Part 24

Thank you so, so, so much!!

Currently not in place 1 anymore, but it was so heartwarming to see I have been #1

Trigger Warning:

Mentioning of death, suicide, depression, alcohol abuse, and hate towards family members

Please be safe while reading this chapter <3


"You're always here."

"That's what I promised."


"You should eat something, Amil."

"I am not hungry."


"Come on, you can't stay in bed forever."

"I don't want to get up, Charles. Don't make me."


"I need to go... For the race in Qatar."

"Good luck. You will do great."

"Promise me that you're gonna be okay. And that you're gonna take care of yourself."


"Promise me, Amelia!"

"I promise."


4 missed calls from Charles 🙈

2 missed calls from Maxxiee❣️

4 missed calls from Kells❣️

3 missed calls from George

1 missed call from Toto Wolff

Charles 🙈: Are you okay?
Charles 🙈: Why don't you pick up the phone?
Charles 🙈: Amelia, pick up your phone!

Kells ❣️: Hello?
Kells ❣️: Amelia?
Kells ❣️: You are worrying us... please tell us you're okay

Maxxie❣️: We're worried... pick up the phone please

George : I am going to force Toto to give us your address
George : Pick up the damn phone

----- <3 -----

Her head was pounding from the intoxication, and she had no sense of time. The curtains were closed, and even then the little bit of light still hurt her eyes.

"Fuck, you're so hot."

His voice, that sentence; it kept repeating itself in her head. No matter how much she drank, it just didn't stop.

"I am sorry."

"I went into therapy for you. I am changed."

Amelia held her hands over her ears and started screaming, the tears were running down her cheeks. She slowly became lunatic, everything drove her insane.

Knock, knock

"It's just in my head," Amelia whispered to herself. "It's just in my head. It's just in my head. It's just in m-"

Knock, knock

She stood up and staggered to the door. The intoxication from the alcohol didn't help her with seeing clearly, so even when she opened the door it took her a moment to understand it was Kelly.

"Oh my god, Amelia..."

"W-what are you doing here?" Amelia slurred her words, directly giving away that she wasn't sober.

"Amelia..." Kelly said with a soft voice before pulling her friend into a hug. "You're alive."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Kelly looked at Amelia in disbelief, but it only made her realize how bad the situation actually is. She pushed the door open, allowing herself in and supported Amelia to the couch. "What has happened here?"

It was a mess, her house was a mess. A broken picture frame, several empty bottles of wine and vodka, glasses and plates everywhere, clothes everywhere, papers spread overwhere, a broken vase smashed to the wall.

"Never have I seen someone look so lost in their own home before." Kelly whispered.

"That's because I don't feel like home here." Amelia whispered back, she shrugged her shoulders and grabbed for the bottle of wine on the table.

"Enough." Kelly grabbed the bottle before Amelia could reach it.

"Hey!" Amelia yelled. "Don't touch my alcohol."

"I think you've had enough," Kelly emptied the bottle in the kitchen. "We've been worried sick about you!"


"Because you haven't picked up your phone for 3 days, Amelia!" Kelly became frustrated, but emotionally frustrated and the tears almost ran down her cheeks. Seeing her best friend suffer like this was hard, very hard.

"Has it been three days since Charles left?"

"No, that has been four days," Kelly sat down next to Amelia again. "Do you know what day it is?"


"It is Friday, Friday the 6th of October."

"Shouldn't you be with Max in Qatar? For the race?"

Kelly nodded, she should be there, but her best friend was unreachable and everyone thought something horrible had happened.

"Amelia, why didn't you reach out to us? We are here to help you... please, tell me what's wrong."

"I don't know what's wrong, okay? I'm just... really tired," Amelia sighed. "Tired of life. Tired of hearing Josh' voice in my head. Tired because I don't want to deal with my trauma and that results in nightmares, which results in sleep deprivation." 

"We are going to quit the alcohol as of right now. And Monday we're going to a therapist, I know a good one."

Amelia just nodded, she had no energy to fight Kelly, nor did she even want to. But therapy was the last thing she wanted; that meant dealing with her trauma, dealing with what she went through, and talking about her feelings.

Dr Jada Montgomery was one of the best therapists in England and as Kelly had said, Amelia had an appointment with her.

"How are you, Amelia?"

