate in everyone including gaty and four because of what FLOW keeps saying. Two starts to loose there emotions fears and personality becoming more and more insane and seeing that three hurt them it snapped letting two fade away leaving there powers and flow in control. BOOM MOTHERTRUCKERSSS LORE! (I also really like this song yippeeee)