Amelia shrugged her shoulders as she sat down on one of the chairs. "I guess I am fine... at least I am sober today."

"And you weren't yesterday?"

"I was not, no. I snuggled in some alcohol in my bedroom and no one seemed to notice."

Kelly had already said that Amelia was going to a therapist today, she made tons of calls to get Amelia in today. 

"Who's with you now?"

All those damn questions; it was the main reason Amelia hated to go to therapy. She kind of wished she had taken some of the vodka with her. "That's Kelly, and she is my best friend."

"Do you have any family around?"

"The people on the grid are my family, Red Bull is my family and I hope that Mercedes will become my family."

Jada let out a small chuckle. "That's not what I meant, Amelia. I mean actually family members... like parents?"

A silence filled the room, but after a few seconds Amelia let out a sighing chuckle. "My mom died when I was eight. She- she, uhm... she had cancer and the doctors found it too late." Amelia's eyes filled themselves with tears and she took a quivering breath while giving her therapist a small smile.

"I am sorry to hear that," Jada wrote a few things down on a note block. "And your dad?"

A humorless, sad laugh escaped Amelia's lips again. "My dad... he- uhm..." Amelia looked up and blinked a few times, hoping the tears would disappear. "My dad killed himself."

The blinking didn't help, and tears rolled down Amelia's cheeks. "He- he, he killed himself two days after my accident in F2. I was still in the hospital and... he just killed himself," Amelia started crying out loud. "He didn't even leave me a note, he didn't say goodbye."

Jada offered Amelia some tissues. "I am very sorry, Amelia," She quickly wrote something down before making eye contact again.

Jada nodded understandingly. "And you don't have any siblings?"

Amelia shook her head. "No, I am an only child." She tried wiping away her tears, but it didn't help.

"Aunts or uncles?"

"I have an aunt in Monaco," Her eyes filled themselves with tears again and her voice cracked. "My dad's sister," Amelia took a deep breath. "And I believe she loved me because she partially took care of me after my mom died... but then my dad died, and she did get a note," Amelia started crying again, her chest started to hurt as her lungs kept requesting some more air. "And I never got a chance to read that note, because she burned it. And I hate her for that," Amelia created a short silence in which he sniffed and hugged one of the pillows on the chairs. "I don't even know why he killed himself. I don't know if it is because he missed mom too much, I don't know if he did it because I looked so much like her, and I was a daily reminder of what he lost... Or maybe he was depressed, and I failed to notice that. And you know what hurts the most out of all of this; there is no one from my family to see me achieving my life goals. There is no one when I make my entrance in F1, there's no one to walk me down the altar if I decide to get married..." Amelia's voice cracked, and she tried to take a deep breath, but it didn't work out without completely falling apart in the chair of her therapist, the last place she wanted to go to.

Amelia was extremely tired when she returned to her apartment, the therapy session had taken a toll on her energy level. And she had told Dr Montgomery more than she had intended.

Kelly sat on the couch and smiled softly to Amelia. "Are you okay?"

Amelia shrugged her shoulders; she was even too tired to talk.

But Kelly noticed the puffy eyes. "Did you cry? So, it kind of worked already?"

Amelia nodded, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and nudged upstairs. "I'm going to bed." And she walked to her bedroom.

The first thing she did was to empty the bottle in the sink, and refill it with the vodka hidden under her bed. No one was going to expect that. 


Her doorbell rang, but Amelia didn't expect visitors today. And she was sure that Kelly hadn't invited anyone without telling her. But, still Amelia decided to open the door, just to be sure it wasn't important.


Charles just stared at Amelia, she was just a shadow of the girl he left behind last week. "Amelia..." He whispered before wrapping his arms around her body.

"Charles, what are you doing here?"

"I am here for you. To see you, and to help you," He got inside and closed the door. "Kelly is here too, right?"

"She's either sleeping or in the guestroom," Amelia took a sip from her bottle filled with vodka. "Charles, I don't need you here. I don't need a second person to watch over me like I am a damn 4 year old."

"Well, clearly you do."

"Excuse me?" Amelia slightly raised her voice, was he really saying she needed babysitters?

"Clearly you do need a babysitter, because if we leave you alone you disappear in your own drunk world and ignore multiple phone calls!"

"Get out!"

Charles didn't listen, he stood his ground and wrapped his arms in front of his chest.

"Get the fuck out, Charles!"

"You promised me! You promised me that you were going to take care of yourself!"

"And my dad promised me to be there for me, to see me enter F1, but he still killed himself."

A silence followed. "W-what..?" Charles didn't believe his ears; was she really just trauma dumping on him?

Amelia took another sip from her bottle. "We all make empty promises sometimes."

Charles noticed the little slur in her words, and without hesitation he stepped towards Amelia and grabbed the bottle out of her hands and he sniffed. "Really, Amelia? Vodka in a water bottle?"

"Give it back!"

Charles shook his head while a humorless laugh escaped his lips. "Absolutely not."

Amelia sighed in annoyance. "You know I will be able to just get it somewhere else."

"You're getting addicted."

"I can easily manage without alcohol."

"Okay, then manage without it." Charles walked over to the kitchen and emptied the bottle in the sink, the same sink in which Kelly had emptied all the bottles of wine.

"I don't want to."

"So, you are addicted."


Charles sighed, out of worry and frustration that he wasn't able to help her. "Amelia..."

Amelia wanted to scream some more, she wanted to be angry at Charles. "I would push you in front of a train if murder wasn't illegal!" She tried to scream, she tried to be angry, but it was useless, and she was mostly just frustrated because she can't really be angry with Charles. And that became more clear when Charles snorted, trying not to laugh at the terrible insult Amelia tried to make.

"You are terrible at making insults."

Amelia rolled her eyes. "I know I am."

Charles opened his arms towards Amelia and she wrapped her arms around his body, accepting his hug and for a moment they stood there in silence.

"Please, Amelia..." Charles whispered. "No more alcohol."

Amelia nodded into Charles' chest, she was really willing to try her best this time.

"Don't break the promise this time."

"I won't." She whispered back.

"And if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, or a hand to hold or a-"

"Kiss me again." Amelia interrupted him.


"I need you to kiss me. I need a kiss. From you."

Charles had his doubts, of course he wanted to kiss Amelia; there was nothing else he wanted to do more. "I am not sure that's a good idea." He whispered, also taking into account what Amelia had said after the last time they had sex. But he didn't get much time for second or third thoughts as Amelia pressed her lips on his. The kiss was soft and gentle, and short. Amelia pulled back and gave Charles a soft, small smile.

"I have another therapy session in an hour. So I am going to get myself ready."

Charles just nodded, he still felt Amelia's soft lips pressed on his own. This woman was magic to him, and he was so damn hurt that she was destroying herself, that she was slipping down a dark path. He hoped that at the end of the storm, she would come back stronger.


"Thanks for not running away." Jada said as she sat down in front of Amelia.

"I had honestly thought about it." Amelia admitted.

"What made you decide to still come here?"

Amelia smiled smally thinking about Charles. "A friend of mine made me promise."

Jade nodded and smiled softly. "It's good to be surrounded by friends, Amelia. I am proud that you're not isolating yourself. Especially after our wildered first session yesterday."

"I never knew I held so many grudges, to be honest."

"Grudges to the situation? Or to persons?"

Amelia shrugged her shoulders. "I really don't know. Perhaps both."

Jada took her note book again. "Care to explain?"

"My dad..." She nosed out. "He promised to be there for me, especially since mom died, he managed to keep me in the motor sport, and promised that he would see me enter F1. But, without a goodbye, he killed himself," Amelia felt the tears in her eyes again. "And he will never see me do that, and he will also never walk me down the aisle, to the altar and I will never be able to have a father-daughter dance, he won't meet his future grandchildren. But what hurts most is that I never got a letter."

Jada nodded, kept writing a few things down and then looked at Amelia again. "Do you resent him?"

"I believe I do."

"Are you also resenting your aunt for burning the letter?"

"Every single day."


Amelia shrugged her shoulders. "Because maybe, maybe if I had read the letter, I would've understood. I would have known the why's, and I would have gotten some sort of goodbye. Now, I got nothing."

"When was the last time you saw your aunt?"

A flashback of Amelia begging Melany for a prescription played in front of her for a second. "Not so long ago, when I was in Monaco."

"How did that go?"

Amelia shrugged her shoulders, for a moment she wanted to lie, but then again... she had already shared her traumatic youth with Dr Montgomery. "I begged her for a prescription of oxycodone and she gave it to me."

"Aha, and afterwards?"

"I was in a mental health center for about a week, she came to visit me once. And after that I never took oxycodone anymore nor did I speak with her."

Jada wrote it down.

"For a doctor, you do write a lot."

She laughed. "I need to write a full report, and I can only do that if I have all the information clearly written out. But, no oxycodone anymore. And alcohol?"

"Up until this morning. When my friend came and took it from me. I promised him there that I wouldn't be drinking anymore as a coping mechanism."

"Would you say that you're addicted?"

Amelia shook her head. "No, I don't believe I am addicted. I believe I can manage without alcohol. But the thing is, alcohol just makes it easier to get through the day, because I don't feel as much then. I don't feel the pain of the trauma Josh put me through."

"Do you want to talk about what happened with Josh?"

Amelia shrugged her shoulders. "There's not much to say. He hit me, and I was too foolish to stay."

"You should stop blaming yourself. You were not the bad guy, you were the victim."

"I disagree."

The therapy made Amelia awfully exhausted, and she didn't want to go back anymore. She had enough of the talking about feelings and the constant questions. And it was quite easy to make Charles and Kelly believe that she actually went, while in reality she spent her time in the library.


Amelia arrived on the grid of Austin together with Charles and Kelly. There were a lot of reporters running towards them, of course with questions about Amelia's resignation and her absence in Qatar, and also why she was arriving with two people from opposite teams.

"I have no comments, sorry." Amelia wriggled through the crowd, holding hands with Kelly to not lose each other. Charles stayed behind to answer some questions and to have some pictures taken.

"I am really glad you're here again." Kelly let go of Amelia's hand as they arrived at the Red Bull hospitality.

"I am happy too," Amelia smiled and looked around. "I really feel at home on the grid."

"I think someone is waiting for you." Kelly gestured to someone behind Amelia, which made Amelia look around. George stood in front of the Mercedes hospitality, looking at the girls.

"I will go and see what he wants." Amelia felt her cheeks getting warmer, she suddenly remembered that they had a date planned.

"With that look on your face I suspect you actually already know what he wants." Kelly smirked, nudging Amelia's shoulder. Amelia smiled back and walked towards George.

"Hey teammate." She hugged George and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Hi stranger," He tightened the hug. "I am so glad to see you here again. You really scared us for a minute."

Amelia sighed, "I know, and I am sorry."

George let go of Amelia and gave her a warm smile. "It's okay. I am happy that you're okay and that you're going to therapy."

Amelia bit her bottom lip and nodded. Yes, therapy...

"I know we had a date planned, but if you don't feel like it..."

"No," Amelia interrupted him. "Our date is still on."

George had trouble hiding his smile. "I will pick you up at 8. Text me your room number."

"Of course." Amelia kissed George quickly again, before bidding her goodbye and walking back towards the Red Bull hospitality.

"What did he want?" Charles' voice made Amelia stop walking.

"Nothing special," She smiled while patting his shoulder.

"Don't lie, Amelia. It's so obvious he's  into you."

Amelia chuckled. "I guess that's why he asked me on a date."

Charles' breath stalled and his eyes widened. "He did what?"

"He asked me on a date the week before Qatar, and he is picking me up at 8 tonight."

Charles shook his head, he had to do his best to not show his jealousy. "Are you ready to go on dates again?"

Amelia's lips formed a little grin. "Why? Do you want to go on a date with me too, Charlie?"

Charles rolled his eyes and sighed. "I just want you to be careful." And yes, a date would be very great too.

"A date doesn't mean that I am in a relationship again. I am not ready for that."

Charles nodded. "Have you spoken about it in therapy?"

"No, actually I have not. Because my love life is not something we've discussed yet." Nor has anything been discussed since I decided not to show up anymore.

Charles tried to swallow the lump in his throat, still trying to hide his jealousy. He didn't understand why Amelia wanted to kiss him a few days ago and then go on a date with George a few later.

"You can come to my room to judge my look, okay?"

"Okay then."


A little knock on the door, half an hour before eight, gave away Charles really came.

"Hi mon chéri." Amelia smiled as she opened the door for Charles.

"Hey," He looked up and down at Amelia. She looked beautiful in her evening dress, which was tight around her body; really accentuating her figure. "You look breathtaking."

Amelia let out a little giggle. "Thank you, Charles," She turned around. "Could you please zip him up?"

Charles nodded, stepped closer to Amelia and carefully zipped up her dress, his other hand carefully placed on her shoulder. He smelled the fresh, floral scent of her perfume. And without seconds thought he opened his mouth.

"Don't go on that date."

Amelia turned around and looked at Charles in confusion. "Why not?"

"You know why."

You've got to be shitting me, Amelia thought as she suddenly began to realize why.. "Say it."

Charles shook his head, he should've just let it go. "I'm not gonna say it, you know why."

Amelia scoffed, and shook her head in disbelief. She took a step back, creating more distance between herself and Charles. "No way... you're actually jealous."

"I am not! I, I just..." Charles couldn't finish his sentence, because he was jealous and he didn't want to lie to Amelia.

"Wow. I didn't know you were the jealous type.. And honestly Charles... I can't handle another jealous-.. Never mind, I need to go."

"Another jealous what?"

"I'm leaving. We're not having this conversation."

"We need to–"

"We're not having this conversation!" Amelia cut him off. "End of discussion." She stormed past Charles, leaving him alone in her room.

Amelia: I am already in the lobby waiting for you :)
George : I am on my way :)

George arrived and immediately noticed Amelia.

"Wow," He whispered. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks George."

George took Amelia to a small Italian restaurant, a bit further than the usual, more busy restaurants. They enjoyed each other's company and had a lot of laughs, talked about the upcoming season and teased each other about who's going to beat who.

"I shouldn't have eaten that." Amelia laughed as the waiter took away their empty plates.

"Why?" George looked confused, he thought Amelia liked the pasta she had chosen herself.

"I am allergic."

George's eyes widened and he was ready to go into full panic mode. "You're what!?"

"I am lactose intolerant."

George took a deep breath, still a bit shivering. "Then why did you choose the pasta with sauce based on cheese?"

"I like the taste." She laughed.

"And what's going to happen now?" George really took an interest in Amelia's care.

Amelia laughed. "Probably just a terrible stomachache. And feeling like I want to puke all day tomorrow."

George shook his head, laughing along with Amelia. "You're just terrible." He then went ahead to pay for the meal, before the two went back to return to the hotel.

George walked with Amelia to the door of her hotel room, somewhere on the road their hands had found each other and their fingers had intertwined.

"Thank you for walking with me." Amelia turned to face George when they arrived at her door.

"It's no problem. I actually had a really good time."

"Me too."

The two 24-years olds just stood there for a little while, in a comfortable silence, until George took a step forward and softly pressed his lips on Amelia's. Her first response was to kiss him back, but at some point it just didn't feel right anymore. Loving someone new suddenly terrified her, and she instantly regretted not showing up to her therapy anymore. Her fight with Charles replayed in her head, the kiss he gave her in Monaco too. But mostly, her body filled itself with fear, fear of loving someone new, fear of loving the wrong person again. And also, Charles Lecerlc.

Amelia broke the kiss. "Promise me you're not gonna fall in love with me, George. Promise me." She softly begged against his lips. "Because right now I am not capable of loving someone and there's someone else who's had a piece of my heart ever since childhood and he..." Amelia took a deep breath, trying not to cry. "He's amazing too, and I, I... I just don't want to see you get hurt because of my unhealed trauma. Promettimi, George."

"I promise." He whispered to her lips, before taking a step back.

"I wish I was capable of loving again," Amelia whispered. "I really enjoyed our date, and you're so kind to me... I just..." A tear rolled down her cheek, but it was quickly wiped away by George's thumb.

"Don't cry, Amelia. Please, don't cry. Don't worry about my feelings alright? I'm happy to be your punching bag, if needed."

"Urgh," Amelia groaned through a small laughter in between her tears. "That sounded so cheesy."

"Can I kiss you good night?" George asked, and it was answered by Amelia's soft lips on his. It was a sweet, caring kiss and George enjoyed every moment of it. He knew he made a pointless promise, because not falling for Amelia was even harder than winning an F1 race.

A loud, constant knocking woke up Charles, he grabbed his phone to see it was 01:00 in the middle of the night. He rolled his eyes, got out of bed and stormed to the door. He couldn't believe there was a moron who would actually bang on his door in the middle of the night. After his fight with Amelia, he had returned to his room and locked himself up; he couldn't believe he had actually messed things up.

"What the fu..." He started with shouting, but his voice softened as he saw Amelia in front of him. "Amelia?"

"I am sorry," He whispered. "Sorry for our fight."

Charles opened his door, so Amelia could come in. "I am sorry too."

Amelia walked in, she was still wearing the dress; after her kiss and after George went to his own room, Amelia immediately came here.

"How was your date?" Charles asked, he actually didn't really want to know if it went well, because that would only feed his jealousy. But he was curious, because if it really went well, wouldn't that mean that they would've spent the night together too?

"It was very lovely," Amelia sighed with a small smile on her lips. "He took me to a cute, little Italian place, and we talked a lot," She found her place on Charles' bed. "And he walked me back to my room, and he kissed me gently."

"He kissed you?!" Charles noticed his tone, his jealous tone and swallowed. "Sorry."

Amelia shook her head, a little laugh escaped her lips. "Yes. He kissed me. And I... I kind of cut it off."

This time, Charles was mostly confused, but deep in his heart there was also some kind of relievement. "Why?"

"Because... I don't know." Amelia shrugged her shoulders. "Because I am scared."

"To fall in love?" Charles finally went to sit down next to Amelia.

Amelia nodded. "Yes, I believe so."

Charles nodded too, trying to build up confidence. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and looked back at Amelia, who was minding her own business looking around Charles' hotel room.

Fuck it.

Charles gently took Amelia's chin and let her face him before placing his lips on hers. Amelia was shocked, but she didn't pull back; not until Charles broke the kiss. "I promise I will catch you." He whispered, finally confessing his love.

This confession was sudden, she hadn't seen it coming; but somehow it felt as if she knew along. But still, she nodded and stood up. "I have to go back to my room, you definitely need some more sleep for the qualifying."

"Please, stay." He asked with a little begging undertone.

"I think it's better if I went to my own room." She already made her way to the door. In an instant Charles stood up and held Amelia by her waist from behind, pressing his lips in the back of her neck. He kept kissing her neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses. His hands traveled to the zipper of her dress and he slowly zipped down the zipper. His hands disappeared in the dress, touching her naked skin.

"Please, Amelia. I am begging you." As if they were back in the past, with their game of begs. His hands moved to her breasts, and as the dress had a cup holder, Amelia wasn't wearing a bra. Charles' fingers started to play with her nipple, while his other hand slowly traveled down. He noticed how her breath got messier, and even more noticeable, it got heavier.

"Charles..." Amelia moaned. "Stop teasing."

"But, ma chérie. If you don't like my teasing, then why are you moaning?"

Amelia's dress dropped to the floor, leaving her stand only in her panties. Charles pressed his body against Amelia's naked skin, leaving a trail of saliva from her neck to her cheek.

Amelia felt his hardened dick against her upper leg and his fingers entering her panties. They slowly started to make circles on her clit, and another moan escaped Amelia's lips.

In a smooth motion Charles turned Amelia around and picked her up, softly laying her on the bed and crawling on top of her. He kissed her lips, passionately and somewhat greedy, before leaving a trail of wet kisses from her neck to her breasts. Amelia moaned at the feeling of pleasure, before little stars formed before her eyes and a deadly sting of pain went through her body. "Fuck." She groaned and cramped her muscles in pain. Charles got up, looking concerned, thinking he had done something wrong.

"What's wrong?" She asked with worry in his voice.

Amelia curled up from the pain in her stomach, immediately regretting her dinner-decision earlier tonight.

"Amelia, what's going on?" Charles repeated himself, the worries only grew as he saw Amelia curled up in pain.  

"I had cheese," She murmured. "Pasta with cheese."

Charles sighed, in worry and relief. "But you are lactose intolerant."

"I know I am, but I love pasta carbonara."

Charles dropped down next to Amelia and pulled her into his arms. "Can I do something for you?"

She shook her head and rested it on his chest. "Don't give me lactose tomorrow."

"I am not ever going to give you lactose."

Amelia chuckled. "You already did with the coffee."

"Shut up." Charles laughed and pulled Amelia even closer in a hug. "Let's just try to get some more sleep."

Amelia nodded and snuggled up against Charles, she really felt at ease with him so close, she hadn't felt so comfortable in a long time.
